
Mistaken Actor

mtl of I was mistaken as a monstrous genius actor

MCaldweezy · Selebritas
Peringkat tidak cukup
88 Chs

278 - Chronicles 9

Chronicles (9) >

Chairman Hideki's proposal while sitting at the head table of the five-person sofa. The suggestion was passed through the interpreter sitting on the sofa across from pony-haired Choi Seong-geon, and Choi Seong-geon's eyes widened as he understood the exact meaning.

'Do you have overseas branches??'

He is slightly embarrassed. He fully deserved it. Even though it was sudden, it was too sudden. Chairman Hideki is currently the main investor in 'Unfamiliar Gisaeng' and was also a strong supporter of BW Entertainment. Of course, it was Chairman Hideki's personal power, not the head of the Kashihi Group.

All authority was entrusted to Choi Seong-geon.

Thanks to this, Chairman Hideki only occasionally confirmed Choi Seong-geon's reports.

Well, I have a feeling that things will take care of themselves.

This time, Choi Seong-geon was in Japan, so he came to give a briefing in person, and suddenly Chairman Hideki made his first suggestion or proposal. To create an overseas branch of BW Entertainment.

Seonggeon Choi.

'I can't control this guy's sudden actions. First, let's give it a try.'

I suddenly corrected my mind and posture. For some reason, it felt like something big was coming.

"······When you say overseas branch, which one are you referring to?"

Although Choi Seong-gun could speak Japanese to some extent, he spoke in Korean to convey the exact meaning, and the interpreter relayed it to Chairman Hideki. Soon, Chairman Hideki, who had been laughing slightly, let out a loud voice.

"Where should I go? Hollywood."


I'm serious. Chairman Hideki was not speaking roughly. At least Choi Seong-geon thought so. Chairman Hideki's wrinkled mouth was smiling, but his eyes were sharp. At this time, Choi Seong-geon was tapping away at the calculator in his head. Because he was a top-notch person in terms of his understanding of the situation and his sense of insight.

'Stay still. If you're serious, you should hear as much as possible here.'

BW Entertainment's business expansion in Korea was already running solidly. There were quite a few top and A-level players, including Kang Woo-jin, Hong Hye-yeon, and Ryu Jeong-min. We are also expanding our business with new players. BW Entertainment's growth is probably the steepest among domestic entertainment companies.


'I feel a little fast.'

Domestic businesses had not yet stabilized. If it were to expand overseas in this state, there was a high possibility that problems would arise somewhere.

'If you give me money, I'm grateful, but if I can't digest it, that's just bad.'

Of course, one day, BW Entertainment will have to expand overseas, but right now, it is too much for us. Nevertheless, it is idiotic to refuse investors' money. Choi Seong-geon decided that it would be better to get a definite answer for now.

down payment. Or, you can take the money and progress the business a little more slowly.

At this time.

"But it might be a little overwhelming right now, right?"

Chairman Hideki slowly crossed his legs and spoke leisurely Japanese. As expected, Chairman Hideki seemed to know it well. I also looked at reports and materials brought by Choi Seong-geon, and more than anything, he was the head of the large Japanese group Kashihi. What he didn't know was even weirder.

"Looking at BW Entertainment's current situation, it would be right to solidify our work in Korea rather than overseas."

Seong-geon Choi acknowledged it, but left open the possibility.

"Yes that's right. As you can see from the financial statements we usually send, BW Entertainment is currently spreading its wings, so there is no need to overdo it. However, it is not impossible to have an overseas branch. "As long as we don't proceed in a hurry."

After hearing the interpretation, Chairman Hideki slowly nodded, and Choi Seong-geon, who became serious, asked back.

"But may I ask why you suddenly thought of an overseas branch?"

Chairman Hideki, who recalled Kang Woo-jin on the set of 'Familiar Gisaeng', responded.

"We have recruited quite a few top players, so we need to improve our skills. Because the territory is also the face of the company. Above all, Kang Woo-jin is not a person who only makes a splash in Korea or Japan. The buzz has already begun in Hollywood. "It's the same in Japan. Kang Woo-jin has laid it all out, so we need to start with overseas branches and branch out to Japanese branches."

A monster named Kang Woo-jin is leading the way through a lush mountain path. All that was left to do was to walk comfortably thanks to Woojin's influence. That is why we need a superstar who can shake up the market in any field.

