

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
77 Chs

Chapter 18

It was 6 o'clock and Amelie was staring at the dresses that were lying on the bed.She had gone shopping this week after her dinner with Aiden was decided,but nothing she had bought entered her eye.

She suddenly felt the impulse to text Adien to cancel.

No backing out now!You'll push this to the end!You're no quitter Amelie!Fighting!

Amelie finally chose and wore a black dress that hugged her body tightly.It had a V-neck with thin rhinestone stripes.

In the mirror,Amelie twirled with a looks of worry.It looked good on her,but what if it was too much?She didn't want to look like she was desperate for this dinner with him.What if he got the wrong idea?

Amelie looked at the other dresses she had tried on.As she thought this one was better.

She then curled her hair and was thinking what to do with them.Up or down?

For a moment she grabbed her phone to cancel.This was all too overwhelming!Then she left the phone again and looked at herself in the mirror.She sighed and decided to go with a half-updo.She also put a rhinestone hairpin on her hair.Perfect.

Now it was time for her make up.

She drew an eyeliner that made her eyes more foxy and seductive.She then looked at herself.

Was it too much?Should she wipe it?No the point was for her to be prettier.It wasn't the first time he had seen her wearing eyeliner anyway.

She applied a bit of blush,wore a bright red lipstick and looked at herself in the mirror.

Could she do better?Was she uglier than usual?Did she seem too over the top?What if the restaurant they were going was just a normal one where no one dressed up?What if she was the only one standing out for over doing it?She didn't want people to look at her strangely.She didn't want him to look at her strangely.

"Ahhhh!"That's what happens when you reject dinner dates all the time.You don't know what to do when you actually accept one.

Amelie checked the time and immediately got up as if her feet were on fire.She was going to be late!She couldn't make him wait!

She wore her black rhinestone sandals,put on a black blazer since the night was pretty fresh.Took her black bag and ran.

After getting downstairs.Wait,did I put on perfume?Oh, I did.She sighed with relief and went outside the building walking confidently as if she wasn't panicking a few minutes ago.

She walked outside the complex and saw that a sports car had just reached.It was exactly like the small model she had seen in the office before and the one she had seen in the parking spot.

Aiden got out of the car looking as handsome as ever.His hair were slightly styled and he wore a black vest on a white shirt,with his sleeves rolled up,revealing his strong arms,the tattoo and watch on the same arm.He seemed to be aware of his strong points.His strong hands held a bouquet of champagne roses.

He handed it to her with a charming smile.

"These are for you!"

Amelie was stunned.He even got her flowers?

"Thank you!And I love this interesting choice of colour."Usually people would get red.

"I was always the type who did his research.So what's your grade?"

"A 10/10 for now."

"Very generous!"He then helped with the bouqet."I'll leave it on the back of the car for now."

He opened the door for her.

"After you."

Amelie gently chuckled and got in the car.Aiden went to the other side to get in the driver's seat and like that they took off.

Amelie was a bit disappointed that he hadn't commented on her appearance until now,but when she was about to remove her seat belt to get out.

Aiden did it for her and whispered on her ear.

"You're as beautiful as always."

Amelie's cheeks flushed from both the breath that tickled her and the words.

Aiden then got out and took her hand and they made their way to the restaurant.

The warm palm,that held her cold one was huge and covered her whole hand.It had no plans to let her go.

Amelie lowered her gaze seeing their intertwined hands.It was the first time she had held a man's hand this long,without her rejecting it.It was the first time she had felt happy to hold a man's hand.

Aiden would sometimes caress her hand with his finger,as if to help calm her restless heart and that left a sweet feeling in her chest.

Her face was completely flushed.She had really got herself in trouble.

"We have a reservation.Aiden Yoxal."

"Let me lead you to your table."

Aiden helped Amelie sit down and then sat in front of her.The table he had chosen was a bit secluded from the others,next to a floor-to-ceiling window with the city view.

Aiden ordered for a bottle of wine to be opened.

After their glasses were filled,they clincked them and took a sip.

They both ate as they chatted happily with eachother.Both of them had a lot of different interests and were curious people,so they found it entertaining to discover new things.

This time Amelie opened up a bit more for herself and told him about her journey as a new business woman and some of her goals.

Aiden listened intently as her eyes shone with determination and excitement for the future,with a look full of adoration.

Aiden as the more experienced person in the field gave her a few tips and also shared his experiences.

The dinner was going very great and the nervousness that was felt at the start had long since disappeared.

Suddenly Aiden got a notification in his phone.Amelie noticed it again.It wasn't the first notification.

"It seems to be something important.You should check it."

"It's a Saturday.Everyone knows that I don't discuss work on Saturdays."

"But still,this level of contact means that they are desperate to contact you."

Aiden was hesitating and Amelie assured."Go answer if you need,don't feel bad about me."she giggled "I'm not an unreasonable person,go answer."

Aiden then opened his phone and called Dominick.Not getting up meant that he had a bit of trust for her.

"What is it,Nick?I told you to not bother me today."

"Aiden,things are not good!I'll send you this article,check it out now!"

Aiden then checked the article,suddenly his face became gloomy.

Amelie noticed that things weren't good.

"Is there something wrong?"

Aiden tried to assure her.

"No,it's okay.I just need to make a few calls right now."

"Go on...If you need to leave,then let's end the dinner here."

"No." He raised his voice a bit.Noticing his tone wasn't right he calmed himself down."We can continue."

"Aiden,staying here won't do any good for the both of us.Your situation is obviously an emergency.This dinner can't continue if one of us is not in a good state."She then stood up and gestured."Let's go!"

Aiden felt a bit of light in the dark tunnel he had been lost at the moment.How could such a great person exist?He also stood up.

After paying,Aiden drove Amelie home first.As she was about to open the door and get out,she suddenly turned around.Her cheeks were a bit red as she squeezed his hand.Aiden was a bit surprised by her sudden assertiveness.

"Everything is going to be okay!You'll get through this!"

Aiden was obviously very comforted and felt like he could do anything now.He squeezed her hand back and caressed her face,after that he gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Thanks!And sorry that our date got ruined,I'll definitely make it up to you!"

Amelie was completely in panic and caught off guard right now.


She immediately got out and ran away.So much for her cool lady persona.

Aiden for the first time after getting the bad news laughed at her retrieving figure.He wanted to go for the lips at first,but he wanted that moment to be memorable and happy.Not in the middle of bad news.

He then drove away after seeing her get inside the apartment complex.But just as he had thought before,that kiss had to wait.He needed something to look forward to while getting the company out of this tricky situation.