
Mobile suit Gundam "Iron blood of Remnant"

Those that have died the day Tekkadan was defeated in battle are given a chance to live a life that was stripped from them since their early life. from the final moments of the battle, Mikazuki fought his last battle to buy time for the non-combatants to escape and follow Orga's final order... live. defeat and battered Mikazuki would die on the battlefield as his opponent cuts off the head of his Gundam Barbatos, and declares victory for Gjallarhorn. a voice calls out to Mikazuki and not only him but other fallen members of Tekkadan that their fight and lives here were over and their second chance at life was here for them to have. Now he and others of tekkadan and even the people who were with Micgillis would also accompany them as they make their claim in this crazy new world they are now in.

DireKnight7075 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Rebirth and reunion part 1

'So this is what the afterlife looks like' Mikasuki thought as he floated through the emptied void, it wasn't anything special or old, he didn't feel cold but he didn't feel warm either almost like it was just the right feeling.

However, the more he thought about this place that he could only assume as death something changed.

A sudden burst of light came out of nowhere and blinded Mika for a second before he look and saw something that left him speechless.

He saw space, like the one back home when he fought in with his Gundam but more than that he saw a wide selection he never thought possible.

⁹The stars burned bright and saw the colors of black and blue mix and blend together to make an eye-catching cosmos, turning to his right the colors differed and saw red and yellow mixing together making orange as the colors stretches far and wide. looking around as if a weight had allowed him to turn in one spot as he keeps seeing more colors and... planets.

Mikasuki was speechless in both words and mind it felt like watching a video about the solar system and learning about each planet however something stirred him from his thoughts.

[Ah I see you fully awake now] Mikasuki heard a deep and raspy voice speak into his ear and turns to both his left and right and behind himself to find where the voice had come from wanting to know who or better yet what it was.

"Who are you?" Mika said still looking for the voice that called out to him.

[You know who I am Mikasuki August] the voice said again causing Mika to raise an eyebrow.

[We fought on the battlefield many times before, we have killed many first in the name of both family and Tekkadan] the voice continued to speak as Mika felt something under his feet and looks down to see a hand under him but it was made of metal and it ended in silver claws, turning around he finally sees who it was but also remembers who he is.

"Barbatos..." Mika says louder then a whispers as barbatos chuckles and laughs as barbatos leans down to look Mika in his eyes real close.

[Finally, you remember me as who I am] barbatos says.

"But I don't understand, you were..." Mika says as he looks over barbatos seeing him in whole again without a single scratch mark or anything aside from his Tekkadan color scheme, he also noted that barbatos look like his lupus self without the tail and long arms but of his second look after being repaired after his battle in Edmonton against the large black graze.

[Don't remind me of the embarrassment, that bitch hack my head off when I was all but exhausted out from killing her fellow pilots] Barbatos growled remembering the last stand he and Mika fought.

[Still, even after taking all that damage from the dainsleif group, I and Gusion still killed many after that] Barbatos showed no expression but Mika could tell he was still pleased about the battle even if it did result in his and barbatos death.

Mika then shrug knowing that it was all in the past now and there wasn't any real point in hanging onto it "Well it seems we are both now free from the old world, so what now?".

Barbatos looked like he was about to say something when all of a sudden they were being moved from one spot over to another.

Barbatos and Mika look around trying to understand what was going on "Do you know what's going on?" asked Mika.

[No I don't but I have a clue that, maybe it's the planet we're heading to] Barbatos said as he points out towards the planet they were heading to.

The planet looked to be similar to earth but the continents were very different and the moon that orbited the planet looked to have a massive hole that could be seen going right through the moon's center making it into a large crescent with chunks inside of it barely holding together as both were wondering what weapon could have done such a thing but questions would have to be for later as both are free-falling as they fall barbartos started to glow but not in the same sense as re-entry as he started to glow into a green light right before either of them knew it Mika blacks out.

Mika groans as he wakes up to feel a light breeze wash over him as he slowly gets up wondering what just happened. He blinks a few times before remembering before and looks around trying to find barbatos only to find himself alone with no one around, but his mind was only thinking about barbatos and where did he go.

He took a closer look at his surroundings and he noticed he was in a forest with large trees around him and the ground beneath him was somewhat soft but he knew he was laying on the grass as he slowly picks himself up he heard a voice behind him.

"Oi is someone there... I'm lost and I was hoping you...could..." The voice stops as Mika looks to as he knew straight right away who this voice belong to as he came into view his tan skin, his lilac hair color and the yellow eyes that burned with ambition for a better life was none other than his first friend who gave him purpose... Orga Itsuka.

"Orga?" Mika ask as he could barely believe that his friend was standing right there alive and breathing as the other was staring right at him as he wore his old uniform his trademark green jacket with the flower of Tekkaden's symbol on the back with the inside colored orange, his black shirt and light grey pants that came to his knees and his black boots during their protection of Kudelia Aina Bernstein.

