

Provided by His Royal Highness, Prince Bongawah-wah-wah, "said one of the boys. Pipl laughed." Why do you call him that? "He asked." Don't you like it? "" No, "the boys said together. A redhead he waved a sandwich to Larry. "He was a hideous, arrogant kid," he said. 'Go realmutt. He yelled at everything, like one of the seven!'

"That's why we called it Wah-wah," said another guy. "He was always wah-wah about something."

'Did you speak English?' Larry asked. "Well, he should barely know a word," Redhair said. "He used to talk nonsense - but he could speak our language well if he wanted to! Although God knows where he picked it up! Talk about Cockney!

"What school did he go to?" Larry asked. "None. Hehadatutor," Roux said. "He was a perfectly normal little kid, even though he was a prince! All his clothes were of the best quality, even his pajamas - but did he wash? No!

"A lot of foreigners are like that," the third boy mumbled. "We have two in our school. One never brushes his teeth and the other cries when he likes football. "

"Do you think the prince has been kidnapped?" Pip asked, quite enthusiastic about all this first-hand information. "I don't know and I don't care," Redhead said. "If he gets kidnapped, I hope he gets kidnapped, that's all. He looks at his sleeping bag. Have you ever liked one? "

Larry and Pippie peered into the beautiful tent. Red Hair pointed to a sleeping bag on the other side. It was certainly beautiful, quilted and quilted and beautifully embroidered. "Try it," Redhead said. "I tried it once. It's like floating on a magic carpet or something when you walk in: soft feathers!"

Pip squeezed inside. It was certainly an extremely luxurious bag, and Pip had a feeling that if he closed his eyes he would instantly fall asleep. He squirmed a little more and felt something hard against his leg. He lowered his hand to feel what he was. It was a button! Also a very fine blue button with a golden edge. Pips sat up and looked at him. The redhead looked at him. "One of the buttons on her pajamas," she said. "You should have seen them! Blue and gold with those matching buttons.

"Do you think I can keep it as a souvenir?" Pip said. Here I was wondering if it could be just a clue!

'Damn, what do you want a souvenir for? Are you in the back seat? ' the second boy said. 'Stop it if you want. I don't think Wah-Wah wants it again! If he loses a button, he gets the new pajamas! '

"Did he leave his pajamas behind?" Larry asked, thinking it would be a good idea to watch them. 'No. Get used to them, "Redhead said. "That's why everyone thinks he's been kidnapped. He would have dressed if he had run away. "

Larry and Pip came out into the open. Suddenly loud voices

he greeted them. 'Larry! Foo! What are you doing here?'

A little investigation

"Hi, Em!" Larry said surprised. He had forgotten that Em had camped in the large field of the camp. Larry and Pips waved goodbye to Redhair and his friends and pushed through the hedge towards Em. Pip had tucked the pajama button safely into his pocket. He didn't know if it would be useful or not. He friendly showed his tent to the two boys. It was a very small and humble affair compared to the big one they had just left - but Ern, Sid and Perce were very proud of it. They had never camped before and really enjoyed it. There were no sleeping bags in the tent, just old, worn carpets spread out on a ground sheet. Three mugs, three broken knives, three spoons, two forks ("Perce lost his while taking a bath," was Em's cryptic explanation), three waterproof capes, three enamel plates, and a few other items. "Good, isn't it? Em said. "We'll fetch water from the campground tap." They let us use it if we went there and back. But they don't let RVers use it. So we get it from them, and in return they sometimes cook us a meal.

There were quite a few caravans scattered around and also one or two other small tents. The trailer parked next to Ern's stent was empty and a pile of papers was blown away. "People there left," Em said. "There was a wife and two kids — the kids were babies. Twins like Perce and Sid.

"Ar," Sid said as he chewed them. "Are."

" What do you mean ? Pip asked, annoyed. "Can't you speak well?"

"Not while he's eating in his mouth," Em said. "Of course I don't allow him much when he's home, so he talks more there. But here, when he can eat candy all day, he never says much except "Ar". What about you, young Sid? '

"Ar," Sid said, trying to swallow the substance quickly, and nearly choked. "Looks like he wants to say something," Pip said with interest. "You too, Sid?" "Ar," Sid said furiously, his face red. "Oh, it's just to talk to you about twins, I guess," said Em. He loves babies. "

PipandLarry looked at Sid in surprise. He didn't look like a kid who was "fussy with kids".

Sid pointed to the floor, where there were four different sets of stroller marks. "There you are, see… I wanted to tell you about those twins," Em said. "He was always standing next to their pram, picking up all the rattles and things they dropped. I bet he's ready to cry now that they're gone. He's a funny person, Sid is. '

"Ar," Sid said quietly, almost choking again. "You're disgusting," Ern said. "You and your mess. You haven't got anything since yesterday. He will tell Maonyou. You will spit it out.

Sid walked away, seemingly giving up hope of having a good conversation. Pip heaved a sigh of relief. Sid and his caramel made him feel like a nightmare. "Sid was quite upset this morning when the twins left," Perce said, joining in the conversation in a friendly manner. "He went to shake the pram like he does when his mum wants them to fall asleep - but she was yelling at him and chasing him away.