
Mobile suit Gundam "Iron blood of Remnant"

Those that have died the day Tekkadan was defeated in battle are given a chance to live a life that was stripped from them since their early life. from the final moments of the battle, Mikazuki fought his last battle to buy time for the non-combatants to escape and follow Orga's final order... live. defeat and battered Mikazuki would die on the battlefield as his opponent cuts off the head of his Gundam Barbatos, and declares victory for Gjallarhorn. a voice calls out to Mikazuki and not only him but other fallen members of Tekkadan that their fight and lives here were over and their second chance at life was here for them to have. Now he and others of tekkadan and even the people who were with Micgillis would also accompany them as they make their claim in this crazy new world they are now in.

DireKnight7075 · Komik
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The final battle of Mars

Year 325 [P.D]

It was quiet throughout the barren battlefield was the ground laid battered and wounds from bullets and slash marks of weapons left behind in the carnage of war as the enemies.

Tekkadan and Gjallarhorn

Fought a bloody battle as Gjallarhorn seeks the destruction of Tekkadan that dare to fight alongside Mcgillis Fareed who attempts to take control of all Gjallarhorn to bring about a new era of peace only to be stopped by the fleet commander of the Arianrhod fleet Rustal Ellion.

The battle raged on for countless days as slowly but surely Mcgillis and his forces are pushed back to mars and crushed under the weight and force of Gjallarhorn's brave men and women who reject Mcgillis vision of peace. It was sooner rather than later that Mcgillis would find himself battling against his old best friend Gaelio now standing across from one another weapons drawn and staring waiting for one to take the first action.

(Mcgillis and Gaelio final moments)

"Gaelio!" Mcgillis shouts as he takes aim and fires his weapon only to see Gaelio fire his weapon off at the same time, the world seems to slow down as the metal flew through the air and what could only be a twisted sense of irony or eternal damnation, both bullet's would find their way into their targets most vital points and with the world slowly becoming dark Gaelio walks over to Mcgillis grabbing him and pushing him against the wall despite he current condition continues onward with his quest.

"Don't die yet" Gaelios says.

"Look at me, McGillis!" he demanded him.

Mcgillis could look grunt and slowly lose focus as he looks up towards Gaelio "Gaelio?"

"Look! it's the man you killed. And the man that killed you!" he shouted at him and grunts in pain feeling the blood leaking from his wound.

however Mcgillis was slowly starting to not be able to move his body as he feels death closing in on him as his eyes could only barely see Gaelio and his ears being able to hear his voice

"I believed you as a friend and was betrayed! I was robbed of friends I trusted!" Gaelio shouted at him feeling the memories of everyone he had used to get this far only for it to be in vain.

"I can see you well enough without you telling me to" Mcgillis was able to respond with his voice shocking Gaelio somewhat.

"Rather, I had seen you all this time but pretended not to" Mcgillis confesses to Gaelio who in turn becomes more shocked by his words.


"I had to deny you and your friends, or I wouldn't have been able to move forward, being with you guys, made my lifelong aspirations waver so I looked away" he spoke more quietly as he feels body become colder due to blood loss as it was flowing from his open wound but non the less he continued to speak.

"I'd promised I would make almiria happy" Mcgillis eyes became more tired and lifeless as his face slowly began to turn pale.

Gaelios grip was losing strength but with all his hatred he kept his grip on Mcgillis neck.

"That happiness is fake!" Gaelios says his voice bearing the pain of having to just speak now.

Mcgillis looks at gaelio "Is there such a thing as true happiness and fake happiness?"

"You don't even get that?" Gaelio shouts again as tears begin to run down his cheeks and into the weightless air around him.

"Why are you crying?" Mcgillis asks him as Gaelio blinks for a moment to use his left hand to feel his tears on his face, Shocked and scared at this can only look at them and wonder if this was because of the emotions that he held in for so long.

