
Moonlit Weavers: Demons of the Night

Content Warning: This book contains explicit R18 scenes starting from Chapter 30, as well as depictions of gore, violence, and exploration of controversial topics. While there is a single primary female lead, it is important to note that the main character's romantic relationships extend beyond conventional expectations. ---------------- The darkness of the night is home to creatures born of negative thoughts and energy, and power and wealth are controlled by those who can harness their supernatural abilities. As Arathus finds himself reincarnated into an unfamiliar world, he quickly realizes that it is unlike anything he had ever known, a stark contrast to the tales of his previous existence. Instead of a realm filled with bloodshed and chaos, he enters a world where peace prevails and the presence of mythical creatures is merely a myth. Here, ordinary humans are the norm, devoid of the dark-red skin and menacing horns he saw all the time. But this world holds it's own dark secrets. Embracing his new identity as River Hart, he becomes entangled in a treacherous web spun with deceit and betrayal. But River is no ordinary man. He has a twisted sense of humor and a desire for every woman in the world. River's persona is far from conventional. He often stumbles into ill-advised situations but emerges from them like a shrewd predator, expertly manipulating the outcomes. With a twisted sense of humor and an absurd appetite for the lust, he gives paramount importance to the most trivial of matters, while feigning ignorance of issues of paramount significance. ---------------- He's a beacon of light, a shadow in the dark, A symbol of hope, despair's eternal mark. His eyes are like the river, deep and dark, A mysterious glint, like a question mark. With a heart so pure, a true work of art, His name resounds, the River Hart. -Jīnzi ---------------- Attention all mortals born after the year 2006, I strongly advise you to put down this novel and walk away, unless you want to know the forbidden secrets of your creation. It's like sneaking into your parents' room and finding out where babies really come from - it's just better not to know. But hey, if you're feeling rebellious and want to break some rules, go ahead and dive into the pages of this book. Just don't say I didn't warn you. Yours truly, The most handsome author who's about to spill some serious tea. ---------------- Please note that the cover image used for this book is not my original creation. If you are the rightful owner of this image and do not wish for it to be used, kindly leave a comment here, and I will promptly address the concern. ----------------

Jinzi · Urban
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28 Chs


After a peaceful drive with no background music, we arrived at the entrance of the majestic main building of Sightex.

The structure was not massive, but it was awe-inspiring, with two towering structures linked by a magnificent silver statue.

At the gate, we were halted by the security guards, as the car I was in didn't belong to the previous River.

The guard approached Cedric's window and leaned in to get a closer look inside the vehicle.

"ID?" he barked.

"Even I need an ID?" I shot back, giving him a confused look.

The guard squinted at me, clearly struggling to place my face.

"S-Sir?" he asked uncertainly.

"Finally, you remember!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms up in mock excitement.

The guard looked relieved. "Wow, sir, you've changed," he said.

"And here I was thinking it was you who changed since you couldn't recognize me," I teased.

"N-no, sir, it's nothing like that. Please go ahead," he stammered.

Cedric rolled up the windows and turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"For a second there, I thought you two were really friends," he said.

"Well, the way he quickly recognized me and initiated the conversation afterwards indicated that River had helped him a great deal once," I explained with a smirk.

"Very impressive deduction," Cedric said seemingly impressed.

"It was a bluff", I said.

"Uh, still impressive I guess", he replied as we drove towards the parking lot.

It appeared that River had a designated parking spot located prominently in the centre of the basement, but instead of using it, we opted to park in a more inconspicuous area.

Exiting the vehicle, we proceeded towards the lift and pressed the buttons. After a brief pause, the lift doors parted with a melodious chime, inviting us inside.

Cedric approached the manual box and placed his phone in front of it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, curious.

"I'm not opening it, it's just that every board has a chip that connects to the main security system," he replied.

"Accessing the chip would give me access to the security systems of the building, therefore, providing me with the map of the building."

"You can't behave like you're new here, can you?" Cedric quipped.

"That's evident," I replied with a chuckle.

Cedric motioned towards my phone.

"Check your phone," he said, as he fiddled with his own phone after keeping it out of the box's reach.

I took out my phone and switched on its screen. To my surprise, I found the map of the building in a 3D model, with our location displayed.

"And lastly, this," he said, extending a Bluetooth earphone towards me. The device was so tiny that it could easily go unnoticed by others unless closely examined.

"With this, you can access the information of any person you meet. It's currently set to read River's file, so you'll only get information on people that River knew," he explained.

"Ohkay," I murmured as I inserted the earphone into my left ear.

"We're ready to go," Cedric said, as the lift doors opened with a soft chime.

As we entered the building, I couldn't help but notice how different it looked from the usual white-themed office buildings.

The tiles were matt black, the walls were painted in dark hues, and the furnishings were sleek and modern wooden pieces.

Without wasting any time, we made our way towards the office. As we passed by the reception area, I turned to the receptionist and said in a serious tone,

"I'll be in the office for a while, take care of the formalities and tell everyone I'm back from the break."

The poor receptionist looked utterly confused as I rushed past her. I could hear her shouting,

"Huh?" before she managed to stammer out, "Y-yes sir!"

Cedric couldn't hold back his chuckle and whispered,

"That was quite a performance, sir. Maybe you should consider a career change?",

"You think I have what it takes?", I grinned.

"Maybe not in Hollywood, but you definitely have everyone fooled here."

"You've become more comfortable with me aye?", I said.

"S-sorry sir", he apologised.

"Even this was hilarious", I said with a chuckle.

As we made our way through the office, the employees stared at us in surprise. I couldn't help but feel a rush of satisfaction at the reaction.

Once we were inside the office, I immediately whispered to Cedric,

"Check for any surveillance devices. Hidden cameras, mics, and everything which you know can be used to spy on a person.

Cedric nodded and began scouring the room, searching every nook and cranny for any hidden cameras or microphones.

Finally, he discovered a tiny ball cam hidden inside a plant stand.

But the surprises didn't stop there. We found microphones under sofas, desks, and chairs, and cameras concealed inside plant pots, clocks, and switchboards.

There was even one right in front of River's personal drawer.

"Can you trace who put them here?" I asked in a low tone as Cedric covered the cams and mics in his fist tight.

"No, they are not any local surveillance devices. They can only be destroyed," he said.

"Is that so?" I said, taking out a bottle of beer from the shelf behind River's desk.

I twisted the cork off and downed the entire bottle in one gulp.

"Haa… this shit is good," I commented, taking a deep breath.

"Uh… can we do something about these first?" Cedric asked, showing his closed fist.

"Hold on a minute," I said.

"Did he not smoke?" I asked Cedric.

"What do you mean?" Cedric asked, confused.

"No, it's just that people who drink often smoke too. I'm surprised I don't see any cigarettes or cigars here," I mused.

"Many people have limited themselves to just drinks," Cedric responded.

"Maybe," I muttered, opening the office gate.

"Can someone bring a lighter or a matchbox to my office?" I barked out, trying to sound authoritative.

Just as I was about to close the door, an employee rushed up to me and handed me his lighter.

I took the lighter from him and closed the door.

"Put the devices in the bottle," I said to Cedric, and he seemed to understand what I was going to do.

He nodded, and we threw the devices inside the bottle, which I ignited, completely destroying every small surveillance device.

I then threw the bottle in the trash can filled with discarded papers and burnt it completely one last time.

"Well, it seems we have a lot of work to do," I said, looking around the office, which was filled with documents and other clutter.

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." 

- Mark Twain

Jinzicreators' thoughts