
Military System god realm revolution

The Maxim machine gun shoots through magical beasts. Intercontinental ballistic missiles fired at Martial Artists. Fighter planes rise above the gods realm. If you can't fight it, throw an atomic bomb for world peace.

sukinovski · Fantasi
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253 Military System in space

Zhao Lingxin was touched and hit by the acceleration of gravity and lost consciousness for a moment. When he woke up, he found that the atmosphere around me was completely dark. Look outside, and he sees the endless darkness. It was a sign that he had now reached outer space.

The spacecraft launched from a rocket-propelled into the outer atmosphere.

"Contact the Dongzhou Command Center. Contact the Dongzhou Command Center." The captain of the spacecraft tried to call back to Earth. The signal was lost for a while.

After a while, there was finally a response signal.

"This is the Dongzhou Command Center. Congratulations on success on the mission. Please report the status immediately."

"Contact the Dongzhou Command Center. This SSII spaceship. Successfully entered space. The status of everyone is safe. Repeat everyone's status is safe," report the captain.