
Mistaken Actor

mtl of I was mistaken as a monstrous genius actor

MCaldweezy · Selebritas
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88 Chs

286 - History 1

< History (1) >

Ryu Jung-min, whose smile deepened, made eye contact with Kang Woo-jin and continued speaking.

"Are you sure that you will be on stage at the Cannes Film Festival?"

Kang Woo-jin's face became even harder as he asked the question back.


It's more serious than ever. Although he didn't say it outwardly, he was answering Ryu Jeong-min on the inside.

'What is this handsome man talking about??!'

Why on earth are you even thinking about it? Can't we just accept it as is? Woojin was frustrated, but he was a great guy. No, top actor Ryu Jung-min showed a cool expression.

Because my curiosity has been resolved.

"Haha, you might say it's like Woojin. I had no idea that they were already preparing their greetings and acceptance speeches – and that too in French. "There is no need to prepare like that unless you see it as a confirmation of the award."

Kang Woo-jin smelled a strong scent of illusion. But this situation is still true. I don't know, it's funny to even pick it up.

"···I plan to speak in Korean except for the first word."

Ryu Jeong-min, who was shaking his head as if he was tired or amazed, added another comment.

"You really have no intention of failing the award? "Is receiving an award a default?"

What is the default? In French, it's all about saying you just want to eat meat. Ryu Jeong-min, who had no idea about this, suddenly crossed his arms and looked serious.

"Hmm, but the acceptance speech was in French."


"I have never won an award at Cannes. Still, if I were to give a short acceptance speech in French at Cannes… everyone would probably be shocked and give me a standing ovation."

"···Is that so?"

"Yes. In the first place, there are only a handful of Korean actors who won awards at the huge Cannes Film Festival. In addition, Hollywood actors, directors, and famous people attend, but there are also many French officials. In the first place, the Cannes Film Festival was mainly held in France. But when a Korean actor speaks in French, it is at least emotional."

Well, that should be it. Kang Woo-jin immediately understood Ryu Jeong-min's words. When an actor from a foreign country who speaks a completely different language speaks in their own language, favorability increases rapidly. It was in the same context that Hollywood actors came to Korea and spoke Korean.

At this point, Ryu Jeong-min spoke as if something suddenly occurred to him.

"Ah, but Woojin's English is at a native level, right?"


Choi Seong-geon was briefing Woo-jin, who was now moving to the set of 'Familiar Gisaeng', after finishing a post-production promotional meeting at Oullim Film Company, which included Kang Woo-jin's supporting shooting.

"Starting tomorrow, most of the surprise and unexpected places will be Seoul. "You heard it in the meeting earlier, right?"

For your information, several issues came up at the Oullim Film Company meeting. It was about how to provide promotional support for Kang Woo-jin, who returned. A lot of ideas came out. One of them was Kang Woo-jin's idea. It was a case containing the words 'surprise, sudden'.

"It will be a little tighter, but let's give it some strength. We missed the promotional schedule due to our own circumstances, so we have to make up for it."

Of course, Kang Woo-jin accepted most of them.

'Island of the Missing' briefly gained strength again with Kang Woo-jin's Golden Return, but it was also true that as the release date went by, the wind slowly lost steam. If there was no shock at this point, there was a possibility that it would stop at the level of 'Naval Battle'.



Woojin, who was listening to Choi Seong-gun's briefing with an indifferent expression, secretly took out his cell phone. And then I checked the current performance of 'Island of the Missing'. Today is the 7th, so to be exact, these were the results as of yesterday.

[View audience count on June 6, 2021]

[Daily domestic box office]

1. Island of the Missing / Release date: May 19 / Number of audiences: 497,558 / Number of screens: 1159 / Cumulative number of viewers: 13,932,969

14 million viewers. It is true that 'Island of the Missing' is in the top 10 movies of all time, and has already achieved tremendous results. However, compared to the early days of release, the number of viewers was clearly reduced, and about 3 million more viewers were still needed to clearly rank the number one movie, 'The Battle of the Sea'.

Kang Woo-jin looked down at his phone and muttered to himself.

'3 million – 3 million.'

If you think about simple calculations, it seems like it could be done in about 10 days like this, but after listening to Choi Seong-gun's words and the meeting held at Oullim Film Company today, it didn't seem that easy.

'Did you say that the number of moviegoers suddenly drops in the second half of the release?'

At a certain point, the drop in audience numbers becomes serious. At the beginning of its release, it attracted 500,000 viewers per day, but after a few weeks, the number dropped to 100,000. No, there were many movies with 50,000 characters.

'Well, it was like that when I was a drug dealer.'

There are also movies that soared in the ratings, earning around 3 million, but then collapsed overnight, ending with 3.5 million. What if 'Island of the Missing' gets close to 16 million and then just stops? It may have been impossible, but losing so close was not a good idea.

'Oh, Mr., just imagining it makes you mad?'

At least that was what Kang Woo-jin thought.

Losing the throne right before your eyes? Second place would be a great achievement, but it does not have the same impact as first place. 'Island of the Missing', which naturally took first place, is better than 'Island of the Missing', which threatened to take first place, right?

