
Mihawk in ASOIAF

This is a story about a man who reincarnated into Westeros with wishes that changes the history of Planetos forever. Born the same year as a second son to Jeor Mormont. How will his presence change the history he knows. This is an AU.

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19 Chs

The Blackfish

This tourney may end up being worth my time afterall. I dodged another blow from a knight as the free for all melee continued. I was born with a very sharp intuition it always seemed to help me make the right decisions most times. It can be danger or intuition in combat. As I grew up and trained my haki it evolved into future sight.

During the nine-penny war was when I really came into my own as a warrior. Decimating hundreds of soldiers from the Golden Company. It was then I fell into the duel that gave me englightnment . It was one of the commanders, Ser Arnorld Peake. We battled for hours as the war continued around us, people were too scared to jump in for fear of losing their lives shortly after. His sword skills were better than mine but my reaction time helped me hold on.

Blade after blade, cut after cut we continued not caring about what was going on for we both knew only one could make it out alive. Leaving the other is too dangerous for the opponent's side. Eventually after a deep slash across my chest I believe I was done for and so did he. He moved in for the killing blow. I squeezed every ounce of potential I saw a ghost like figure of what he was about to do. I dragged my body just slightly out of the way before plunging it deep into his chest. I was dragged off the battlefield by commonfolk levies but from that day I became a famous knight. Somehow got the moniker 'The Blackfish'.

I eliminated two more people and advanced to another. Surveyed the field and noticed we were seven left. Thats an odd number so no impromptu duels no will allow the other rest for a second.

'Yo! You're the Blackfish right? How about you let us youngsters win this one.' said a youngster with the most queer eyes I have ever seen.

'You can get your victory when you earn it boy.'

'I wouldn't want it any other way old man. Try to keep up.'

The hair on my neck stood on ends and I shifted immediately before opening my observation haki fully. I blade slashed down where I was standing a second ago.

The fighting continued as both of is lunged at each other. Our blades hitting each other searching for a weakpoint. I started using future sight after about a minute cause the match was taking a long time. This is the first time I've seen this boy and he's this strong?

Is he another Arthur Dayne? Will I be the first famous knight he fells on his way to glory? Am I partaking in history?

Maybe if he came a few years later sure… but not today. He's seen battle but he doesn't have enough experience yer.

As we kept clashing, I snaked my feet around and tripped him. He tried to scramble up only to meet a blade near his throat.

'Do you yield Ser?'

I'm not a Ser. Aye I yield old man.'

I pulled him up to his feer and he started smiling,

'So how did I do?'

'You were good lad how has no one knighted you with skills like that?'

I'm a northerner we worship the old gods. Its not often we get knighted.'

'Whats your name then?'

'Mihawk Mormont ser.'

'Good now kneel.'

He went on one knee as I recited the rites for knighting. The crowds cheeted in the background as we were the last two contestants remaing as we elimated the others during our duel continued.

'Now rise Ser Mormont.'

After collecting my coin for the competition I went to find my brother Hoster to reconvene with him.

' He's strong brother. I believe you should make a good impression on him now so one day he can squire Edmure.'

I know I'm already on it. Anyone who can go toe to toe against you at six and ten can never be underestimated. Especially after the last time somwthing like this happened.'

'You mean Arthur? Everyone was caught off guard by his talent.'

' Now we have another Arthur in our midst.We are lucky we found out about him first.'

Bryden leaned back in his chair and let his mind drift as his brother started cooking up schemes in his head. Drifted back to the good old days when it was just him and Minisa. Two young fools who thought their families would leave them from their schemes. Minisa was eventually married off to Hoster leaving him to drift around Westeros. I could barely stand to see her marry Hoster then. The pain has long faded but its fine now.

Everything is going to be alright.

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