

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Effect: snowball.

✨__happy new year guys, please, Take your time to read. ⭐

I let out a big sigh before settling back on the sofa, my aunt kicked me out of the bedroom, after fucking her non-stop for a couple of hours.

It was barely 4 more times before she kicked me out saying that her crotch was already burning, she can't stand anything.

after letting out another sigh, my aunt opens the door and throws my clothes outside. she peeks around the side and tells me ⁓ "get changed now we have to go" ⁓ before closing the door again.

(I think my aunt is still upset) I say in my mind, while I get up from the sofa in search of my clothes. When I look at the Smartphone screen, a smile appears on my face.

I've earned $250 DC for fucking like a rabbit and my aunt's percentage went up to 85%. In addition, my strength and luck also increased and I searched for information regarding manna on the web. but they make me doubt the type of sources of information since fantasy books, do not have credible scientific support.

Before I finish changing my aunt leaves the main bedroom and walks towards the entrance saying. ⁓ "I'll wait for you outside" ⁓ which makes me put on my clothes faster and I start running to the exit.


Valery leans out from the balcony and sees a woman in a red of PH2 dress come out and sighs.

⁓ "What happened?" ⁓ Stefany asks from behind her.

⁓"Thank heaven they're leaving. "⁓ Valery comments.

Stefany looks at the clock and comments. ⁓ "it's 3:30 am we can finally sleep in peace, by God, that woman has good lungs. "⁓

Valery looks in the mirror, noticing a couple of dark circles on his face, he puts on an anti-dark circles face cream and responds. ⁓ "we have to soundproof that place or next time it may be worse" ⁓

⁓ "Take it for granted, tomorrow morning I'll ask for some quotes." ⁓ Stefany answers then she yawns and stretches out her arms lazily adding. ⁓"well see you tomorrow, I'm very tired. "⁓

⁓ "Of course, I'll wait a bit, the cook needs to come out or look, she's coming out" ⁓ says Valery pointing to the main entrance.

⁓ "Poor woman I'll take her to her house I just hope she doesn't give up after seeing that show" ⁓ comments Valery

Stefany just rolls her eyes when listening to Valery, if she was sure of anything, it was that her partner doesn't do things out of charity. ⁓"be careful, I'll go take a bath before I go to sleep, see you tomorrow. "⁓

When looking at Stefany, a quick smile appeared on Valery's face. It was the 5th time that Stefany has showered in less than 4 hours, but after looking at the more than 4 wet panties inside the laundry basket. Valery remained silent and went to see the poor cook, he had a perfect excuse to look at the phone if she had any video and confiscate it.


we left the building and asked for a taxi to take us back home, neither of us said anything the whole way. relevant to the topic.

The strange thing is that outside the house there were more than 10 people waiting in three groups, before leaving I paid the taxi driver.

This caused my aunt to get out first and when she stepped out of the car, my father yelled furiously. ⁓ "There she is, catch that damn bitch and don't let her get away." ⁓ Her voice sounds very nasal. that makes me look at my father who has a prosthesis with a bandage dressing his nose.

my aunt was surrounded by two burly looking bodyguards. but my aunt chuckles, raises her fist and threatens my father. ⁓ "I told you that if you called me a bitch again I would knock out another set of teeth." ⁓ My father's reaction was to take two steps back and point. ⁓ "do you believe me now dad" ⁓

When I get out of the taxi, I am also surrounded by another pair of bodyguards who wave to me to get away,it was not very difficult for us to understand the context of the situation. upon noticing my father's missing front teeth.

The situation for my aunt was bad, because this type of offense is severely punished in the family, my grandfather looks at my aunt and sighs sadly. ordering the bodyguards ⁓ "take her away "⁓ in such cases it was better to stay silent and pray to avoid collateral damage.

⁓ "Grandpa " ⁓ I yell looking for a little indulgence for my aunt. my grandfather hesitates a bit, but my uncle Vladimir approaches and whispers to my grandfather, who frowns and asks. ⁓ "Where did you get that money? "⁓ After my grandfather's question, the triumphant smiles on my father's and Uncle Vladimir's faces become very clear.