In addition, 'Island of the Missing' had one more homework to complete.

Choi Seong-gun, sitting in the passenger seat, muttered the homework under his breath.

"Hehe, I think the picture would be pretty even if it only came out in the late 17 million range. The same goes for securing first place in the future."

Although it was important to take away the throne as the number one Korean film, it was also necessary to set a unique historical record for later. This is an enormous number of viewers that other films that are chasing it cannot surpass.

If that happens, Kang Woo-jin will be given another 'first' title. His first film as a lead actor achieved an overwhelming number of viewers that had never existed before in the Korean film industry.

It's strange that I don't feel drooling.

It was Kang Woo-jin's pure desire and greed rather than the concept. Or maybe it's the desire to win. If you're almost there but collapse at a high point, it's not only disappointing, it's even worse, right? For some reason, it seemed like it would remain in her memory for the rest of her life.

'If I've come this far, I have to turn over even if it means my body turns to pieces. must.'

The next day, around noon.

The location is a large multiplex movie theater near Dogok Station. It was the largest movie theater in the area, and even though it was lunchtime on a weekday, the lobby was overflowing with people.

"Wow, is that a real story about the concession election?"

"Why are there so many people? "Oh, so let's go to a small movie theater."

"You crazy guy, did you think there would be this many people?"

There were quite a few students wearing school uniforms, including groups of college students and couples. Is it truly peak season for theaters? Additionally, the quality of recently released movies was high. Not only the syndrome's 'Island of the Missing', but new movies that are continuously being released attract audiences to movie theaters.

So, there is no publicity war everywhere in movie theaters.

Trailers for upcoming or newly released movies were played frantically on several large monitors installed, and numerous billboards or life-sized stands were erected in highly visible areas. There were also posters everywhere. The screening times of various movies are displayed on the monitor above the ticket booth and concession stand.

There was also 'Island of the Missing' and numerous other movies.



A woman who had just gotten off the elevator caught my eye. She was wearing a white mask and her long hair was rolled up. Perhaps because of the warmer weather, she wore shorts with her tight sleeves. Holding her phone in her hand, she was also surprised by the crowds that flocked to her movie theater.


And then he whispered softly.

"I should have just come early."

Anyway, she took a picture of the entire movie theater lobby with her cell phone. However, her photo-taking form is unusual. While she was doing this, several men around her glanced at her. She whispers. Anyway, the woman took a few pictures of the 'Island of the Missing' poster and billboard and then moved to the bathroom.

She then takes a picture of herself in the mirror.

"Oh, the mirror shape here is nice."

The woman must have liked the dozens of photos she took, raising the corner of her mouth hidden behind her mask. Then she touched the gallery on her phone. Soon, the amazing photos stored were revealed.

It was worth it.

Because the woman was an influencer with 500,000 followers on Instagram and a YouTube channel with 150,000 subscribers. The name is Joo-Arang. She is well known as a model and YouTuber. In particular, she has many fans on Instagram.

In other words, all the photos she took at the movie theater were for upload.

"Today is everyday life, everyday life-"

She hummed a little, checked the time, and moved toward the entrance of the theater. After being guided by the staff, she arrived in front of Building 3. There is a poster for the movie to be screened in front of theater 3.

-'Island of the Missing'

This poster was also photographed by influencer Joo A-rang, and she began to look closely at the actors in the poster. She continued to see visitors enter the theater next to her, but Joo A-rang only saw one person.

'Phew – Kang Woo-jin is really cool.'

Corporal Jin Seon-cheol in the poster. No, it was Kang Woo-jin. Because Joo-arang was a big fan of Woo-jin. Plus, is he close to his ideal type? Whatever it was, she entered the theater with a satisfied face. Moderately bright interior.

Even though it was lunchtime on a weekday, more than 70% of the seats were occupied.

Juarang, who was a little surprised on the inside, moved to find the seat he had reserved. About the middle of column H. The place was a good place, but for some reason she grumbled inside.

'Miss, why are they a couple?'

Because there were couples on both sides with their arms around each other. It wasn't a very good sight for her as she was single. Still, Joo-rang sat down in his seat. While regretting that I should have seen him as Jojo.

at the same time.

"Oppa, can I watch 'Island of the Missing' again?"

"Yes, you can look. "If I see you with me, I'll see you 10 times."

"Ah, what is it?"

The couple's conversation caught Joo Arang's ears.

"You really shouldn't find this fun."

"What if there is nothing? "I heard the kids said it was really fun?"

"Ah, but I'm scared of thrillers."

"You can hold hands and watch."

"Don't let go, really."

For a moment, should I just go home? It was time for Joa-rang to let out a long breath and hold it in.


Suddenly, the interior lighting of the theater dimmed slightly. Thanks to this, hundreds of audience members roared.


"Are you testing?"

"It suddenly got a little dark."

"I guess the employee made a mistake."

The same thing happened to influencer Joo Arang, who was looking around. It was when she tilted her head.


