

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
77 Chs

Chapter 16

"Is this seat taken?"

A man wearing a blue suit spoke to her.His brown hair was slicked back and his face was clean-shaved.A pair of green eyes,behind the thin-rimmed glasses was smiling at her.His looks weren't outstanding,but they had a hint of intelligence and warm charm.

Amelie looked around, the man obviously understood and spoke.

"There weren't any other empty tables so I didn't have anywhere else to sit. Everywhere else was just the same,if you mind of course I can leave."

Amelie didn't feel comfortable with a stranger sitting down at the same table as her,but seeing how he was so apologetic and polite she couldn't help,but say yes,no matter how she disliked it.

The man sat down and made himself comfortable.

"I'm Gabriel,and you are?"

Amelie answered reluctantly."Amelie."

"Beautiful name,Amelie."

"Thank you.Yours too."Silence.

"Have you decided what to eat Amelie?"

"Yes,I already ordered."

"Oh."Then he gestured to the waiter for a menu.

Amelie just kept scrolling on her phone not bothering to entertain him.He needed a seat,he got it.

After the waiter brought their plates.Gabriel stopped him.

"Can you also bring us a wine?"

Amelie raised her eyes when she heard 'us'.

"What wine would you like sir?"

"Come here."He gestured for him to come closer and whispered something on his ears.The waiters face brightened.

"Excellent choice,sir!"

Amelie just kept her eyes on her plate and ate quietly.She tried to leave as soon as she could.

Soon the waiter came with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"I didn't ask for wine."Amelie told the waiter.

"I did.It's my thanks for allowing me to sit and have lunch."

"I am very thankful,but I need to get back to work after a bit.I can't drink."

"A little bit won't do any harm." Gabriel smiled.

Amelie politely declined."I'm a lightweight,so I must refuse.Many thanks again."

"Then just for a toast?You don't need to drink it.Please allow me to thank you!"

Amelie reluctantly clincked her glass with his and just wet her lips with it,never touching it again.

"So,do you work near here Amelie?"


"What do you do?"

"I'm a software engineer."

"Really?I've never met such a charming engineer before."

Amelie just nodded with a smile.The conversation was most of the time one-sided,with Gabriel asking and Amelie giving short answers.

Amelie was very reserved as a person and Gabriel didn't make her comfortable.Somehow his actions didn't seem very genuine and his eyes didn't seem very honest to her.Amelie had always been sensitive with other people's vibes and Gabriel's weren't that good.

Gabriel then reached out his hand to tap on his phone that was next to her hand resting on the table,their hands accidentally brushed against eachother.

Amelie felt chills across her spine and took her hand away,trying to make it as natural as possible.For a moment she thought it was intentional,but she didn't want to immediately label the guy just because she didn't like him.

Gabriel seemed to have noticed and his eyes flashed,but it soon recovered and he opened another conversation topic,where he spoke 90 % of the time.

Amelie just listened while eating and for about 20 minutes she was already finished.

"I'll be leaving now.Enjoy your meal!"

"This quick?"Gabriel was a bit dejected.

"My lunch break is almost over.I have to hurry back.Again,enjoy your meal!"Amelie nodded at him with a smile,took her things and left after paying for her lunch.

Gabriel regretted that he didn't pay since the beginning.He had never thought that she would leave this soon.

After he saw her walking on the street on the window he then turned to certain a direction.His eyes were completely gloomy,no hint of kindness was in them.He made eye-contact with a man,who nodded at him.Finally,he was satisfied.In his face a smile bloomed and he continued his lunch in an obvious good mood.

After checking the time,Amelie noticed that she was still early,so she decided to take a good walk around the area.

After walking for a bit,she found a nerby park and took a stroll there until her break was almost over.

When she got back to the company,she met Aiden's assistant who was a bit breathless,as if she had ran.

"Miss Amelie,I finally found you!"

"Is there something wrong?Are you okay?"Amelie asked her concerned.The girl didn't look well.

"I'm okay.It's just that it took me a bit to find you."


"Yes.Mr. Yoxal wants you in his office now."

"What for?"

"He didn't give out any details,just that you go to his office immediately."

Amelie nodded and left confusedly.After a few stairs and turns she found herself infront of the familiar door.She was a bit nervous,because the last time she was here,things that she might've regretted later almost happened.

Amelie gently knocked.


No answer.

Amelie knocked again.

Still no answer.

After knocking a few more times and no answer came,she just pushed open the door,only to find the office empty.

Strange.There was no one there.Maybe he went out for a bit and would be back soon.

Amelie was in conflict whether to wait inside or outside.But having the opportunity to observe this man's workspace quietly she decided to use the chance,then get out quickly and wait outside like a good girl.

She went to the shelf where a few books were put in alphabetical order.And this guy said that he wasn't uptight?All these were boring economy books and some for computer science.

Then she checked another shelf.This one was more interesting.He seemed to have a passion for bikes and cars,because the 3 shelves were decorated with small models of them.Then Amelie noticed a familiar model she had seen on the parking space downstairs once.She concluded that it was probably his.

Suddenly a bad thought came to her mind.

Should she hold it and check?No, that wasn't a good idea.If someone else did this to her,she probably wouldn't mind,but that wasn't the same for everyone else.

But the thought of it being more restricted and forbidden made her want to hold that car model even more.

Just as she was about to reach out her hand to slightly touch it the door was pushed open.Amelie immediately turned around as if nothing had happened.

"You're back.What did you need me for,sir?"Amelie smiled.

Aiden was still stunned for seeing her here.

"Sir?" That finally brought him to reality.That Dominick again!It was probably him,but who cares this time it was great.He had started to miss her.

"Yeah,right.I needed you for something."Now to make an excuse.Suddenly her CV that he had read for several times came to mind.

"I heard you're very well-versed in italian?"

"Just a bit,nothing special."

"Then can you help me translate a document."

"Sure,you can email it and I'll-"

"Just do it here.I need it now."

"Ok."Don't they usually send it translated themselves?

It was true that Aiden needed a translated version of that document,but he didn't mention the fact that he already had it.

"I'll print it for you."He then handed her his tablet."Just write the translated version here.Amelie nodded and sat down on the armchair getting down to business.

Saying "just a little bit,noting special",was Amelie being crazy modest,because she was actually very good in italian in a C1 almost C2 level.

She typed on the tablet with a serious expression as she read the printed version carefully.

Aiden who was also "working" was staring at her serious face.They said that men were most appealing when working,but those who said that hadn't seen the women working.

Her focused and serious eyes.Her slightly pouted lips.His heart couldn't help but admire and enjoy.

Aiden sighed in his heart.He was really in trouble.It was the first time he had fallen for someone and it was at the age of 28,but he was in so deep,there was no way for him to get out easily.

It took a bit for Amelie to finish translating the document,since she had read and reread everything,trying to think of the most appropriate words.She even put notes with explanations so the meanings wouldn't be confusing.

"I'm finished.It would be better,if someone more experienced read this again.Someone with a legal background preferably."

Aiden was in a sense of loss,but he understood that he couldn't keep her there with no reason.

"Understood.I owe you a big one."

"If you think so.A bonus would be nice."

"How about a candlelit dinner with the boss?"

"Sounds good,but I prefer the bonus."

Aiden was surprised and delighted at the same time.Her joking around meant that she felt comfortable enough around him.This meant a huge success.He threw his head back laughing.

"I'll think about it."