
Mind over Matter

"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get enough of Tankhun. Let me borrow the character of Tankhun, eldest son of the Mafia family. **** What will happen when our Drama-King Tankhun goes to college and meets a not-so-ordinary Amy? **** Novel available on Wattpad @AprilsSmiles Tankhun fanfic | Mind over Matter ****

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44 Chs

37. The Library (i)

Tankhun's POV:

I was waiting in the parking area with Arm and Big.

Pol will be back in the evening so in his place Kinn make me took Big again.

I don't want to take him with me, but for some reason he looked nervous. For one moment I thought he wanted to come, and the other second he doesn't want me to take him with me.. confused weirdo!

I placed my hands on my waist, making Arm and Big to stand on my right and left side respectively.

Looking like my personal nerd angel and angry devil. Hahaha.

I was waiting looking charming and all when I saw a familiar psycho figure coming towards us.

Vegas came and throw my freaking heavy bag on me, making me fall a little behind thanks to Arm's arm I was saved. Big didn't even move an inch. Fool!!

I was rubbing my chest to see if any ribs got broken or not while glaring at my psycho cousin. He looks happy and that makes me annoyed to death..

"Study hard! And...." He grinned then glanced at Big and just choose to walk away.

Did he wanted to say something?


Arm make me sit on the bench and sat in front of me. Opening my bag to see if there's something unusual about it.

Well I don't think Vegas would have done anything to it... Ha my Pete won't let him.

Arm looked relax as he didn't find any bug or chip or.... whatever!

Big was standing while keeping his distance and looking around the area.

I was getting bored because now Arm was checking my notebook to see if I noted anything down in it.

Well yesterday I was kind of out of it.. but still he glanced at me a little surprised.

I lean forward to see what makes him... happy?

Hah he found out that I actually noted down the lecture on the Renaissance age.

I crossed my arms on my chest, tilted my head a little backward and raised my chin high as if telling him that I was not lying back then...*

He just tilted his head and start reading what is written on the pages. I think I saw his lips twitch a little.

He makes himself busy, so I glanced at Big who was now staring at the squirrel near the tree. Idiot!

I looked around there were only a few students walking around. Because we came to this stupid place way too earlier because of my bag. Hehe!

Vegas had early morning class so before his class he delivered my bag to me.

I bow down to lean on the table as I felt sleepy and bored. I closed my eyes to relax myself.

If I kept lying like this I might fell asleep.


My heart jumped out of my mouth when someone freaking hit the table hard.

Who in the hell wanted to die this early at the morning!!???

I looked up and blinked at the one who almost murdered me in my sleep...

My beautiful Amy!

"Hey Mr. Glasses! Long time no see!" She was talking to freaking Arm who looked stunned at first but soon schooled his expression as if nothing happened.

"Where were you this whole time?" She asked quite impatiently.

I glanced at her then glared at Arm, I know he knows what I'm feeling at the moment as he closed his fist and opened it again - a thing he does when he wanted to run away but can't.

"Were you out of city? Did you got onto some accident? Were you busy doing some part time job or something else?" She kept asking and Arm just shook his stupid head to answer her.

For a second she fell silent then she leaned forward towards Arm as if to share some kind of secret, I leaned forward too unconsciously.

"Did someone died in your family?" She asked in a low voice as if that makes her question sounds positive in any way. Silly girl!

I almost laughed out at them because.. Her blunt question makes Arm's four-eyes widened. Haha!

"No!" Arm said loudly and almost immediately.

"Oh!" She furrowed her eyebrows that no one can really see. Cute!

"Then why didn't you come to the classes?" Arm just looked at me "And now I was started to think that you ran away with my..." She was saying something while turning her head to look at who Arm was keep looking at. As her eyes landed on me

"..what the..." She blurted but closed her mouth at once.

I raised an amused brow at her. Hah she noticed me! Finally!

"Oh I didn't see you.." She said

"Visibly.." I looked up at her face.

"Well... then I won't disturb you guys." She was about to...

"Are you avoiding me?" I blurted out loudly making her stop even before she could fly away.

She just looked at me for a second.

I was waiting for an answer...

Arm was waiting for an answer....