For the first time I feel cornered and powerless, my uncle Vladimir seizes the moment and shouts ⁓ "what are you waiting for to respond to your grandfather, Steve? "⁓ I knew perfectly well that the moment I opened my mouth, the entire inheritance would escape me of hands and if my life was difficult before, starting tomorrow I would go up from three to four levels, but that would only be the beginning of my ordeal.

Before he could speak, my aunt breaks the silence by shouting ⁓ "I request a test." ⁓ causing my father's face to distort and my uncle to complain. ⁓ "Father-in-law, those are pure bullshit of that..." ⁓ before finishing her words, he was interrupted by my father, who covers the mouth of uncle Vladimir..

if my grandfather's face looked tired. the one of my father and uncle was scary when looking at the 5 people who are approaching. mainly to the person who leads the group.

I was a little confused, looking at the arrival of the grandmother along with my aunts, her face is younger and smoother than before.

my grandmother had lost all her wrinkles and her hair, before white, was now scarlet with curls. Not to mention her walking was more confident and her back lost its curvature.

The most striking thing about her body is her wide breasts and hips.

Alexandra felt a hot look on her body returning to see the fool with a withering look. but upon looking at who the idiot was, she shows him a flirtatious smile and winks at him. embarrassing Steve for a couple of seconds. but the moment her grandmother turned her back on him, Steve returns to continue looking at her behind.

The other four women in the group who were with the grandmother also felt Steve's sight and looked at him surreptitiously and exchanged laughs and spicy comments.

the grandmother had to clear her throat, so that the women would stop counting her wet dreams.

my grandmother raises her voice and tells my grandfather. ⁓ "Albert, I'll take care of this problem" ⁓ the grandfather sighs and then nods confirming the words of the grandmother.

something curious at the moment is that my grandfather did not seem surprised by my grandmother's new appearance, in fact nobody was, nobody comments or says it...

the grandmother returns to see my uncle Vladimir and tells him in a very cold way. ⁓ "You and I need to have a conversation" ⁓ the uncle's face distorts and he tries to get help, but my father walks away. leaving my uncle to his fate.

my uncle Vladimir returns to see my aunt Cristal, looking for some help, to my astonishment she her wife, also remains silent.

as if it were a magic trick, just by turning her hand around. Grandma pulls out a transparent gem the size of a fist and throws it at my aunt Matilde.

my aunt catches it with her right hand, the interesting thing is that the bandage was gone and her hand doesn't look hurt, my aunt Matilde raises the gem and shows it to everyone, strangely everyone remains silent and expectant, including the bodyguard.

When I finish showing the gem, my aunt puts it down and grips hard, my aunt's face begins to turn red, pressing the gem with her hand, not satisfied with this, my aunt presses it with both hands until my father interrupts her. ⁓ "Stop playing Matilde, it's clear that she's not fake." ⁓ My aunt smiles at my father and cracks her lips with contempt. *Mich*

⁓ "You and I will need to have a conversation." ⁓ Announces my aunt unlike my uncle, my father smiles and answers bravely. ⁓"anytime "⁓

My aunt no longer responds, she just closes her eyes and puts the gem in front, letting out a sigh to relax her body, it shows when her face relaxes little by little, adding a sigh from time to time without letting go of the gemof his hand...

I was left with my mouth open when the gem began to light up, I rubbed my eyes a couple of times for fear of hallucinating, I noticed the reactions of others and they were so different, such as my grandmother's group was not there surprised as if they expected it, unlike the face of the bodyguards who were surprised, my uncle Vladimir's face was contemptuous and my father's was terrified.

The only face that was not surprised if not happy was my grandfather with a big smile on his lips, who did not miss the opportunity to laugh out loud every time the light from the gem became more intense to the point where my grandmother had than to shut him up with his classic withering look.