"Yeah... it's me" he was able to utter upon seeing his old friend, they both stared at each other for what felt like forever as orga shook himself and walk over to him "you too huh?" Orga asked him.

Mika looked at him and nodded "ah"

"If you're here... then are the others-" before orga could ask Mika held up his left hand.

"No, in the end, I told everyone to follow your order... live" Mika said as orga looked somewhat relieved at his answer.

"Well, it seems I missed out on a lot of stuff since I've died" Orga said as he look around.

"Yeah Gjallarhorn showed no mercy to Mcgillis and those who followed him but in the end, I and Akihiro were able to hold them off long enough for everyone else to escape... he and I both died," Mika said summing up just about what happened.

Orga look shocked but he was still happy that everyone in Tekkaden was able to make their escape for a better life but still, Mika looked to be thinking and wondering about something.

"Oi, are you wondering why we're here?" he asked mika.

"ah, but one thing I'm not sure of is where is barbatos..." Mika said as he got up from the ground and notice something that now only caused him to realize with not only his left eye but his right eye was back to the way it was before going over the limits the first time and looking at his right arm he can move and flex his hand and fingers like before.

"I'm sorry to hear that Mika but I don't think we'll be seeing him again in this life" Orga says as he looks around blocking the sun from his eyes he notices something on the back of his left hand, it was the symbol of Tekkaden but the color was white and not red which confused him as he never got a tattoo in his life.

"Hey Mika I know I'm not going crazy but did I get a tattoo and forgot about it" Orga asked Mika wondering if he knew anything about it.

"No, I don't remember you ever telling me" Mika replied as orga showed him the tattoo, Mika look at it and wondered why he had one on his hand and out of curiosity he look to his own left hand and saw on the back the same Tekkaden symbol but in the color of red.

"Hey, it seems you have one too" Orga said as he looked at Mikazuki's hand, however, both were brought out of there was the sound of something they have never heard of before, but it sounded like a howl if it was dark and more monstrous in how it echos through the air.

"That doesn't sound good, let's get out of here and try to find someone who can help us" Orga says as Mika nods his head as both start running in a random direction.

They run as fast as their legs can run and both were in great health and had active lifestyles back in their old lives as this proves to be a lifesaver as they begin to hear something behind them. They hear what can only be footsteps and both Mika and Orga turns to see four strange humanoid-like beasts chasing after them, their bodies were colored as black as the void and had white bone plates and spikes on their bodies as they see a mask with red linings and in the shape of a wolf's skull and they were slowly gaining on them.

"Mika I really do hope this isn't the end of our second life before we even got started" Orga shouts as Mika nods his head as they look back once more to see that one of them had sprinted on ahead of the others to reach out and strike at the smaller target only for Mika to dodge the attack and almost by sheer instinct roll forward with his back foot striking the bottom jaw of the beast as it becomes stunned for a moment and loses its footing and crashes to the ground as orga look amazed at Mika feat.

"Great work Mika! I guess I shouldn't be surprised but how did you do that" Orga says without so much of breaking a sweat during their run.

"I didn't but I feel different like not only has my body returned to normal but I feel even stronger than before," Mika said adding onto the fact that both had active lifestyles that required lots of physical work and stamina to match but orga also notice that the hit Mika gave to the wolf-creature has been hit harder than expected however their attention would soon be drawn towards the sounds up ahead and sure enough their ears pick up the sounds of gunfire as both started to run faster hoping to reach someone who could help them as the number of dark monstrous creatures were adding up to now twelve of them.

"I really do hope that whoever up ahead is friendly" Orga says as both were now getting closer and closer until they saw who was firing their weapons.

There were two young men up ahead standing back to back, firing their pistols keeping three large creatures at a distance, these monsters had thick legs and thick forearms with sharp looking claws and a large center body with a short yet massive had and it had spikes sticking out of its back as well as a bone-like mask with red lines with burning red and yellow eyes in the eye sockets.

Orga and Mika saw the young men and both were surprised to see who they were as one had purple hair and the other had blonde hair, it was Gaelio and McGillis.

(one minute earlier)

"This is really not what I had in mind for a second life" Gaelio says as he looks at the creatures circling them waiting for an opening as they stood in a large opening where the trees are thirty feet away from them.

"I agree I don't wish to die in a place like this when we were really given a second chance" McGillis says as one of the creatures swings at them only for McGillis to shoot at its faceplate to make it back off and the bullets do little as it leaves only scratches as the creature begins to growl with annoyance and anger.

"So, on the count of three, we make a run for it? they might be slow if we're lucky" Gaelio suggests as McGillis weighs the options and nods to him.