Two meters away,

Big was waiting for an answer too....!

Shoot! I forgot about that angry bird completely.

"No.. I am in a little hurry.. I have to go to the library before class." She was saying while stepping away from... me.

Well that's better as I don't want anymore attention cast upon her.

I was watching her back as she was leaving.

Then she stopped and turned back.

Her eyes smiled when she caught me looking at her.

"See you in the class!" She waved her hand in the air and left.

Making my heart dancing crazily, in the melody of morning breeze.




I was walking around in the library collecting books that I might need to be fimiliar with if I wanted to teach my juniors, The Freshmen...

I don't know who in the hell gave my freaking name for this stupid thing. As if I had any free time in my hand...


I need to give a two hour worth lecture on English, in the evening..

I don't want to stay late in the college for some certain reasons.

Lately I have been on my guards around people. I just come to the college and then directly go to my house. I don't even leave the damn house unless it's necessary.

I thought to run away but my stupid mind won't let me. If I did this lecture thing, I will get extra points in my paper too.

Bloody marks makes you greedy and do things....


I don't even know what to teach them. I grabbed all the good books I saw in shelves. I will do my best today because I don't want to spend my time in wasting their time.

Cheer up Amy.. knowledge never goes to waste. You might learn something new yourself.

Well young people are always energetic so maybe I enjoyed my time too.

I'm an introvert, so maybe a little bit of socializing now and then won't hurt, right?


I signed as I tried to grab the book on the upper side of the shelf. Well I'm not short.. its only because the book is placed too high and I've already carrying four heavy books in my hand.

I gazed at the book.. should I just left that book as it is. One less book won't make any difference in my burden.

I was about to turn away when someone came behind me and grab the book.

Whoever it is.. he has no manners as he didn't even let me step aside first.

I turned around and saw a familiar face that I've didn't seen in a while.

He's someone I wanted to ignore after what happened last time.*

As I step aside and about to go on my way he freaking grab my arm.

And I jerked his hand off immediately making him startled and the books that I was holding fell on the ground making a noise.

Well it's still early so there's only a few students here.

I gave him a look and he raised his hands in the air in surrender.

"Hi Amy!" He said, I just nodded and sit on the floor to pick up the books.

"I...I want to talk to you!" He started but he can see clearly on my face that I don't want to..

"Can we please just sit somewhere and..."

"Just say... Here!" I interrupted him.


"I'm kinda busy so just keep it short." I said flatly.

"Okay.." he didn't look happy "..I wanted to apologize for the last time..." Oh I wanted to roll my eyes "..I know it's too late to say sorry but still..." As if he know what I was thinking "..how's your hand?" He furrowed his brows.

"Good as new. You don't need to apologize because that was just an... accident. Now if you just excuse me.." I took a step ahead to go.

"Wait! I..." He unconsciously said loudly I just stopped.

"So are we good?" He asked nervously, I furrowed my brows but he didn't noticed. Great!

"Look I didn't wanted to hurt you...ever. And I'm sorry I stepped on your hand. And then you pushed me and slapped me but still I wanted to talk... I tried to look for you in last weeks to apologize.." he sounds desperate for some reason.

I just scoffed at that like seriously...!

'If you really wanted to find me you should've looked in the damn classroom... at the right time obviously..' I just thought to myself while staring at him. He was looking at me like he knew what is going in my head.

"Yeah you have a point!" He smiled a little making me confuse.

Wait!! Did I said that out loud?!?

"So... Are we good now!" He asked again this time with a hopeful smile.

Well what happened last time was partly accident and partly over reaction. I was in wrong too and he's apologizing now so let's say we're good...

Besides it was only because of this stupid idiot that I get to met him, the golden boy. A smile appeared on my face at the memory.

If only I wasn't in trouble that day - the golden boy might have just pass by me without giving me a single glance.. and we wouldn't be here where we are today..

Should I thanked the guy in front of me!?

He looked at my moderate expression and relaxed a bit.

"Then friends?" He asked while holding out his hand.

Don't tell me he wanted a handshake.... from me?


For a second I forget that he's a dimwit..

Come on man! We had that stupid quarrel because of this...