The gem lit up like a white incandescent lamp, to then go out little by little, when it went out completely my aunt Matilde gave it to my grandfather, who immediately held it and checked it. I can see how the grandfather's face went from happiness to astonishment to finally begin to shed a couple of tears that he wipes away quickly but he doesn't waste the moment to show off the gem to everyone present, while he screams. ⁓ "we have another hunter in the family" ⁓ both my aunts and the bodyguards cheered and praised my aunt.

the only bothers were my uncle Vladimir and my father, who was even more furious to the point of having his face red and shouting with contempt, while spitting on the ground *puff* ⁓ "And that what a bitch, your meditation is still pathetic with a 3% concentration compared to mine, which has 15%"⁓ yells my father.

Without saying anything else, my aunt Matilde runs towards my father who had a smile on his lips when he sees my aunt raise her hands and form her fists.

At the time of receiving the blow my father kept smiling and between his lips said "you fell" all present watch my aunt throw her blow on my father's face.

what no one expected was the kind of impact on my father's face that sounded clean and strong *Plaz* like a board hitting water. causing everyone to open their eyes when they saw dad's body fly a couple of meters until he fell to the grass totally knocked out. ⁓ "Now who's the bitch huh."⁓ says the aunt as she approaches the body stretched out in the middle of the patio..

Oddly enough, my grandparents and aunts weren't surprised, only the bodyguards, who didn't know what to do: whether to run to catch my aunt, wake up and pick up my father or look for my uncle Vladimir who had started running out of fear of be next...

my grandfather incredulously looks at the gem in his hands and returns to see my aunt a couple of times and his voice cracks perhaps out of fear, emotion or astonishment, repeating several times ⁓"85% has 85% a damn 85 % concentration "⁓ my grandfather's screams astonished those present.

my aunts run and scream like schoolgirls as they surround my aunt Matilde and shower her with questions. the only ones who didn't move were my grandparents.

my grandfather was with a smile that unlike my grandmother has a serious face with his arms crossed under her breasts, which make them look bigger as he lifts them.

after several minutes my grandmother claps her hands a couple of times, attracting everyone's attention including the bodyguards and my grandmother clears her throat to bring some order to the place ⁓ "you" ⁓ she points to the bodyguards and continues saying. ⁓"take them home" ⁓ pointing to my father and aunt Matilde.

my grandfather and aunts protest because they are also taking my aunt Matilde, but my grandmother raises her hand and adds ⁓ "the rules of the family are above all, Mat committed a mistake and she must take responsibility. as it was a mistake minor administrative must pay with two days of confinement." Upon hearing the sentence, everyone relaxed.

before taking my aunt Matilde away, she approaches me and says in a low voice ⁓"remember our secret."⁓ moments later, my aunt Matilde walked towards the street escorted by a couple of bodyguards.

my father was led by the arms dragging his feet, my grandfather walked past me and patted my shoulder and apologized. ⁓ "I'm sorry, boy" ⁓ he punched me on the shoulder repeating again ⁓ "I'm sorry. "⁓ Obviously my grandfather's apologies came from the inheritance I think they have a better candidate or rather a girl better to receive the inheritance.

⁓"Albert leaves the poor boy,"⁓ says Grandma, as she approaches.

I tried to look my grandmother in the eyes of her but her breasts looked bigger up close to her, I consciously looked down her chin, this way I could look at her face and her breasts at the same time. it seems my grandmother noticed because she nods and smiles.

my grandfather catches air and releases another sigh, he remains silent for several seconds as if he were choosing his next words. ⁓Steve, what would you think if "⁓ before continuing speaking. my grandmother interrupts him. ⁓"Stop Albert, don't confuse the boy, let me explain it to him more calmly and with time."⁓Upon hearing grandma's words, my grandfather's face relaxes and tells us ⁓ "Okay, I'll leave it in your hands, you know I'm bad at this kind of thing"⁓

We were talking for a while until one of the bodyguards told grandfather that my father was waking up, my aunts took advantage of this moment and took grandfather away.