Chairman Hideki continued.

"If 'Unfamiliar Gisaeng' does well, there will be no problem in opening a Japanese branch first. Still, I think overseas branches come first. Kang Woo-jin's 'Leech', working on an album with Miley Cara, and a love call from Hollywood that she had already rejected. "He has already made a mark on Hollywood and will expand quickly."

"As early as next year."

"If 'Leech' does well at Cannes, it will be faster. The overseas branch I mentioned was to create a home for Kang Woo-jin in Hollywood during that time. It doesn't matter if it's superficial for now. However, the care of Kang Woo-jin, who will be active in Hollywood, is essential, and in the meantime, the agency will be promoted, so shouldn't there be a focal point in Hollywood?"

"Well definitely. "Rather than having a company located in Korea, there is a more glamorous picture of having the headquarters in Korea and a branch office in Hollywood."

"That means we need to take care of Kang Woo-jin's form as well."

In the conversation between the two, there was no mention of Kang Woo-jin's failure. It included a design that would 100% shake up Hollywood. It was natural. Because Kang Woo-jin is already devouring Korea and Japan in a prelude.

Choi Seong-geon then answered with a faint smile.

"We will sort out the overseas branch matter as quickly as possible."

A few hours later, late lunch.

After finishing his stomach-churning meal at a Korean restaurant, Kang Woo-jin was currently in a van driving on the streets of Tokyo. The destination he was going to was 'A10 Studio', the production company of the animation 'Boyfriend: Remake', located near Tokyo Station. Today, along with the first meeting of all the voice actors, there will be a brief script reading.

The actual recording was scheduled a few days later.

Anyway, the van in which Kang Woo-jin rode was noisy. It was even more so because there was no Choi Seong-geon to set the mood. Even though Han Ye-jeong, who was rather cold, was cutting off the pulse, their excitement did not subside.

Well, it wasn't that Woojin didn't understand.

'Both Japan and Korea are booming. Oh, but it's about me, right?'

Because the actor's staff is happy when their artist is doing well. When an actor does well, the staff's acting skills sometimes become different. Currently, Woojin is a monster not only in Japan but also in Korea and even in the online world. I'm talking about SNS or YouTube channels.

I can't help but be happy because no area is missing.

Of course, Kang Woo-jin's intentions were running wild. But having a decent poker face was more important. To be honest, I didn't think tap dancing would be enough right now. But Woojin holds back.

On the other hand.



Kang Woo-jin's cell phone did not hold back. Because something has been ringing since morning. No, recently his cell phone has been vibrating like crazy. Because numerous messages were arriving. Talks and texts, including DMs, explode. In the group chat room where my friends gathered, they were talking about the reactions and grades of 'Island of the Missing' in real time.

Due to these communications, Woojin was currently in Japan, but he was mistaken in thinking that he was in Korea.

'Don't these bastards work?? It's very honey.'

Kang Woo-jin, who responded appropriately to the messages that arrived, accessed the portal site. He tried not to look as much as possible for the sake of concept quality, but this time, curiosity got the better of him. Huge issues that are immediately visible. Among the many topics, the one that stood out the most was the 'Island of the Missing', which caused quite a stir.

'Wow – crazy, the media really went crazy.'

Kang Woo-jin scanned through the titles of numerous articles in the entertainment section. What's interesting is that most articles are uploaded a few minutes ago. It was said that it was pouring down like a flood.

Well, the media is at this point, and even without looking at public opinion in the community, it's a video.

-Wow, is it really going to change to the #1 movie??!

-But it's worth it hahaha I came to see Missing Island today and seriously, the prime time slot is still completely sold out hahaha

-Firepower is awesome;;;

-It's fun and the actors are really good at acting, especially Kang Woo-jin.

-Hand of Midas x Hand of Kang Woo-jin o

-No, don't make a fuss lol I was having fun.

-ㅇㅈㅈThe island of disappearance is in serious bubble right now.

-But what is the No. 1 movie in Korea?

-Search for sickness or illness.

-↑The movie Naval Battle was first place with 16.7 million? 1st place among all Korean movies

-Wow, are you asking Missing Island to hand over that now?? But 1670…it's really strong.

-But aren't Kang Woo-jin and Ryu Jeong-min truly hitting home runs in succession? Especially Kang Woo-jin's form is just chewy.

-Kang Woo-jin seems to be excited about choosing a project.