"On the count of three then, one... two... thr-" right before he can say it something catches his attention and both Gaelio and McGillis look to see two young teens pop out of the tree line and stood looking at them for a sec, they couldn't believe their eyes when they saw two familiar faces.

"Orga?! Mikasuki?" both called out and this even startled the creatures circling them and McGillis seeing this chance grabs Gaelio and both start running away from the dark creatures.

"Run this way!" McGillis shouts towards Orga and Mika and both were not wasting a second as the other ones catch up to them and started chasing them again as now the four are now running for their lives.

"Never in my wildest dreams I would be seeing you two here" Mcgillis says as they run through the forest hoping they might slow down the creatures back there with the trees becoming an obstacle in their path.

"Same here and I got questions that need answering when we make it out of this" orga says as they kept running.

"Same here, but let's talk when something is not trying to kill us!" Gaelio says as he looks behind to see the creatures somewhat join together in a much large pack and chases after them.

"They just don't know when to quit" Gaelio complains as each one took their time to look back and see that both the groups are hell-bent on their deaths.

"Yeah these wolf-human-like creatures came after us from out of nowhere" Orga says as they hear one of the wolves Jumps right at them only to be shot from Gaelios pistol causing it to back off by slamming into a tree as it did the pack keeps on chasing them.

"Any plans on how to deal with them?" Mika asks as all three look at him wondering why he asked.

"It's not every day we run into Wolves and Bears made of... whatever it is, so I'm fresh out of ideas" McGillis says but then sudden all heard a voice and it was one that Mika was Familiar voice that he knew straight away.

[There you are, I was wondering what happened to you] It belongs to barbatos as Mika knew from his earlier talk with and Gaelio, McGillis and even Orga somewhat jump when they heard that voice.

"W-what was that?" Orga asked wondering where that voice came from as it respond in a somewhat annoyed tone.

[How dare you call me a what but I'll leave it be as you don't know me personally] the voice said as they came to what looked to be a dead end in the form of a large cliff face with no way of climbing it and now all four were stuck between a rock and a pack of pissed of creatures wanting to kill them.

"Great we're hearing things right before we die" Gaelio says as they hear two more voices come out of nowhere.

[We are not to die yet, for we are at the beginning of a new life] this voice was deep yet smooth and pleasing to the ear.

[There is work to be done and we won't stand by while these must try to take us down] this one wasn't deep as the other two but was strong and pure in his right.

"Mind telling us who these voices are?" Orga asks.

"The Raspy one is Barbatos" Mika said calmly as orga looked at him with a surprised expression.

"Barbatos? how can a machine talk?" orga asked as they back upright to the stone wall behind them and the creatures howling and barking at them.

[Barbatos: Mikazuki you and the others have a way of getting out of this, you just have to focus and charge head on] he said as this time it was within Mikas head. He closes his eyes and started to imagine the form of barbatos with his weapon in hand and knowing what he must do charges forward as Gaelio, McGillis and orga watch in surprise as they see Mika charge forward towards the creature.

Orga thought for a split second that mika was buying time for him and the other two to escape orga calls out to him not wanting to loose yet another family member and his first brother to these mindless creatures "MIKA!!!!!"

As if time has slowed down as Gaelio an McGillis stared in shock at the sight before them as two bright lights emitted, a Green light infront of them and a turquoise colored light shine bright spreading across the area and when the light dies the dark creature that had swung its claws put to kill its prey saw coming straight at its mask a long blunted metal sword smashed right into the creature and ripped the top part of it'd head right off as now standing in place of Mikasuki was now a tall metal demon with glowing green eyes.

Barbatos has come to fight.

Mcgillis, Gaelio and Orga stood there shocked stunned at the sight of the infamous Barbatos, 'the devil of Tekkadan' standing right in front of them. The only difference between now is that barbatos is alot smaller in size 10 feet tall and looks like its Barbatos lupus form with its trade mark mace sword and the v shape waist was covered in additional armor like someone really was inside barbatos.

"M-mika?! is that really you in there?!" Orga shouts to him as the dark creatures back away keeping their distance from the sudden appearances of this metal giant as barbatos looks to the side its optical eyes looking back at the others.

"Yeah it's me" Mika said speaking through the speakers behind the vents of its mouth piece, the creatures growing tired of waiting charge at the metal giant to kill and slaughter only for barbatos to pull back it's main weapon and swing with brute force as it kills three of the human wolf like creatures in one swing and seeing the other creatures start attacking Mika does what he does best and that is fight with everything he has.

"Alright barbatos let's show them what we're good at" Mika says to barbatos.

[let the hunt begin hehe...]

this took a while to write as writers block happens and I wasn't sure how to write the scene but I did a little more story telling to myself and came out with the first part okay looking so another chapter to the list

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