I stayed in the patio watching everyone walk towards the street until my grandmother came up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. ⁓ "Let's go inside boy, it's time for you to know the truth of this world." ⁓ I return to see the smile that she had on her lips and I nod confirming.

We waited in the patio until everyone had left, then my grandmother walked me to the door of the house. my grandmother took a step back, while she opened the door of the house.

Alexandra's cheeks turn red and she waits for Steve to come in and invite her in. I pushed the door open and I welcomed her. ⁓ "Go ahead grandma, you're in your house." ⁓ Before she enters, Alexandra looks around to make sure there's no one near of house.

Steve ushered Grandma in and invited her to sit on the couch, while he offered a drink, be it water, juice, or a soda. Grandma shakes her head a couple of times and adds ⁓"thanks, but let's get to the point."⁓

Steve nodded and when she was about to sit down in another place, the grandmother moves a little to the side of the sofa and makes Steve sit next to her. Grandma takes breath and courage, asking a question ⁓ "What would you think if last month I told you that there is another world, a world that is 2000 times bigger than the sun, where fantasy and science fiction mix. "⁓ I stayed speechless after listening to my grandmother.

⁓"be honest"⁓ Grandma tells me.

⁓"I would ask you if you stopped taking your medication and I'll tell my grandfather that your age has reached you."⁓ My answer made my grandmother smile, but then my grandmother adds ⁓"now what do you think"⁓

without thinking for a long time I answered ⁓ "it is possible" ⁓

my grandmother smiles and asks ⁓"why? "⁓ now it was me taking a long breath and letting out a sigh, to then comment ⁓"these days I experience things that if I tell you. you'd think I'm the crazy in the family. "⁓

my grandmother nods and in a calm voice comments. ⁓ "every time someone is born, whether they are rich or poor, ugly or handsome, thin or fat, they are given a test.. "⁓ my grandmother places her hand facing the ground, opens her fingers, confirming that she has nothing hidden in her hand. she closes her fingers and spins her hand, like in act of magic a transparent gem appears out of nowhere on top of her hand.

That surprised me, but her tricks weren't over, my grandmother holds the gem and turns her hand over and returns it up, when she opened her hand, the gem had disappeared.

Grandma repeats her trick several times and adds. ⁓ "Now that I have your full attention and you've stopped looking at my boobs, I can explain things better." ⁓ Steve just flashes an apologetic smile and looks at the boobs a few more times, before looking his grandmother in the eye. and pay attention.

my grandmother takes out the gem again and adds .⁓ "this is called a test gem and it is used to know the type of dominant source that your body has and the percentage of your concentration.

Now you have to pay more attention.

At birth, all babies have 7 types of sources in their body: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck.

To discover your dominant source there are several ways, but the most used is this, the test gem.

depending on what type of color the gem has, it is your dominant source type.

⚪ strength






⚫ luck:

To naturally increase your dominant source there is meditation and depending on the percentage of your concentration it will be the percentage increase of your dominant source where 100% is = 1.

⁓ "Now let me show you." ⁓ Grandma tells me holding the transparent gem in her hand. she closes her eyes and concentrates.

seconds later.

the gem begins to take on a green color: endurance and 30% is drawn on top and adde.. ⁓ "as you can see my dominant source is endurance, the more endurance I have, my vitality will increase and the greater my vitality I will live more years, in a few words the more percentage of concentration I have, my skin will remain younger. "⁓ for a few brief seconds my grandmother looks at me like a tasty piece of meat. which gives me a shiver that runs down my spine.

my grandmother smiles at me and returns to her usual state of mind, continuing her explanation. ⁓"Throughout their lives, all people have 5 great opportunities to increase the percentage that their dominant source has naturally: at birth at 10, 16, 18 and 23 years old, the latter being the best option. that by being more aware you will make your own decisions better, have a normal life in this world or a life of dangers in the other world. like a hunter:"⁓

That comment made me ask the million dollar question. ⁓ "Grandma, how do I become a hunter" ⁓

my grandmother smiles and says. ⁓ "to be a hunter you must increase your dominant source naturally to twice wthat a normal person. At least that way you can defend yourself in the other world. the statistics of an average person are between 6 to 10 points. that means you need to have a number of 20 or more."⁓

It left me thinking in silence. (Oh shit*. I have strength [+16] does that mean I need to use my aunt's cave 4 more times and I can be a hunter?)

