In a completely white space that had two chairs facing each other, a man with disheveled blue hair and red eyes was tied to one with handcuffs that were made of mist. Opposite him, sat a man with an expressionless face and eyes which seemed to have lost all empathy.
"So Mr. Ink hair why are you here? Now spare me all the bullshit because I honestly don't give a rat's ass about your heroic tale of wanting to marry some random woman and doing quests. Just tell me who the fuck informed you of this place." Jin asked with a smile that seemed calm on the surface.
"No on-"
"Boooooo! wrong choice of words Ink hair. You see, when you study to become a doctor back in my place, you get to know about all these various nerves and muscles which are inside the human body. One of the bones in your leg, that's the tibia, also called the shin bone, is quite strong so it takes a significant amount of force to break it, but the pain is also greater as it usually pierces your muscle and ligaments when it's broken."
"What are you even talking about?"
"Hahahahhaha. Silly me! Who am I even ranting to? You probably won't tell me the truth anyway. I pity you actually, Alaya probably did some shit to you but who am I to care? I'll deal with her after you."
Cú Chulainn had visible fear on his face as Jin took Alaya's name but he couldn't even say anything as the cloud tying him also formed a binding on his mouth.
"Screams are annoying and believe me you don't want me getting any more annoyed." Jin took out a normal metal staff, taking a circle around him as he spoke while dragging the metal staff, making a light screeching noise.
1 hour later -
[Not gonna lie Host, you seemed like a whole other person back there.]
"Chill out a bit Eva, even if he wanted to, he probably wouldn't be able to tell us anything anyway. That conceptual bitch probably made some kind of deal with him."
[How can you be so sure about it?]
"I'm pretty good at sensing energies after training with my master, he had a thin wire-like structure connecting his magic circuits which was far more complex to be done by a human being, that's why he was almost at his prime strength even though he hasn't even started his legend yet."
'Fighting a Universal Deity might still be hard for me now, but Alaya and Gaia aren't that hard to deal with. Just need to destroy this world, and Boom! they're dead. Unfortunately, I'm still quite sane, no destroying the world for me. They don't need to know that though. As long as I'm still an unknown variable whom they don't know anything about, It'll be fine. Just need to breakthrough, get a powerup, beat the shit out of the whole counterforce and this will be over.'
[You know that we can still talk with Alaya and Gaia right?]
"Yup. Don't really want to. I'll talk to Gaia maybe, as my master, The OG Monkey King was born through her, not this one of course but who cares. Also, Gaia is a cool name. "
[Your way of thinking is weird and disturbing sometimes.]
[By the way, we still haven't got the World Quest in this one.]
"Haven't triggered the conditions yet. Let's hope I get a wife before I complete that quest."
[Yeah Host, about that, I didn't know you were a yandere.]
"I mean, I didn't have a serious relationship in my previous life because of this. Pretty sure most would call me mad there."
[Are you sure it wasn't because you were a weird guy who no one wanted to be in a relationship with?]
"I would punch your face if you were here right now. And the answer is no."
I made a clone to throw the Ink hair guy's body around the nearest human settlement, didn't kill him, though I don't think anyone is going to get a Blue haired Heroic lancer in this world. I also made some modifications to this training realm as I need to train for a while and prepare some stuff for Scáthach to train here. There was no point in training outside as her progress would be really slow on a major scale and I don't want that Conceptual Bitch to try something while I'm not with her, So it's better if she stays inside this place until I deal with Alaya and Gaia. I also put Kinto-Un around the whole island, mist can be really hard to see, so that should do for some time.
"Let's go and talk to Scáthach first, I'll breakthrough after that." Maybe I should take Lola to meet her too. It's about time they met. Just hope they hit off,
[Yup, it would be really awkward having your daughter meet some unknown lady who might become her future mother.]
"The way you put it makes me sound like a middle-aged divorcee."
[That was unintentional but I'll take your compliments.]
(A/N) - Hello people, sorry for the late chapter...We will probably see Monke's status page in the next chap, with the training he has planned for Scáthach and the first meeting between the cutest bunny and our Onee san too. So stay tuned
Thank you for reading and supporting this fanfic...
Peace out and Sayonara...