
1st successful meditation

✨__happy new year guys, please, Take your time to read. ⭐

with each thrust, my grandmother's buttocks tremble like a pair of puddings along with her breasts, which move back and forth. at the same time the grandmother lets out a moan every time my hips hit her buttocks and the sound of our skin is heard, repetitively. *pazz* *pazz* *pazz**pazz**pazz**pazz*

*pazz **pazz **pazz **pazz* Alexandra was on all fours on the bed, Steve holding her hips on either side. the constant hammering makes Steve snort from time to time and his forehead shows traces of sweat. *Ufff*

snorts that denote his effort to continue hammering, as if his life depended on this...

not bearing the punishment, the grandmother begins to lament aloud. ⁓ "Ss-Ah, sss-Ah, ss-Oh my goodness" ⁓ she yells and moans for some sympathy.

when Steve hears her groans, he reaches forward with his right hand and grabs her hair and yanks it hard. she makes the woman raise her face violently, looking at the ceiling and while Steve continues to penetrate her she asks insistently. ⁓ "What's up? ask me, come on ask me, ask me to stop and stop doing it. "⁓

Alexandra opens her eyes and tries to look at Steve, but the boy pulls harder on her hair, causing Alexandra to laugh wildly, this prompts Steve to hammer faster and harder, as if he were galloping across the fields, provoking Alexandra moaned much louder.⁓ "Ahh"⁓

⁓"shut up"⁓ Steve yells furiously and adds a couple of spanks over the fluffy white ass. *Plash* *Plash* beginning with the interrogation combined with reproaches. ⁓ "You knew what my father was doing and you didn't stop him, you never helped me, you always avoided me, but now you beg me for a little more shaft "⁓ Steve pulls the hair and gives another couple of spanks *Plash**Plash* doing the skin begins to redden.

Alexandra's response came right away moaning a couple of times ⁓ "Aiii, Aiiii" ⁓ but contrary to what any woman in her right mind would expect. Alexandra also begins to move her hips to feel more pleasure. she forcefully drops her butt onto the shaft increasing the sound and yelling ⁓ "more, more, more" ⁓ causing her butt and much of her thighs to shake like jelly with each blow..

Alexandra raises her hands from the bed and puts them on the wall, trying to resist the onslaught for a couple of minutes, until she screams loudly. ⁓ "Change" ⁓ this causes Steve to let go of her hair and pull out his nectar-soaked dragon, separating from Alexandra's body.

with a smile on her face Alexandra turned around, lying on her back on the bed. she adjusts her body and spreads her legs in (M) then raises them and invites Steve with the same smile. ⁓ "Now come over and finish." ⁓ Steve nods as he kneels on the bed and slowly moves over. he holds and stimulates his dragon like a professional in the adult entertainment industry...

Steve pulls his right leg out of the way and holds his left by the lower calf, lifting it up for better access. he grabs and slams his dragon over the cave several times, making his grandmother's eyes sparkle with excitement and expectation. After several more blows, the boy slides the dragon diagonally over the folds of the entrance, smearing the dragon's head with nectar...

he repeats these same actions two to three times, until he despairs his grandmother, who yells at him in annoyance. ⁓" come on son of a bitc* don't waste time. "⁓ with a smile on his lips Steve replies haughtily.. ⁓"beg."⁓

⁓ "please" ⁓ Alexandra tells him.

⁓ "Come on grandma, you're not asking me for fruits" ⁓ he jokingly replies.

Grandma smiles and lets out a laugh and yells at the top of her lungs "honey please fuck me, I want you to fuck your grandma like she owes you money."Saying that, Steve's smile widened before sinking his dragon to the bottom. causing Alexandra to throw her head back and moan in satisfaction.. ⁓ "Yeah" ⁓ as the dragon reaches the walls of her womb..

the next thing that happened was that Steve completely roughed the cave out of him, until he fell asleep.

when he woke up he fucked her again regardless of whether his grandmother was asleep.

When Grandma couldn't take it anymore, she directly covers herself with the sheet from head to toe regardless of Steve's pleas, causing him to fall asleep..