Seeing me distracted. my grandmother clears her throat and tells me sadly. ⁓ "I know darling, I know how hard it is to achieve that step, look at me. I've been meditating every day for over 65 years and I only managed to gain 6 points...in all these years I only have 14 points of endurance.

I was left with my mouth open, 65 years meditating, if it was a total scam and I only have to say. ⁓"too bad grandma "⁓

my grandmother wipes the tears from her face and tells me. ⁓ "First you must learn to know how to meditate." ⁓ She asks me to get up from the chair with some signs and adds. ⁓ "You need to stand in front of me." ⁓ I get up from the couch and follow her instructions.

my grandmother tells me with a smile. ⁓ "Now you need to take off your clothes." ⁓ Upon hearing the indication she left me in shock without knowing what to do.

my grandmother gets up from the sofa and grabs my jacket and as she begins to remove the buttons she tells me. ⁓ "honey, you don't need to be ashamed, this must be done because your body will secrete a large amount of impurities that will stain your clothes in the first meditations. "⁓ Saying this, the grandmother finishes taking off my jacket, throws it on the sofa and As I take off my shirt, my grandmother takes advantage and unbuckles the seatbelt. she opens the pants button, lowers the zipper, grabs the pants from the sides, lowers the pants with everything and my underwear.

⁓"wait grandma No"⁓ I tell her, while I try to cover my balls next to my dragon. my grandmother smiles and she comments to me ⁓ "my god honey, it's not the first time I've seen one of these, remember I already had children." ⁓ she grabs my hands and puts them at my sides.

my grandmother lets go of my hands, with a smile on her lips, she grabs my dragon with one hand and massages my balls with the other, while she tells me. ⁓ "You shouldn't be ashamed, now closes her eyes and sit cross-legged in front." ⁓ Finishing her words, Grandma lets go of my dragon and steps back.

I sit on the floor with my eyes closed and my grandmother's voice follows me say . ⁓ "you need to keep your back straight and your eyes closed, that increases your concentration. now you must inhale and exhale "⁓

my mind was so restless after my grandmother released my dragon that it was impossible to focus no matter how many breaths I took.

minutes later

I despair, I open my eyes and snort in disgust, ⁓ "grandma I can't concentrate my mind." ⁓ my grandmother is still standing in front of me and smiles when commenting. ⁓ "That's very normal honey, meditation is not like preparing boiled eggs, you have to keep your mind calm and keep trying until you can meditate. "⁓

No matter how many times I tried to concentrate, I kept thinking about the softness of Grandma's fingers. to the point where my dragon started to react.

To avoid embarrassment I close my eyes and try to think about sad things, but my dragon seemed to have a life of its own and stands up proud. until I heard my grandmother's voice say ⁓ "what do you think if you take a shower, maybe that will calm your friend down" ⁓ I got up as quickly as I could and ran to take that miraculous shower.

When I go under the shower I use cold water, my dragon hides quickly and I take advantage of the time to rinse my body.

When I left the bathroom, my grandmother was in front of the door with only a towel in her hand, she looks at me with a smile on her face and when she lowers her gaze, she shakes her head a couple of times. telling me. ⁓ "I think the shower didn't work. "⁓ I honestly didn't pay attention to what my grandmother told me. My sight is set on the size of her breasts. God I'll have to use my two hands with a boob and in that reddish bush with some white locks between her legs, she's so sexy.

