
Monster: Descent into madness

========== It was the year 2021, when vampires emerged and waged war against humans. Humans were outclassed by the superior vampire race and were pushed on the brink of extinction. However nature took pity on the poor humans and gave them a chance to survive... A mystical energy later named the source energy spread throughout the earth blessing humans with superpowers. Humans fought back and vampires were forced to sign a 50 years peace treaty. This is the tale of a young lad named Alciel. Worried and frustrated in the discriminatory world, he is forced to fight with his life on the line. However everything changes when the lad awakens something much darker and terrifying than both the humans and vampires. An ability named...MONSTER! Watch him as his ability slowly strips away his humanity and turns him into a true monster... ==========

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5 Chs

System II

It was 7 in the morning when Alciel opened his eyes. He got out of his bed and went straight towards the washroom.

After taking care of his buisness, he brushed his teeth and took a shower. Then he took out a black hoodie and trousers.

Dressing himself in the black clothes, Alciel looked at himself in the mirror. He had a 5'10 slim body with white complexion. His hair was short and of abyssal black colour with his eyes azure blue. Overall he had above average looks.

With a smile on his face, Alciel went to cook himself some food.

He made an omlette and prepared a toast. He poured himself a glass of orange juice and munched on his breakfast.

Like always he didn't want to eat something too fancy, just something that could keep him going.

Finishing his breakfast, Alciel washed up the dishes and went back to his room. Taking a seat on the couch near his bed, Alciel said the magical word.


A blue screen materialised before his eyes getting a gasp of surprise from him. He was still new to all these supernatural things, thus it was quite amazing for him to witness these wonders.



[Name: Alciel Yale]

[Race: Human]

[Tier: 1]

[Progress: 0/100]

[Ability: Monster]

[A.P: ???]

[Sub: Grasp of death (T1), Inhumane physique (T1)]


You don't possess the source core but your heart is your source.


"Hmm so let's analyse. Name, Race, Tier and progress seem normal enough. Then is my ability which is quite unique to say the least and then start the real problems." Alciel said while thoroughly reading the status sheet.

He knew all the basic information about the status panel. He had been taught all that ever since elementary school. The tier system is a power level system and the progress is nothing but the progression towards the next tier.

But what concerned Alciel the most was the A.P and the Sub Stat.

Alciel knew about the A.P stat well. It stood for Ability Potential, it just denoted how much a person can grow with his/her ability. Basically it was the limit of an ability. The higher the limit the more higher tier a person can reach.

However, the problem was that his A.P stat showed no accurate value. It just had 3 question marks. This worried Alciel a bit, he really wanted to know the true potential of his ability but it was not visible to him.

From what he had observed already, his ability wasn't weak. He had a feeling it was very powerful, it had even changed the system for him. But it would put his heart at ease if he could just get a glimpse of the true potential of his ability.

The next problem with this new system was the Sub section. About this Alciel had no knowledge. There had been never a mention of a Sub section in any book about Wielders.

All Wielders possessed an ability and could only do what their abilities allowed them to do. No person had ever received the Sub section in his status panel.

"So why is it there?" This was the question or more importantly, what was the function of this section?

Alciel closely observed the Sub option for a while. He saw that there were two more things written alongside the Sub section.

—Grasp of death (T1)

—Inhumane physique (T1)

"What do they mean? They seem like video game skills but...hmm maybe they are skills. Let me try them." Alciel guessed. Even though it was highly unlikely for them to be skills, Alciel still wanted to try.

"How do we activate skills in video games? But wait this isn't a video game...so" Alciel thought about using Inhumane physique but he felt no change. He had thought that thinking about the activation of the skill may trigger its effect but that didn't seem to be the case.

A little disappointed, Alciel tried to do the same with the other skill. He thought about using Grasp of death and suddenly a green smoky flame burst out of Alciel's hand.

"Woah! What that hell!" Alciel cried in fright but after some time passed, his fright changed into disbelief. The green flame wasn't hurting him in the least.

He moved his hand around and the green flame continued to dance around his finger tips. It was a sight to behold.

Then Alciel willed for the flame to go away and it suddenly did disappear into nothingness as if it never existed in the first place.

"God damnit! This is too good to be true! Then is the Sub section like skills? Maybe it is a Sub ability tab. It could be a part of monster ability, yeah that must be it." Alciel concluded as he said all that while still looking at his hand in bewilderment.

"But then again, why did that first ability not work?....hmm oh I get it now. It must be a passive skill and this one was an active one. That explains it."

Alciel did some brainstorming and using his knowledge of games he played as a kid, he answered the questions bugging him.

He had a satisfied expression on his face, he had gained a bit more insight on the new system. And knowledge is the key to everything grand.

"But I still have to fight in war. Now that I have a means to save myself, I should quickly increase my strength. And to do that, I need to hunt some beasts." Alciel said to himself with a solemn determined face.

"I better start preparing today." Alciel got up on his feet and prepared to go towards the hunting grounds.

He packed a bag with emergency food and medicine. As for a weapon, he packed a safety dagger which he had purchased a long time ago to protect himself in case of emergency.

With the bag on his back, Alciel took his first step towards the beast lair.

"Now that I am going, I feel like I am forgetting something really important."