
Monarch Of The Moon

This is the story about a werewolf Dale and a vampire, Rayhelle. At first they started off as enemies then enemies on a truce to enemies turned friends, though one thing was consistent with both of them; no matter how hard everyone tried to draw them apart fate keeps bringing them back together not because but they soon discover that all the coincidences fate brought to them were wolves in sheep's clothing as Dale is more than just a werewolf as much as Rayhelle is more than just your regular vampire, their fight may seem like it's amidst their kins but their true fight is with fate itself. Now the question is will they fight together and drown in it? Fight apart? Or learn to use their emotions as a weapon to protect each other instead of their fangs. Follow both of them and find out yourself.

CephasWRITES · Urban
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6 Chs

Knowing Them

As Abner spoke his name, he shook Dale's hand. In comparison to Dale, who had brown skin, Abner was fair-skinned, and his wavy hair was pitch black. Dale's hair was likewise black, but it had a unique effect on his skin. Dale was taken aback when he received Abner's handshake. This was the first time he had met someone like him. He'd seen humanoids before, but nothing like this.

Dale looked around at the five guys, all of whom had good athletic bodies and greeted him in turn.

"Does he know?

Bart, who stands 6' 7", is a dark-skinned man.  His short, silky brown hair is twisted into a crazy afro. His face is oval, with a stubby nose and plump lips. His trapezoidal brown eyes are meaningful, and he has plucked brows.

He has a thick neck, narrow shoulders, toned arms and hands, a strong torso, round hips, muscular legs, and exceptionally huge feet. He inquired of Hitch, who was watching TV as the boys introduced themselves.

"Ah, I can't say, but Silif knew, and if he's coming from Silif, he's probably one tough kid, I mean, all those muscles don't come from nothing. Hitch replied.

They all appeared to be ecstatic about having him.

"Carson, show the new guy around," Bart suggested.

Carson is 5' 7" tall "large. His double joints are a particularly noticeable feature. His short, wavy black hair is arranged unusually. He has a small face, a large nose, narrow lips, and rounded knowing brown eyes.  He has powerful arms, a slender chest with little breasts, and short legs. 

   He led Dale out of the house. There was silence between them as they walked out into the fam and towards the backyard.

"It's fine to be casual...  I mean, we're almost the same age, I'm 19."

"Yeah, me too," Dale replied.

"Whaton is a special city, I've been here long enough to know. When I first arrived here, Bart said the same thing, and I assumed he was simply making me feel better. But after being here for two years, I'm starting to feel the same way. This city is very unique."

"So, is Bart the oldest person around here?"

"Yes, he is, I suppose it's apparent." Carson came to a halt and gazed at him. "You've heard of us, right?"

"You guys have quite a dog scent."

"That would be offensive if you said it to someone else, but I guess you are one that is yet to awaken."

"  Meanwhile, on my way, I saw a white-haired girl. She had a rotten smell. "Is she-"

Dale came to a halt as he noticed Carson's stern countenance.

"Whatever you do, don't get mixed up with her," he urged, Dale nodded looking worried about the advice but more worried about something else.

'Why did my teacher send me to a vampire-infested city and ask me to stay in a house with werewolves when he told me to avoid them?' That old man is truly bizarre "He reflected to himself.

They arrived in the middle of a dense jungle. "Have you ever witnessed a werewolf transformation?"

"Not really, but I do know a lot about werewolves."  'Because I grew up with the moon god, who is like a patron of werewolves.' In his thoughts, he concluded his statement.

"Don't tell Bart," he murmured as he undid his shirt button,  he threw his shirt upon a log of wood, exposing his chest and abs. He tightened his hand and his veins began to practically come out as his body configuration progressively shifted, with his bones snapping.


Dale was confronted by a big brown quadripedal werewolf who tore out of his body.


He held his head together as it rang hard, as though he was being forcefully triggered to remember something. Carson reverted to his human shape and donned spare trousers that had been left on the wood before they arrived.

"Are you all right?" Dale, who was sitting on the felled wood, was the one he asked.

"Yeah, just a hazy remembrance of somewhere I don't remember being." He responded.

"Hm, it could be something related to your awakening," Carson speculated.

"What exactly do you mean?" Dale inquired.

"Awakening is more difficult for us lupus breed werewolves than for the lycan breed."

"Oh, I know about that, a lupus awakening is linked to emotions, when one confronts a horrific experience for the first time or, more often than not, a near-death experience, whereas all a lycan breed needs to do is kill someone."

"You appear to be well-informed."

"Thanks to my teacher," he responded.

"Even though the lycan breed must murder before awakening, everyone aspires to be like them, a werewolf that can stand on both legs."

"However, they are only found in the Vladar tribe," Dale explained.

"The tribes that rule over all werewolves in the universe, yes." "I've always wanted to see Regin de Urazi Laynthoza el, the monarch of werewolves."

"I don't know much about him, but if you truly want to meet him, he must be a wonderful person," Dale remarked with a smile.

"Yeah, since he became monarch, we werewolves have been more open about our identities." "He's a true monarch," he continued, standing up.

"That's enough chat for now. Hitch is making preparations to enrol you at Whaton City University. I had no idea you were the academic type; I assumed you were a country bumpkin who had graduated from college. What are your plans for a major?" He inquired.

"Veterinary medicine," Dale replied, standing up.

They started walking back to the farmhouse. "Are you fond of animals?"


"What about cats?"


"Weird, a werewolf who enjoys cats. They should annoy you "Carson stated.

"I don't see why they should," Dale spoke up.

"You'll understand when you awaken," Carson replied as they continued walking.

'I've awakened though' Dale said in his head.


Dale stood in front of the university's main entrance. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen before.

'Perhaps this is a larger city than Acardia.' 'How can there be such a massive structure in this spot,' he thought to himself as he carefully moved in due to the swarm of people walking in and out of the university, minding their own thing. " He was meant to go with Bart, who was in his second year, but Bart didn't seem interested, even though it was Hitch's idea, and Dale was quick to notice. He had not been a part of society, but he had learned a lot about them over his twelve years with Silif, as a result, he set out on his own and found his way. Even though Carson was his age, he and the others were still in college. Even though he was a freshman, he and Bart were undergraduates. The stares here and there made his feet heavy, but he walked with them till a lady unexpectedly approached him.

"Hello, we meet again."

When he saw Amaya in front of him, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Yeah, we meet again," he said with a smile.

Amaya didn't know why, but when she heard Dale's tone, she felt a flood of happiness in her stomach.

"I must say, I was shocked to see you; I was wondering if it was Dale." she stated solemnly as she stared at him, "What are you studying?"

"Veterinary medicine"

"Ouch, I thought my luck would force me to be with you, but I guess not. Don't worry, I'll make sure we see each other around even though we're not majoring in the same thing.

" So.." She slid her fingers into his. "...let us take you to your department. School resumed three weeks ago, you arrived two days ago, so you are probably behind on a lot of things. It's a good thing it's Monday. I don't have much work at school, so I should be able to assist you." She remarked this as she went ahead of him, her hands tightly clinging to his and flashing him delicate and beautiful grins that made her ebony face glow in the creamy morning sun.