"Gaelio... to me, you have been..." Mcgillis says as he reaches out towards him with his hand only to have Gaelio push it away.

"Don't say it" he tells him not wanting to hear those words.

"If you are about to say what I think you're about to say, then I..." Gaelio feels his body begin to quiver in an attempt to keep itself warm though at this point Gaelio could care less about such a thing as his eyes started to tear up even more.

"I might forgive you" he shouts feeling the pain and shame as he knows the man in front of him has caused him and his friends so much pain because of Mcgillis ambitions for control.

"I beg of you. don't say it... For Carta and for Ein, I..." Gaelio says in a hushed whisper not wanting to hear the words come from McGillis's lips.

Mcgillis wanted to say something as to tell him those exact words to ask for forgiveness but he didn't deserve such a kind thing and slowly his vision would become blurred and Gaelio's voice would defean and soon the hands of death wrapped around him and took away the light within his eyes.

"I have too..." Gaelio wanted to say more but when he looked at mcgillis he could see the light has faded and now feeling his own body becoming cold and slowly as he feels his eyes close and join his friends in death. "Farewell, Mcgillis".

(Mikazuki and Akihiros last stand)

The ground lay littered with pieces of metal and limbs of ripped or hacked-off mobile suits as the demons of the battlefield the Gundams fought with such prowess that they almost seemed untouchable as Gjallarhorn was losing more and more of their forces but still outnumbered them 50 to 1.

Seeing no other way commander Rustal order an orbital bombardment to quickly quell these inhuman monsters with the dainsleif they had in their possession hoping to end this right here and now.

Soon metal pillars of large size rained down from space to the skies of Mars and down upon the demons, large impacts ripples through the air as rocks dust and debries were sent flying outwards from the center and within seconds, the whole battlefield was silent after the bombardment order was given and in those moments nothing with stirring and gundams were nowhere to be seen.

"Did we get them?" ask a Graze pilot as he looks over the large crater that formed from the short aftermath trying to see through the large dust cloud overhead.

"My scanners aren't picking up anything from within...I think we got them" he said as he slumped into his seat with relief feeling safe inside his graze.

However, such a moment was short-lived as something began to emerge from the rubble and from the dust filled air the frame of a white armored beast with a symbol of a red flower upon its chest plate and blue pauldron on its right shoulder along with a pair of ominous green glowing eyes peered through the heavy dust towards the Gjallarhorn enemy.

Rising from the earth Barbatos stands tall looks out onto the battlefield once more ready to kill, it was heavily damaged half its crest was gone on the left side, its left arm was ripped off from the dainsleif attack and lost its massive mace weapon among the carnage. inside Mikazuki was bleeding from his right eye as small cuts and small pieces of metal embedded into his skin as he got Barbatos back into a fighting stance.

Not too far from him Gusion also stands up heavily damaged and two of its arms ripped off the main right arm and the back left arm and with its main left arm reach up to it'd right side and pulled out a dainsleif rod that was embedded in its right side and with a gush of machine fluids that almost acted like blood seeping from its wounds.

"Hey, you still alive?" Mikazuki asks Akihiro.

"Yeah somehow..." he replied holding into his left side with his arm as he was peppered with small pieces of metal and was bleeding heavily.

"I guess we have no choice..." Akihiro says as he looks to his screen to see an enemy mobile suit coming towards him at high speeds.

"Let's live till we die and carry out our order!!" he shouts as he sees the enemy raise its sword to strike and Akihiro responds with a coiled fist to his enemy causing the Graze to lose its footing for a moment before Gusion swings its fist again.

"Your right, we can't stop yet" Mikazuki mutters agreeing with Akihiro.

"Hey Barbatos, you don't want to stop yet, do you?" Barbatos struggles to stay standing as its eyes begin to change from green to demonic red as it howls across the battlefield.

Mikazuki licks his lips as he grins "Let's do it then!"