The public's mouths and fingers cannot rest.

In this way, 'Island of the Missing' was slowly rushing toward reaching 10 million viewers.

『'The Island of the Missing' has already surpassed 8 million, and is on the verge of breaking the 'Sea Battle' record… The score is already two days ahead』

『[Big Issue] Will 'Naval Battle' surpass the record?… 'Island of the Missing' 10 million countdown』

『'Island of the Missing' in front of 10 million viewers, the same goes for Korea's No. 1 movie title of all time!』

However, the speed was unlikely to stop at 10 million.

Meanwhile, Incheon, Korea.

Hwasu Pier among the docks in Incheon. There was a fairly wide mud flat near Hwasu Pier, which was smaller than other places, and on the other side there were small houses and shops close together. There were many different types of stores. Homes, restaurants, hardware stores, etc. There are many alleys in between. The road ahead was a mixture of dirt, dirt, and pavement.

Dozens of people gathered there.

Some hang cameras, some raise lights, some lower tables and various audio devices, and some set necessary props in visible places around them. Passing through the filming location, there were vans and minibuses parked on the shoulder of the road. From the looks of it, it was a filming team.

At this time.


An old man wearing a black knit, suitable for filming, appeared. It was veteran director Ga-bok Ang who came to look around the area. His short white hair and wrinkled face were still there. No, maybe the wrinkles are darker. That's because he often stays up all night. He looked at the place where the setting was in full swing and gave instructions to the assistant director standing next to him.

"That dirt road over there, is there any need to level it? It's actually more awkward, in my eyes. "Let me restore that to its original state."

"ah! yep! All right!!"

The team of the movie 'Leech' was about to go on an outdoor shoot. Past director Ga-bok Ang, in front of us is top actor Jin Jae-jun doing makeup. Perhaps this scene seemed to be Jin Jae-jun's turn. Next, director Anga Bok sat at a table set up with several monitors.


While sighing softly, I picked up the filming storyboard on the table. The remaining filming is approximately 30%. He slowly crossed his legs and muttered softly.

"······Mid to late part- Should I speed up a little more?"

Although filming was already underway under a hellish schedule, director Ang Bok still couldn't shake the feeling that the deadline was running out.

'It's already June in a few days.'

Fortunately, while filming continued, I was still working on the rough draft of post-production editing whenever I had time. But no matter how you look at it, time had to be split. That's what he thought of director Anga Bok at least.

At this time.


Director Ang Bok's cell phone rang. The other person was the CEO of the film company in charge of producing 'Leech'.

"Yes, it's me."

The slightly excited voice of the head of the film company rang through the cell phone.

"Director, Cannes just announced the official opening day."

Around 2 o'clock, Japan.

Kang Woo-jin, who had just arrived at Japan's TOP 3 animation production company 'A10 Studio', got out of the van. Woojin solemnly looks at the building. The building of 'A10 Studio' was still huge, and the various statues and life-size statues of animation characters placed near the entrance were still the same.

'No, how many were added? Is this your first time seeing a female character over there?'

Anyway, the team gathered around Kang Woo-jin and he took off. At the same time, a little tension arose.

'They're Japanese voice actors – this is my first time seeing them. 'How does it feel?'

Soon, I was going to meet many voice actors participating in 'Boyfriend: Remake'. Because animation is so powerful in Japan, unlike in Korea, voice actors are somewhat treated as celebrities. In fact, popular voice actors hold fan meetings, autograph sessions, and appear on entertainment shows.

Still, it was very unfamiliar to Kang Woo-jin.

This moment.


Woojin stopped moving his feet. Because my cell phone vibrated for a long time in my denim jacket pocket. It was a phone call, and Kang Woo-jin gestured to the staff, including Jang Soo-hwan, to take a moment, then checked the caller.

'Young things. No, it's director Gabok Ang?'

The caller was director Anga Bok. Soon, Kang Woo-jin puts his cell phone to his ear with a stern expression.

"Yes, director. hello."

An old voice rang from the other end of the phone.

"Okay, since we're both busy, I thought I'd just convey the main points, so I called."

"Say yes."

"The opening date of the Cannes Film Festival has been confirmed, September 30th. "It will last for 10 days."

The Cannes Film Festival opens on September 30th.

"Is that so?"

In other words, Kang Woo-jin goes to France around that time.

< Chronicles (9) > End