I looked at his hand for a long time making him uneasy so that he can took his stupid hand back, and keep to himself. Hehe


My eyes widened at the sound and I looked up immediately.

Freaking Deja Vu..

The stupid guy in front of me looked at the one who slapped his hand away.

I looked too and found two piercing eyes...at me?

What!? I didn't even do anything.

I had a slight urge to tell him that I was not going to do a handstake. But on the second thought.. why would I explain myself to him.?

Tankhun was staring at me looking mad.

"You!!! It's bloody you again." The dimwit guy start shouting in the freaking library. Wonderful!

"Did he hurt you?" Tankhun asked in a deep voice. I just blinked..

"Who the hell are you? Why are you interfering!?" The guy asked rudely.

Oh I just want to run away as people around us were giving us looks, how embarrassing!

Maybe this time I should go and let them settle everything on their own.

He took out his shiny golden covered cellphone, dialed a number and put it on his ear.

"Hello Police!! There's an ugly guy harassing a girl without makeup." He yelled first glaring at the guy then looked at my face.

What the hell!

"Who in the hell you called...?" The dimwit shouted, ignoring the harassing part. Idiot!

"Where are we? Ummm...." He looked around still talking on the phone "..well we're in the place where students get tortured to death" He maked a horrified face, making me chuckled.

He narrowed his eyes at me..

Ohh hell I wanted to laugh out immediately.

"What am I doing here?? Ummm..." he paused then continued "..well I came here to mourn some innocent trees." He said way too sadly.

Oh gawd!

Damn him!

He makes me do a thing that I've never thought I would do in a freaking library...


I burst out laughing and sat on the floor while holding my stomach with one hand.

He looked down at me, literally.

"Hello Police! Now it's too late.. the girl without makeup went nuts because of the sad trauma... Yeah that ugly culprit is still here giving me looks like I gave a damn... Anyways I'm hanging up ba-bye!" He said and put his cellphone back in his pocket.

I don't know who in the hell he called but that man was shouting on the other side and he just hung up.

I took a few breaths to calm myself down. I make myself way to embarrassed for no good reason.

I looked around to see the looks students were probably be giving me, but to my surprise everyone was laughing silently because we're in a damn library. Haha

I stood up holding up the books.

And walked away.


Kinn's POV:

"Khun! Khun!!!" I was yelling but my good for nothing brother hang up on me.

I was staring at the screen when someone grab my shoulder from behind.

Instinctively I took the hand, twist it and slammed whoever this was against the wall and was about to used my cellphone as a weapon then I stopped only one inch away.

"Bloody hell Vegas! I almost broke your neck!" I growled to the guy in front of me.

"Did you!?" He smirked and I felt something poking my abdomen, I looked down...

His freaking penknife!

He was stabbing me with it's folding penknife - still closed.

I took a step back and fixed my hair.

He straightened his shirt and put the damn knife in his pants pocket.

"I don't like it when you came without making a sound."

"Good to know!" He half smirked. "So who were you talking to..?"

I rolled my eyes "As if you didn't know."

He grinned then asked "So what did our crazy brother did this time?"

"He was prank calling me." I said in a deep voice.

"Humor me.." He said and start walking so I kinda did the same.

"He was just talking nonsense.."

"Well that's new.." He said sarcastically.

"Well he was yelling about some ugly guy harassing a girl without makeup..." I repeated what my crazy brother said to me earlier.

Vegas stopped at once..

"Is something wrong?" I furrowed my brows.

"Where is he?" He asked in a serious voice.

Well now he's making me curious and uneasy.

"..to a place where students get tortured to death.." I repeated what Tankhun said earlier.

"That would be the whole damn college!! Think something else.." Vegas sounds impatient.... and stupid.

"I asked him what he was doing there... and he said something about.... mourning the trees!?" Well I sounds stupid too repeating what my brother said.

"Let's go.." Vegas already start walking.

"What's going on?" I asked seriously.

"I don't think first brother was prank calling you..."

"Okay.... Where are we going now?" I walked besides him, a little unsure.

"To the library.."



*1. Remember the idiot guy from chapter 4. It's Amy - 5. FIRST DAY #CupidinDiguise

*2. The Renaissance age in

Chapter 25. It's Arm
