
Chapter 2 : Survivors of the dark

"DANGEROUS A-12 BLOODTYPE SPECIE, ALSO KNOWN AS THE SUBJECT OF LANDGRAF IS ON THE LOSE" a newspaper article title was spread out on half of the page. Lewis and Amazon, two best friends were sitting around a tiny campfire they set on the outskirts of the city after runing away from home. Amazon's parents died a while ago and since then she lived with Lewis and his mother. Soon, Lewis and his mother started arguing a lot and yelled at each other all the time ; Amazon got enough of that and decided to escape together with Lewis.

"Oi Lewis, what are you reading? Let me see." Amazon asked and ripped the newspaper out of Lewis's hand. "Tch, guess there was no one to teach you manners. Anyways, it seems the only living A-12 specie has escapen the hostage lifestyle." Lewis mumbeled. "What do you mean 'hostage'? That creature is a monster, a product of an unatural experimentation!" Amazon yelled out angrily, being interrupted by Lewis again "They didn't do anything to deserve our disrespect Amazon, their freedom was taken away and they were being experiment monkeys to save humanity from robots and machinary. Weren't your parents killed by robots breaking down the houses and cities? Don't you want a help from one of the strongest species known to humanity?" Lewis started ranting.

~ ~ ~ ~

Lewis and Amazon were chatting for so long they almost fell alseep next to the campfire ; until Lewis woke up due to weird sounds coming from behind him. Lewis stood up and started turning every direction possible to see who was there. Then, he noticed that behind one of the trees, there was a dark, tall figure standing there still and watching him. Lewis took a sharp stick with his shaking hands and slowly walked closer to the man behind the tree. The man didn't move,he didn't show sny sings of fear or knowledge that Lewis was coming closer to him, but he did see him.

As Lewis came closer and closer to the man, the man did the same. They started walking towards each other, one showing confusion, and the other showing no sings of emotions at all. When they were standing right in front of each other, Without hasitation Lewis pointed the stick to the man's face. The man had overgrown hair and a bandages over his forhead, he was tall but what Lewis noticed first was the armband he was wearing ; a white cloth with a symbol on it, it was a red drop.

As Lewis pointed his stick at him, the man slowly put it away with his hand and walked over to the campfire where Amazon was still asleep. Full of fear, Lewis followed him being worried if he will attack Amazon. Man sits on the ground and as Lewis sits next to him, he starts speaking: "The subject... Landgraf.... where is?...". Lewis looked at the man in fear and conffusion. Was he the man in the newspapers? The last living subject of Landgraf? What is that man doing here? Lewis called Amazon's name and she woke up, wide eyes in confusion for who was the unknown man sitting next to them.

~•To be continued in the next chapter•~~