Waking up stinking of sex, Steve went to the shower on the way, checked the messages on his Smartphone as well as the messages from his mother, he had two pieces of news.

the good news is that he got 55% with his grandmother and an additional 250 DC for the sex sessions.

the bad news: he didn't receive any additional points..

when getting out of bed, the grandmother was already awake and asks a little curious. ⁓ "You're going to school." ⁓ Steve shrugs and answers. ⁓"it's 12:00 noon, you want me to be expelled for being a scoundrel."⁓

⁓ "Perhaps fucking your grandmother is a show of modesty." ⁓ questions the grandmother. Steve smiles and leans toward Grandma. and gave him a bite on his left buttock .. which causes a scream. ⁓ "Sss.Ahh, gross" ⁓ chides the grandmother and removes the sheet, showing her firm bottom and rubs the skin below where she received the bite and begins to pull up the skin revealing her already wet cave..

Steve shakes his head and comments. ⁓ "I'll try to meditate a bit if I can't do it, you'll pay the consequences." ⁓ Grandma smiles and covers herself with the sheet again, letting out a couple of laughs.

Steve went straight to the shower and stands on top of the strainer, sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. he lets out a couple of huffs to calm his mind.

After inhaling and exhaling several times in a slow manner, the place was completely silent. Seconds later, he began to hear the sound of a drop falling from the tuberia that began to disturb his meditation and he tried to ignore it with a snort. .

the sound of the drop becomes more and more constant, until suddenly the sound changes. now a puddle is heard falling making an echo. the obvious change makes Steve open his eyes curiously, noticing a radical change in the place.

as if by magic it appeared in a different place.

the place is some kind of flat that you can't see the end. because the sky and the ground are white, without land, clouds or trees with only a small puddle fed by a leak that falls from somewhere above..

Steve got up in fear and just looks at the small puddle of water in front of him, held up by a drop.

there is no ground under his feet just a white floor, Steve hits him a few times and starts walking to the right for several meters.

after several minutes of walking aimlessly those meters become kilometers having to turn around for fear of getting lost, until returning to the small puddle.

Not having anything to do in this place, Steve quickly gets bored and lies down next to the puddle and waits for the meditation to end, counting the sound of the drops that fall and continue to fall.

As time goes by, the puddle begins to grow little by little. in that time Steve several ideas come to his mind, until he falls asleep.

when he opened his eyes Steve was under the shower with a layer of brown substance on much of his skin.

he was like peanut jelly with a strong smell of sewage and immediately he turns on the shower and feeling the water fall on his skin was very fresh and relaxing.

the bathroom door opens and grandma's head pokes around the side of the door asking. ⁓ "How did you....fuaa, you stink." ⁓ She covers her nose and tries to push the stench away from her face after her scream.

Unable to stand the stench, Grandma slams the door shut and adds another scream. ⁓ "eh opens the window, let the place air out, wow." ⁓

after several minutes the grandmother shows her face again and sniffs a couple of times. *sniff, sniff* since the smell is more acceptable, it enters the bathroom.

Alexandra approaches with a smile on her face and in her hand she shows Steve the test gem. Without saying a word Steve holds the gem, inhales and exhales before closing his eyes, seconds later his face, like the whole place, lights up until the temperature changes and although his eyes were closed, Steve makes some changes in his expressions like if the gem was hot by having a sapphire blue color.


When I open my eyes I can see that the gem looks like a Sapphire due to the color, my grandmother's mouth was open just like her eyes..

Looking at the gem, Alexandra wakes up in shock and snatches it out of Steve's hand. She looks at the ridiculous percentage number and immediately destroys the gem without saying a word, as if it were a donut and the pieces of the gem disappear before falling to the floor..

After destroying the gem, Alexandra runs to the window and closes it, then she goes to the door and makes sure it's locked. On the way back with Steve, she approaches, looking everywhere in search of some strange object in the bathroom, especially on the walls.

