

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
77 Chs

Chapter 4

"I'm home!"Amelie said as she removed her outdoor shoes.

"This late again?"her mother said as she crossed her hands on her chest.

The woman had golden eyes.Her face was small and all her features were sharp,a very elegant and thin nose,her lips plump and cupid bowed shaped identical to those of Amelie.Her face had the same shadow as her and her aura was also the same,elegant and unapproachable.

"How have you been doing Ame?How was your day at work Ame?"

"Try getting home in time for dinner Ame!"her mother interrupted her imitation angrily.

"Hey,it's not that late and I'm already an adult,I can come home whenever I want!" Amelie pouted at her mother.

"If it were to have some fun or with some man,I'll understand,but you were glaring your eyes at a screen instead of leaving the work for a more healthy time of the day!"

"Okay,okay,I know it's out of worry!So what's for dinner?"

"And now you change the topic.You little sneaky devil!You should've been a politician,instead." Her mother rolled her eyes "Chicken with roasted potatoes and brocoli salad."

"Goodie!" Amelie clapped her hands like an excited kid."I'll change and eat."

After about 20 minutes the fashionista girl had changed to a lazy bum in PJs.Her hair was clipped randomly on her head,her PJs were loose and her face bare,with a pair of red framed glasses.

She lazily walked to the kitchen and took her plate her mother had prepared,with a glass of fruit juice and walked to the living room where both her parents were watching TV.

Her dad saw her and immediately got up with a smile giving his usual,everyday,bear hug.Amelie put the things on her hands down and reached for the bear hug rubbing her head on her fathers chest like a little kid.

"Look,who's home?Daddy's little princess is home!"he tightly hugged as if they hadn't seen eachother a few hours ago.

If her workers saw this scene of their usually expressionless boss,being called princess and spoiled like a kid by her father,they would start praying for their souls,because the end was near,but little did they know this was an everyday thing.

"Dad,dad,too tight,too tight!The hug is too tight!" Her voice showed obvious struggle.Her dad would forget his own strength when hugging them.

Amelie was someone who hated being touched and talked to with sweet words,while her father was someone who loved displaying his love through physical touch and sweet words,but from him she could tolerate it,plus being spoiled occasionally wasn't so bad.

After the cuddle session,Amelie took the small table on the sofa and sat down watching TV with her parents,while chewing the food.

After the show was over.Her mother spoke.

"How about we connect with Katè and Ivan and speak with them?" Kate or Katerina and Ivan were her older siblings who were married and lived with their own families.Sometimes they would call them after dinner.

After connecting the atmosphere got lively.Amelie who had had a long day with interactions just quietly dealt with her business and sometimes when she was asked questions,she would answer while avoiding the camera.She hated phone conversation and small talk no matter if the people on the other end were the closest to her.

After 1 hour her parents went to sleep and she put a movie on TV,after all tomorrow was a day off and she would take full advantage of it to sleep all night.

During the movie her eyelids kept closing and closing,but she managed to keep herself to the end,she was too curious to turn the TV off and sleep.

By the time she got to bed,it was already 2 am and she fell asleep in just 2 minutes.It had been another long day.


On the other hand,in another country,Aiden was taking a shower just before bed.The hot steam was rising in the bathroom.The water droplets slid from his head,down his hard chin,adam's apple that moved with each gulp to the toned,hard chest.His body was even more toned than that of a greek statue.His sholders were very wide and broad,different from his thinner,but strong looking waist down to his V-line.A black tattoo that started from the middle of of his shoulder and the middle of his chest to his left wrist,added a hint of rebellion and wildness,that contrasted with the previous diligent office look.His legs were also thick of muscle,you could tell this guy never skipped leg day.

After getting out of the shower with a towel dangerously hanging on his waist as the water droplets dripped from his curled locks of hair down.After putting on his PJs,he took another towel and dried his hair while checking a few documents,with his black rimmed glasses.He looked intelligent and attractive.They did say a man was more captivating when he was working.

After an hour,he checked the time and saw that it was late and went to sleep,but he couldn't sleep.Remembering his grandfather's words he kicked his covers like a kid and sat up again,thinking of what to do.

The only way he could get the company other than by his grandfather's wish,was via other's support,but obviously those old men wouldn't be willing to hand out such a huge responsibility to him easily.They couldn't stand the fact of someone younger than them leading.Old people loved watching the young ones suffer,because they couldn't stand them having it easier.

He would start by socialising with them.He sent a text to his secretary to find out the schedules of a the members of the board of directors.

He wrote a plan to approach each of them and then went to sleep.