Barbatos leaps from its position as its tail flick's in the air as he charges towards the nearest graze as the pilot of the mobile suit could not react fast enough as Barbatos strikes right into the grazes chest and all the way into the cockpit as blood and oil gushes out into the air as Barbatos then runs with its thrusters on full blast towards its next prey.

Any Grazes with a rifle or range weapon fires at the flying demon coming towards them however few bullets hit Barbatos and the ones that do only chips or nicks at the armored beast. Barbatos crouches down and using its shoulder to bash into the Graze with a ranged weapon spin kicks it and then using the momentum uses its knee to kick the graze off balance and crushes the cockpit with its clawed foot leaving an imprint as Barbatos uses his deadly tail to impale an off-guard Graze as its Axe flies in the air, only for Barbatos to catch it and flips the axe as it bow holds it in a reverse hold as Barbatos howls once more at the sight of yet more grazes to kill.

The graze looks at the demon sees it charging at him with its allies axe and all he can do is back up while firing its rifle, although it was in vain as he screams in terror as the ax lifts his graze into the air while the blade crushes the pilot inside and the graze falls onto the ground dead, while another graze tries to outmaneuver it however the beast was far more agile and faster flanking the graze and getting past the shield it held and with little effort barbatos pulls out the whole cockpit and crushes it within its claws, turning to its left one axe embeds deep into barbatos front on the right side while another two comes right at him as sticks into the missing arm socket while the other strikes deep into the left front of its armor, battered and bleeding inside Mikazuki still holds his will to fight no matter what situation he is in as he mutters with a calm voice "Come at me."

Flicking its tail it manages to free itself from two of the axes embedded in its body as the third was still stuck in its armored front, leaping high into the air with both legs and thrusters, landing in the middle of three grazes Mikazuki swings with all his might within his tail.

Suddenly he feels barbatos being pushed back harshly by another experimental unit as it jumps in to save the grazes as the pilot shouts into the mic "Stand back! I'll handle him".

However, she noticed too late as she saw in horror that all the grazes that she tried to save had either fall over non-functioning or cut in half at the waist, dead or alive she was not sure in the moment.

Back with Akihiro and his Gusion, their fight with the lone graze who seemed dumb enough to fight him alone without back-up Akihiro manages to dodge each attack only barely as bits and pieces flies off Gusion and follow up with his own attacks causing the graze to shout in both frustration and anger "Damnit, why don't you just die already!"

Swinging his sword in anger once more he didn't see as the sand-colored monster not only keeps dodging but manages to send him flying back as he lands onto its back. Akihiro looked at the graze in front of him and looking at his options in weapons he had nothing at all until he saw something sticking out of the ground that he knew straight away what it was however before he could act he hears the graze pilot shout out to him "Accept the Judgment that I, Iok Kujan, pass on you!"

Akihiro now knowing the grazes name instantly realizes who this man was "That name..."

His mind is flooded with memories of the innocent that were killed that day that Iok ruthlessly order his forces to kill the turbines without mercy as the faces of many flashed through his eyes as the last face was of lafter smiling at him when they last departed. Anger and rage burned within his body and with a roar, he grabs the weapon within the earth and rushes towards him.

"IT WAS YOU!!!!"

Without waiting to see what his enemy picked up Iok charges in without hesitation as he aims for the center of the cockpit however, blinded by the sight of victory before him he didn't see V shape form coming right at him and before Iok could make his move he feels his graze smash into the ground with the blades of the V slowly begin to crush him all while hearing the enemies voice roar at him in again.


Iok looks around to see his cockpit slowly being crushed with him inside it as he cries out for help. "No I cannot die in a place like this...!"

Help did do in the form of his personal bodyguards who were quick to slash at the sides of the Gusion with their swords stabbing deep into Akihiro's right side "If you live long enough, I guess good things really do happen".

While speaking he can hear the screams and pleads for help as Iok slowly dies as his whole cockpit is crushed into a flat piece of scrap metal as blood gushes from the lower and upper parts of the dead graze of Iok "I never thought I get to crush you with my own hands".