With a smile on her face, my grandmother raises her hand, puts it on my chest, and begins to push me back to the bathroom. As she enters, she throws the towel in a corner and closes the door with her heel.

my grandmother keeps pushing my chest until she reaches the shower, but my grandmother doesn't stop and she keeps pushing me until my back hits the wall.

before I say a word, my grandmother puts one of her fingers to my mouth ⁓ "Shhh" ⁓ I just nod in confirmation and watch as she crouches down with her legs apart.

my grandmother leans her face forward and catches the head of my dragon with her lips, she throws her head forward and swallows a piece of my dragon. then she throws her head back and takes out a smaller piece of the dragon and repeats the same actions. so my grandmother was swallowing little by little in each of her movements.

Until more than half of it is inside her mouth, my grandmother sucks my dragon a couple of times bobbing her head, making obscene noises every time she tilts her head back *choups* *choups ** choups *

*choups **choups **choups* my grandma takes my shaft out of her mouth and holds it in her hands and starts licking it like tasty ice cream. while she looks into my eyes and tells me. ⁓ "I'm sorry honey, but I'm tired of being old, it's time to punish you." ⁓ Saying this, my grandmother puts my dragon back into her mouth and sucks it again. At the same time, she grabs the remaining part of my shaft with one hand and stimulates it, while with her other hand she massages my balls like a professional porn actress.

after several minutes, my grandmother stops sucking and stands up, puts her hands around my neck and warns. ⁓ "Don't fall" ⁓ after her words my grandmother pushes herself up and hugs my waist with her legs. Her weight makes me walk a few steps forward having to hold her behind putting my hands on her buttocks.

we hugged each other for several seconds and seeing that I'm left without doing anything, the grandmother looks at me and says annoyed. ⁓ "What are you waiting for, idiot, an invitation. Come on, that won't get in by itself. "⁓ . I have to lift her butt, while she guides my dragon to her cave.

(If this morning they told me that today I will fuck both the mother and the daughter, I would tell you that you are drugged.) ⁓"Uhhh"⁓ my grandmother's moan, takes me out of my thoughts.

which makes me pay attention to her next gesture.

⁓ "God" ⁓ she yells with her eyes closed before clinging to my neck, which tells me I'm on the right track and I drop her rear onto my shaft. pounding her insides. I lift her butt again and let it fall making our furs rattle. *paff* *paff**paff*

my grandmother notices my clumsiness and she tells me. ⁓ "If you take me to your bedroom without cumming, I'll teach you how to fuck properly. "⁓ This is a good challenge.

When walking a couple of steps, my grandmother begins to rock her body, this makes it difficult for me to walk and open the door to get out of the bathroom.

being in the corridor I hear the sound of my smartphone, but right now I was too busy to go look at the screen.


a woman leans out of the window and watches Steve go by totally naked with Mrs. Alexandra hanging in her arms.

I wait until the couple entered the bedroom and seconds later the moans and pleas of Mrs. Alexandra can be heard.

Upon confirming that they are fucking, the woman withdraws from the window and runs out of the patio at full speed.

streets ahead, a black BMW class 7 is waiting for her,

Upon reaching the BMW, the woman gets into the back of the car and with a smile on her lips, she tells the three women inside the car. ⁓ "it's done, my mother-in-law is already fucking him "⁓

the woman behind the wheel comments ⁓"if my mom is right, I don't care if Steve wants to fuck me on top of her"⁓

⁓ "don't sing victory sister yet, it's late let's go home and we'll know the results tomorrow." ⁓ says the woman sitting in the passenger seat.

⁓ "If Alexa is right, I just hope that poor boy can last all night, because I'm also going to want my share. "⁓ says the white-haired woman.

causing women to laugh out loud, the ticket to fulfilling their lifelong dream of being a hunter is within reach of their hips.

the woman behind the wheel turns on and starts the car.

Three houses up from where the car was parked, Vladimir pokes his head in, watching his wife leave with her aunt, sister, and his sister-in-law.

he waits until the car leaves to go out into the street and walk back, he wanted to know what his sister-in-law had seen in her nephew Steve's house.

⭐remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.⭐