Finding nothing, he gets as close to his ear as he can and whispers... ⁓"pay attention and listen to me carefully." ⁓ Having said this, he gets a little closer and covers the sound with his hands, whispering as low as possible. ⁓ "never take a test in this world again, no matter what happens. Now explain to me what you saw in your meditation. "⁓ in the same way based on whispers. Steve begins to describe the place he was transported to which gives Grandma another shock.

not understanding why so much drama. Grandma explains to Steve the dangerous situation he finds himself in. ⁓" In this world there are several types of hunters depending on the skills you develop: strength, speed, distance, aguabte or healers. But there is one that surpasses all of them and they are the mages who are in a higher branch because very few can have some progress through your meditation and are extremely lethal.

Imagine that you are the best car in the world and mana is your fuel, but in this world mana is so scarce that the average wizard average gathers a drop of mana a year..

which in your case only takes a second, not to mention you ridiculous number of percentage, in a couple of hours people will look for you to study you and believe me they will not be cordial with your body and with respect to your meditation.

pay attention.

there are certain limits that cannot be crossed in this world and one of those limits is meditation

The longest meditation in this world can last a maximum of 24 hours, the shortest a couple of hours. Regardless of how long you spend in meditation, the result is determined by your percentage. In short, it can take a couple of days to reach the limit of 20 points, or in more extreme cases, it can take more than 5 decades and never reach the limit, as it was in my case and that of most people.

When entering meditation, most of the people are transported to dark and infinite places, where only your thought is the one that wanders freely in that place. Time passes in a different way, it can be long or very short.

in that place it can be seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades or centuries and when your mind feels tired you will wake up from meditation automatically. "⁓

⁓ "Grandma what happens when you overcome the 20 point barrier" ⁓ question curious to know..

⁓" you can approach the government or in your case with your grandfather and they will pass you through a portal that will take you to a lobby where your name, age, and species will be registered. In addition to receiving an ability to increase your survival, before passing to the door that will take you randomly to any part of the other world, It can be a city, a dungeon or a camp that will depend on your luck."⁓

That means that I will stay here until I pass the 20 points and as long as my mind does not get tired I will be in meditation inside the place.

I wanted to try some things and I ask my grandmother to bring some jars from my bag, my grandmother gave me a flirtatious smile and got up, put her hands on her waist and turned around.

Seeing my grandmother walk towards the door, I let out a breath. Before leaving, my grandmother stops in the doorway, she leans back and looks at me again. she raises one leg and slams her bottom vigorously. *splash* she smiles and raises an eyebrow at Steve. As he continues on his way, his laughter is heard.

she returns with several jars in her hands and she hands them to me, she asks me out of curiosity ⁓ "what do you plan to do with that?" ⁓ I tell her my idea and my grandmother laughs out loud and tells me. ⁓"you're crazy that's impossible."⁓

⁓ "I lose nothing by trying" ⁓ Steve responds as he adjusts his body for the next meditation and closes his eyes.

He didn't take long to enter and he didn't have the jars in his hand. but just thinking about them, the jars appeared in his hands and he carries them under the leak to fill each one. Although it takes several minutes to fill all twenty jars.

Steve didn't mind waiting.

Alexandra narrowly misses out, when Steve opens his eyes and suddenly two vials filled with a turquoise blue liquid appear in her hands. she had to breathe heavily several times to calm her emotions and she asked upset. ⁓"how did you do it "⁓

Not having an answer, Steve just shrugged and said calmly. ⁓"I don't know, I just thought of them and they appeared in my hands like the tricks you do with gems."⁓

Alexandra replies annoyed ⁓ "what a trick ,silly. this is called a storage ring and it's a family item, passed down from generation to generation that works through thought and is a memento of the first hunter in the family."⁓ Steve looked at the ring gold with a dark stone embedded and blurts out his first question. ⁓ "what capacity does it have, because my space, they have kilometers and kilometers of capacity. "⁓

Grandma's cheeks turn red with embarrassment, and she responds with a mosquito voice. ⁓"It has a square meter...."⁓ Saying this, Grandma runs up to Steve and pulls his ear and scolds. ⁓"so what, so what eh, brat. I'm still your grandmother, so watch your words Ah."⁓

⁓"Aiii, Aiii, Aiii" Grandma hurts, hurts. ⁓ He tries to hold his grandmother's hand so she doesn't pull him anymore, but Steve had a smile on his face.