Akihiro feels tired as he slowly closes his eyes as he pictures everyone waiting for him as he sighs with no regret as he dies with a calm expression "I'll have to tell everyone when I get there".

Barbato charges at Reginlaze with his only arm as he manages to rip off the shoulder pauldron of the prototype mobile suit as he uses his tail to leave a deep gash like wound in the right thigh leg as Reginlaze uses its sword to deflect another incoming strike from the tail and using its rifle pushes barbatos back from causing more damage to her mobile suit all while scream and shouting into her intercom at the pilot of barbatos.

"WHY?! Why are you still resisting!? your fighting for nothing, what cause could you possibly be serving by fighting a purposeless battle such as this one?"

"What kind of cause? What's that? Purposeless huh, well maybe. My life never had purpose but still..." Mikazuki can hear the sounds of more grazes coming his way as his radar picks up more incoming grazes towards his and the reginlaze position and without waiting he makes his move.

"No, wait! Don't go near him!" Julieta shouts out to the grazes but it was too late as she could only watch as Barbatos carves into them. Barbatos dodges a swing from a grazes Halberd and cuts the Graze with through its waist and charges yet again at another graze as it leaps into the air and first impales its tail into the grazes left shoulder which was holding an axe and crushes the rest with its large wolf-like feet only to pick it up and throw the graze while still holding onto the crushed cockpit as it tail finishes off the last graze near him and returns to its proper place as Julieta could only stare in horrified at the sight of the dead pilot within barbatos claws "You demon..."

"Maybe so, but now I have the purpose that orga gave to me" Mikazuki says in the intercom to Julieta.

"I use to have nothing at all, but now I have so much. I have so much that I can't hold it all" Mikazuki turns the head of barbatos's red eyes towards Julieta who jolted in her seat.

"The way I see it, we'd already made it there" the tank within the right should explodes as well as the lower left side of its thigh as it can hardly stand up at all, Julieta can still not understand why he is doing this she still can't make out any of the reasons he is still fighting knowing he would face.

"I don't understand you, with no cause to commit to, SO WHY" she shouts in frustration as she now sees him charging at her at full blast of its thrusters and feet, and sees the tail too late as it rips into the right shoulder joint ripping the whole arm off causing her to loose her balance but not before she manages to shoot off barbatos's right arm leaving him with no arms to fight with yet he never falters as when he gets close enough Julieta swings with her remaining arm and cuts off the frontal armor and hatch of barbatos to show the pilot inside. Zooming in with her camera feed she clearly sees him breathing but the look in his eyes.

"is he already unconscious?" Julieta asks herself as barbatos stops moving.

Breathing slowly and shivering slightly he stares outwards beyond what he sees in front of him 'We made it... to the place where we truly belong'

The Gundam barbatos then falls forward and crashes gently into the reginlaze as he hangs off of her as she now sees that he has died fighting and she could only sigh as she never got to find out why he went so far and to fight so hard.

Wasting little time she thrust her sword arm into the barbatos neck and twisted it as the rest of the body falls as the head remains on the tip of her sword.

Blood seeps down his arm and covers his luck bracelet in his own blood 'I got it dirty again, atra is going to be mad at me...'

he feels himself slip off into the darkness as the remain thoughts of his mind 'I wonder if kudelia will help me apologize to her...'

(heyo sorry for not posting alot of stuff and blockage going on but hope the rewrite and fixing of some Grammer problems can solve this for a little bit)

This took a while for me to write up as I kept getting distracted and because I'm new to writing for webnovel and I didn't know that there wasn't an autosave on Inkstone so there were times were I lost time because of that, but anywho I'm happy to have out there and to give credit to "Bladewolfzic" for inspiring me to do something similar to his/her work and hope I'm doing it just

Merry Christmas and happy holidays

DireKnight7075creators' thoughts