
Monarch Of The Moon

This is the story about a werewolf Dale and a vampire, Rayhelle. At first they started off as enemies then enemies on a truce to enemies turned friends, though one thing was consistent with both of them; no matter how hard everyone tried to draw them apart fate keeps bringing them back together not because but they soon discover that all the coincidences fate brought to them were wolves in sheep's clothing as Dale is more than just a werewolf as much as Rayhelle is more than just your regular vampire, their fight may seem like it's amidst their kins but their true fight is with fate itself. Now the question is will they fight together and drown in it? Fight apart? Or learn to use their emotions as a weapon to protect each other instead of their fangs. Follow both of them and find out yourself.

CephasWRITES · perkotaan
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6 Chs

She's Suffering

Dale after a long day of registration stumbles. But for some reason, all of the lecturers were nice to him, and he appears to know why.

"Why is Hitch so famous, he doesn't seem like much to me," he asked Amaya.

"I don't know, everyone always seems to think it's safe as long as he's around. There are some people who would prefer to call him than the police during an emergency. I think they're crazy because they can't see that he's becoming old, even though Bart appears to be the one who will fill his shoes." She responded to him.

"Hmm," he said, munching on the hamburger Amaya had purchased earlier.

"So, now that you've settled in at school, what are your plans?" She inquired.

"I need to get a job, and I need money. That is the first thing my teacher advised me to aim towards.'

"Well, it wasn't what I was expecting," she remarked, "but Hitch is paying your tuition, right?"



"I'm on a scholarship," he explained.

"WHAT?!?" she yelled. "You did not come across as the studious type."

"The same thing was mentioned by Carson."


"He's one of the people I hang out with."

Her face became solemn. "You should avoid people like Carson and instead associate with Aiden and Abner. They are good people." "Carson is a rat, and no words can convey how stupid he is," she said, irritated.

"And how about Bart?" He inquired.

"Bart is a proud person, he won't let you roll with him, you see him around the big folks," she explained.


"Because he's a loner, I don't know much about him."

"They appear to be popular," Dale observed.

"That's because they're Hitch's lads," she explained, looking at her wristwatch. "I know I said I didn't have much going on today, but I'm sorry, I have to leave... I have-

"You're allowed to go," Dale remarked with a warm smile that made Amaya feel at ease. But she couldn't help but feel disturbed because she desperately wanted to spend time with Dale.

"So, how about this? We meet at 4:30 PM, hang out, I can tell you more about the city and introduce you to my friends, and then you go home "She stated.

"All well, but where will I meet you?" he inquired.

"Right here," she said.

"Alright," Dale nodded and smiled which allowed his brown face to shine. She then walked away. He looked around him and saw people walking around for a while before realizing he was in a garden with a tree just behind him. He got up from the bench he was seated on and lay down behind the tree, closing his eyes and listening to the birds' chirps.

After a while, all of that was interrupted by a burst of weeping and sobbing. He couldn't concentrate on the rhythm of the birds when someone softly sobbed, and the sound of it worried him. He stood up and followed the voice of a lady in a thick grey coat and black shorts, wearing black heavy boots, who was bent down behind the shrubs that bordered the garden.

"We meet again," he said quietly to himself. For some reason, he was pleased to see the white-haired lady, even though he couldn't explain why and wasn't even concerned about it.

Rayhelle jumped up suddenly. His whisper was barely audible to a human, but she wasn't one. She was taken aback when she turned to face him.

"Ragged boy?"

"My name is Dale."

"Go fuck yourself," she said as she walked away.

Dale, who had just lost his thoughts, followed her. She came to a halt as she walked out of the garden and returned her attention to him.

"Are you insane, Ragged Boy? What's the point of following me? "With a snide tone, she inquired.

"I'd like to apologize for what happened the other day," he stated.

"You have been heard. Apology not accepted; bye "She continued walking, but Dale came up to her and grabbed her hand to stop her.

The atmosphere changed abruptly as she slowly turned towards Dale, who hurriedly removed his hand.


His gaze was drawn to her trembling dark eyeballs as she slapped him and even thereafter until she eventually walked out on him.

"I swear, all I want to do is drive my hand into his chest and murder him." As she went away, she whispered to herself.

A tall man, standing 5' 10" tall, approached him; he had a fair complexion and an attention-seeking demeanour. His grey, straight hair is cut short. He has an angular face, a straight nose, small lips, and slanted dark brown eyes. He has long arms and slim hands, as well as a stocky chest, round hips, and toned legs. He was dressed in expensive attire that was light-coloured and well-fitting, and he was wearing a stylish coat.

"You shouldn't trouble such a lady," he remarked.

"She's suffering," Dale subliminally said.

"Huh?" Dale's response perplexed him. "You're probably a freshman, but that's Rayhelle." She may have a distinguishing appearance, but that is because she is the cruellest, terrible, and horrible person who has ever existed. Don't be fooled by her white hair and skin; I realize you're a freshman, which is why I'm assisting you. She grabbed my pants and tucked me inside the female closet when we were freshmen. After that, she kicked me on my buttocks and balls numerous times before abandoning me to drown in shit water, so be thankful you got slapped and just keep away from her okay."

Dale's expression made him feel embarrassed.

"Anyway, my name is Eric. "I'm in the third year, but we can still be friends," he added as he extended his hand to Dale.

Dale gave him a firm handshake. "My name is Dale," he replied but was distracted by his thoughts. 'She's in her third year,'

"Do you know what her major is?" Dale inquired, a determined expression on his face.

"Dale, these freshmen..." Eric murmured as he approached Dale and tapped his shoulder. "Don't do that, stay away; I'm truly telling you to protect yourself, okay?"

"Please!" The same resolve could be seen in his expression and heard in his voice.

"Ah, you're a tough one... don't say I didn't warn you." "She studies veterinary medicine."

"I'm also in veterinary medicine," Dale exclaimed happily.

"Actually, I'm in veterinary medicine as well. In the third year. the university student union board is throwing a party for the newcomers. Aren't you attending?"

Dale inquired, "Will she be there?"

"There's no saving you till you get in trouble with her, I wonder what she'll do to you," Eric said to Dale. But, for some inexplicable reason, she consistently attends parties and leaves with boys. Are you unhappy with what you've heard? Be disappointed because I sincerely want to save you from the mess you're attempting to create."

"Can you take me to the party location?"

"You're also new in town." "I got you, amigo," he said again, tapping Dale's shoulders. "Follow me, I can't have my amigo going to a party dressed like an errand boy."

Dale followed him, right behind as he left.