Grandma lets go of her ear and snorts, holding her hand out in front of Steve's face. ⁓ "if you give me one of those jars I'll tell you a big secret that will blow your mind, but if you give me two jars "⁓ With a mischievous smile approaches his ear and whispers several things to him that he had previously and refused to do with Steve in bed.

Steve handed him the two vials with a smile and while he waited to find out that big secret he licked and wet his lips, tasting his grandmother, a couple of times...

Grandma ignored the lewd gestures and grabbed the two jars, uncovered one and sniffed. *sniff **sniff* she quickly covers them up, puts them away and she explains. ⁓ "Things from the other world are highly sought after on this side.. For example: DC coins, because it is the currency used for trade. when you go to the other world you will find out its importance... Now you know how much one of those coins."⁓ Steve just nods silently, Grandma grabs his cheek and adds tenderly. ⁓ "when the limit of 20 points is passed, meditation goes into the background since there is a more efficient and faster way to raise your dominant source and they are called nuclei.. "⁓ the grandmother runs one of her fingers across the cheeks of Steve. reaches the lips and asks. ⁓ "Do you have any idea how much one of those cores is worth" ⁓ Steve shakes his head a few times in silence.

the grandmother answers. ⁓"they are worth 10,000 DC each and I'm talking about the lowest category cores in this case it would be [Hunter Rank "Iron" ] not to mention that the simplest skills cost from 10 thousand to 50 thousand coins."⁓ Hearing that, Steve's eyes widened like a pair of headlights.

When Alexandra achieves the effect she wanted, she puts the vials in the ring of storage and says with a happy face ⁓the most sought after are the 100,000 DC healing potions but the mana potions are worth three times more and the most interesting thing is that the base of the mana potion is a drop of pure mana. "⁓ Alexandra bursts out laughing because she had conned Steve.

⁓"Grandma what are the other ingredients for the mana potion." ⁓ he asks curiously

Grandma shrugs and comments ⁓ "Each high-ranking magician uses different ingredients to dissolve the mana drop, from fruit juice to distilled water but the best flavors are the most popular and best-selling ones. By the way, how many drops does it have each vial ? "⁓

⁓ "200 drops each" ⁓ answers Steve as he gets up and walks towards the bathtub, the answer lights up Alexandra's eyes and she begins to calculate the profits that she can obtain with both bottles. but he gasps when he sees the bathtub disappear and screams. ⁓"what are you doing idiot "⁓

with a smile on her lips Steve replies ⁓ "I don't want the mana drops to go to waste." ⁓ Alexandra feels her legs give way and she falls backwards unconscious to the ground.

Before waking up Grandma, Steve disappeared every container that could contain liquid in her house. This he did with the unconscious grandmother and picks her up in his arms.

The moment he enters the bedroom, the grandmother wakes up startled by the movement. ⁓ "What are you doing? "⁓ With a smile on his lips Steve replies ⁓ "it's time for our second round, by the way grandma how do you know so much information."⁓

Alexandra's cheeks were red and she pouted and she comments. ⁓ "The family teaches you all that information before you start your trip, but don't worry about it, I'll talk to your grandfather so that the right people come to give you that information. "⁓

upon arriving in front of the bed Steve frowns and asks. ⁓ "Why don't you come to give me those classes, Grandma. "⁓

⁓"why else silly. I need to think about doing some business and polishing my skills, don't think that all people are freaks like you, who can meditate whenever they please and last just a few seconds... Also remember to keep these things a secret from anyone or they can betray you and you will be locked up for life being fed by test tubes until you die or being dissected on a lab bench."⁓ Alexandra comments annoyed seeing this fool's smile.

Steve smiles and comments ⁓ "I'm going to be more careful" ⁓ he begins to swing his grandmother's body in her arms, before throwing it on top of the bed. Alexandra screams scared ⁓ "what the shi* are you doing stupid? KYAAA"⁓

⁓ "What else, Grandma. I'm going to use what I already paid for." ⁓ He answers and gets on the bed, Grandma rolls a couple of turns and lets out a laugh, places her body on her back and spreads her legs ⁓ "Let's start this brat Today you will meet your nemesis."⁓

⭐remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.⭐