Among the couple sitting next to Joo A-rang, the man took a picture of the front screen with his index finger, which became the starting point and the attention of hundreds of spectators was also focused on the front. For some reason, large letters were being displayed on the large screen in front, along with a poster for a different version of 'Island of the Missing'.

-Surprise stage greeting before the screening of 'Island of the Missing'

-Attending actors: Ryu Jeong-min, Kang Woo-jin, Ha Yu-ra, Kim I-won

Hundreds of spectators watching the screen blinked. Joo-Arang, who was dazed, also had the same expression.


"······Wow, awesome. Sincerity?"

"Now, it's not that it didn't come out well."

"Those actors are coming out?"

"Have you ever heard of a stage greeting??!"

The murmur grew louder among the audience. It was natural. Such a sudden stage greeting event? The flow gradually spread throughout the theater.

"You must be crazy!! Wait a minute, cell phone! cell phone!"

"If this is a mistake and I'm really crying?!"

"where? Where does it come from??"

"No, he suddenly gave me a stage greeting out of nowhere… Huh? uh! excuse me!!"

Just as the roar was replaced by cheers, the emergency door on the side of the front screen opened and someone came in.

There were five big guards.

After that, people with bursting auras appeared one by one. They were the actors of 'Island of the Missing'. The start was Ryu Jeong-min, followed by Ha Yu-ra and Kim I-won.

The audience screamed and screamed at their surprise appearance.


"oh my god! "It's really awesome!!"


Hundreds of spectators had their cell phones raised above their heads as if they were salty. Almost everything was like that. Of course, it was the same with influencer Joo Arang.

"crazy!! Wow!!!"

Her mask came off slightly, but she took pictures as if there was no time to fix it.

It was at this time.

The last of the actors appeared, a black-haired actor wearing a toned-down beige blazer over a white T-shirt.

It was Kang Woo-jin with an indifferent face.


Hundreds of spectators' eyes widened.

"Huh!! Go, Kang Woo-jin!"

I started taking pictures of Kang Woo-jin like crazy.

A few days later, on the 11th. night.

It was late Friday night. The location is the 'Leech' set. As filming for the second half of the film was in full swing, director Gabok Ang, the 100 staff members, and the actors all looked sensitive. Of course, Kang Woo-jin in front of the camera. No, 'Park Ha-seong' too.

Meanwhile, Director Anga Bok's quiet signal spread.

"Cut. OK."

Afterwards, director Ahn Ga-bok was assigned to Kang Woo-jin, who quickly brought out the scent of 'Park Ha-seong'.

"You had a hard time today. I'll be on standby a little early tomorrow, so get some rest as soon as possible."

"Understood, Director."

It was close to midnight, but the 'Leech' team's filming wasn't all finished. Among the actors, only Kang Woo-jin's part has been completed, and there is still a little more filming schedule left. Whatever it was, only Woojin and his team moved by van. For reference, today Kang Woo-jin does not go home, but moves to a nearby hotel.


Soon, Kang Woo-jin gets into the van. Although he had a poker face on the outside, Woojin was clearly tired. Thanks to the recent publicity support campaign for 'Island of the Missing', at least 10 bodies were missing.

'If I hadn't used subspace, I might have died.'

As Woojin was muttering to himself, the van left the parking lot outside the set. Kang Woo-jin looked out the window, and all he could see was pitch darkness.


I noticed something and picked up my phone. First of all, on his cell phone screen, which had reduced the dazzling lighting, the same numbers were displayed as he had seen earlier during a break in filming.

[Korea's all-time box office]

[All-time movie rankings (combined)]

-One. Naval Battle/Cumulative audience: 16,715,955

-2. Island of the Missing/ Cumulative number of viewers: 16,281,337

-3. Force Majeure/Cumulative number of audience: 15,557,118





This was Korea's all-time box office ranking. It was like the history of the Korean film industry. In terms of painting, 'Island of the Lost' came in just below 'Battle of the Sea', but it was still in second place. Of course, today's results, Friday, are not included. Well, thanks to Kang Woo-jin's promotional support, 'Island of the Missing' gained momentum again.

There was currently an uproar in the media. Because it is of unprecedented interest.

Kang Woo-jin put down the cell phone he was looking at. The more I looked at it, the more anxious I became.

'Tomorrow, tomorrow.'

Then the next morning. Kang Woo-jin wakes up in a bed in his dormitory with scattered hair.

"cell phone."

I immediately picked up the cell phone on my bedside table. A message or text message seemed to have arrived, but Kang Woo-jin had no time to check anything else.


Because I had to first refresh the page I was looking at yesterday. Soon, updated pictures began to appear on his cell phone.

Kang Woo-jin, who saw that, recited without realizing it.

"Wow, does this work?"

My eyes widened slightly. It was well worth it.

[Korea's all-time box office]

[All-time movie rankings (combined)]

-One. Island of the Missing/ Cumulative number of viewers: 16,752,991

-2. Naval Battle/Cumulative audience: 16,715,955

-3. Force Majeure/Cumulative number of audience: 15,557,118





Because it was a moment that changed Korean film history.

< History (1) > End