
Chapter 362 The reason behind the entrapment

Wan Zedong turned to look at the piece of white iron in Cui Guoliang's hands with a complicated look in her eyes, but in the end, she simply nodded her head in response.

Liu Mei turned to look at Shun Long with curiosity in her eyes, but she saw the look of puzzlement in his face as well, obviously having no idea what the white iron in Cui Guoliang's hands actually was.

Seeing that neither Shun Long nor the white-veiled young woman next to him were speaking, Cui Guoliang understood that he had yet to explain things properly, and with a smile on his face, the golden-haired Dao King waved his hand, as an old, tattered yellow beast skin appeared in his hands.

With a sigh that seemed to have been trying to expel all of the negative emotions that were bubbled up inside him, Cui Guoliang sat cross-legged in the air, before he looked at Shun Long and asked in a serious tone

''Little brother Shun, do you know what this white iron in my hands really is?''