
Chapter 1 ; To you, Mr. Landgraf

13.11.645. South Germany, Landgraf's academy laboratory.

One night, in resteicted and guided area of the laboratory, there was heard glass shattering and emergency sirens playing. Every one of the scientists running towards the room in which was kept the last living specie of A-12 special bloodtype, also known as "the subject of Landgraf".

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Long ago, Germany was gifted with a talented, wealthy scientist who goes by name of Ghunter Landgraf. At the time, a war between humanity and machines broke out in the heart of the Europe due to machinary's revange for being used only for difficult jobs and science growth. Ghunter Landgraf, as a mindblowing scientist he is, decided to try and put an end to this war. He created a strong, special bloodtype called A-12. He chose a family dying on the streets to be his subject. Landgraf injected them with A-12 formula, and that's how the A-12 family came to exist, also known as "the subjects of Landgraf". They underestimated the strenght of the A-12 family, and let them live freely. But they deeply regreted it. Soon, the subjects of Landgraf started showing too much power and killed off half of the goverment for taking their freedom away. Since then, there was no sing of subjects of Landgraf ever again, exept for one member. They kept him locked up in the lab ; in a glass cage full of toxic liquid.

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As the emergency sirens played, a group of scientists ran to the restricted room where the A-12 bloodtype specie was held. All they saw was shattered glass cage and opened lab window. One of the scientists ran to the window and saw that the subject of Landgraf was completly gone. The scientist quickly snatched the phone. "A-12 escaped! Call the police and find him quick!" the man yelled and hung up. Rest of the scientists were already out of the building calling the police.

Legendary Landgraf did create A-12 to fight the machines in the war, but without a mind of their own they represent a big threath to humanity. They were completly mindless ; born into this world without their choice. They're freedom was took a long time ago, by the hands of Ghunter Landgraf.

To be continued in the next chapter : Survivors