

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
77 Chs

Chapter 66

"Hi!It's been a long time since we last saw eachother."

Gabriel smiled warmly at her as he greeted.Amelie forced a smile and nodded in greeting.

"I never thought you would be in a place like this.What brings you around here?"

Amelien lowered her head and looked at the id hanging on her neck that everybody participant had.She held it at said just a word.

"For work,like everybody else."

"I see..."Amelie hadn't left the sentence open for a conversation so she was just about to greet him and leave but she had underestimated Gabriel's conversational skills

"Which company are you with?"


"Oh?I did see from the program that there would be a display from this company at the panair tomorrow.Quite an interesting concept,I can barely wait to see tomorrow.Are you part of the staff?"

"...I guess you can say that."

Gabriel then started to get into more personal questions and the conversation felt like it wasn't about to end.

"Well then,I'll get-"

Amelie was trying to end the conversation, but Gabriel wasn't picking her signals and kept talking and talking.He had also gotten closer to her,a bit too close for Amelie's comfort zone.Amelie took a step back a little trying to widen their distance.

"For a moment I didn't recognise you." Gabriel said with a smile,then he took a step closer and grabbed a strand of her hair.

"This new hairstyle looks really good on you!I like it!"

Amelie's brows furrowed and she thanked him dryily and took another step back to avoid his touch.

Was this man a psycho or just clueless?Why was he touching her all of a sudden after she had made it obvious that she wanted to keep her distance?

"Mr.Gabriel,I'm a bit in a hurry,right now.I have to leave."she then nodded in goodbye and passed him.

Gabriel looked at her leaving hurriedly.The previous gentle eyes becoming gloomy.He mumbled something to himself then smiled.

As if it weren't her lucky day,Amelie encountered another man she didn't wanna see.

Aiden stopped on his tracks when he saw the woman in front of him.Amelie's eyes shook a bit and her body flinched.But she immediately composed herself in less than a second.She looked straight ahead and tried her best to avoid looking at that man.

Aiden was about to say something,but before he could the woman passed by him again as if were a stranger.

It had been several months since they had last seen eachother.No phone call,no text message and now that they finally saw eachother,she wouldn't even nod at him as a greeting,hell not even scoff at him out of anger.

Aiden turned around and laughed at her sarcastically.

"You really are a great actress!For a moment I also thought I had mistaken you for somebody else!"

Amelie shut her eyes tightly,but still kept her head high and back straight.There was no one else at the corridor so she acted as if there was no one but her.It was better this way.What was the point at yelling at someone who isn't willing to listen so from now on she would also not listen.Theres no one here,but me.

Seeing that she didn't even bother to turn her head.Aiden finally understood that in this game he had made the rules of,he had completely lost.In this game where he had thought to make her pay,he was the one paying.

Why was he the one hurt here?This was supposed to be the consequences of her actions so why was he the one suffering instead?

Aiden turned around and continued walking infront.

Amelie went to the emergency stairs and closed the door.People would rarely be here so she crouched and hugged her knees trying to hold her emotions.Seeing how her vision was getting blurry,Amelie stood up and held her head up trying to fan her eyes.

"[Don't cry!Don't cry!Don't cry!Don't cry!]" She chanted to herself."[You'll ruin your make up!]"

Amelie tried her best to dry her tears before slipping.After a few minutes she took a deep breath and put on her best smile,then went out to work.

Physically she was socialising,but mentally she just wanted to go to bed and hope that she could sleep this conference and panair through,immediately waking up home.

After hours she could finally go and rest.She didn't have any more encounters with her 'husband' since they were basically in two completely different levels here.A many decades worth of brand could never compare with a few years old company after all.For the first she didn't feel any sort of negative emotion from their difference in statuses.

Amelie took a lomg shower and layed down on the bed.Despite being tired she couldn't sleep and stared at the ceiling.She didn't think he would've been here today.Usually an important representative would come,after all it wasn't a small event,but this time there were a lot of bigshots.

Amelie thought of the possibilities for thsese people here,but after pondering a while she just let it go.The reason wasn't any of her concern anyway since it wasn't her business,but she would try her best to use this opportunity well.It would be hard and with a high percentage of failure,but she could still hit a few shots with the hope of gaining investment for her uniqe project.There was nothing for her to lose. Maybe this time she could be the one to change the world?Even if it was a small chance she would take it.