
Midnight: The Hero

One day, while Simon is getting picked on by his bully Xander, they both get into fight and the bigger boy punches the smaller one. However, a lab nearby has an accident and sends matter from other dimensions flying off in every direction. The boys are struck by the dark matter and are immediately fused into one being, Midnight...

DilloSF · Seni bela diri
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2 Chs

Chapter Two: Midnight

Six Hours Earlier…

"This isn't good, if the stress on the reactor continues it'll be a catastrophe." The young scientist had panic in his eyes as he said this, his nervous ticks evident as he flinched at every sound. "What are we going to do if the dimensional gate collapses?" One of the laboratory assistants asked, anxiety welling up inside her. "There is simply nothing we can do…" This came from an older man, his long beard hanging down to his chest. His wise eyes seemed fearless as he stood there, glancing at the multitude of scientists and researchers who stood around him. As they all glanced at each other, the alarms blaring causing flashes of red lighting to dance across the walls, the laboratory began to shake.

Six Hours Later…

Xander and Simon stood, almost tripping as both of them tried to control their legs. "Hey, stop that!" Xander said, his voice echoing in the mind of Simon. Or wait, was it Xanders mind? The two stood glancing around the large gymnasium, a girl cried out in fear as she saw the two boys fall through the wall. Suddenly, a rumbling sound seemed to echo across the entire city, the school shook once again. A piece of debris fell from the ceiling, a large light that had been held up by wire was now plummeting towards the young woman. Xander jumped into motion, his legs seemed to have an immense amount of power as he leapt forward, catching the light before it hit her. He placed it down next to her, helping the girl to her feet before turning towards the wall he had just fallen through. Then the ground began to shake and cracks opened up in the polished wooden floor. As if things couldn't get any weirder, something seemed to rise up from the damaged linoleum. A dog like creature pulled itself up and out of the hole that had just been created, its eyes locking on Xander and Simon as it stood. It lunged, the two boys flinched Xander moving his hands up to guard, but it didn't matter. The beast flew through the boys, hitting a student who stood behind them holding his phone up. The boy fell to the ground, the dog like creature biting into his neck before turning, blood dripping from its vicious teeth. It began to stock towards them slowly. Xander grabbed the light that had fallen, throwing it at the beast. What immense strength he had, he felt like he could lift a car if he wanted. The light hit the creature hard, sending it flying against the opposite wall. It fell, its body limp. The two boys, still fused into one, approached the boy who had just been attacked. "Are you okay" The voice was odd. It sounded like Simon and Xander, talking in perfect synchronicity with each other. The boy was bleeding out of multiple holes in his throat. "If he doesn't get medical attention soon, he'll die." Simon said to Xander.

The two boys stood picking up the boy, caring him fireman style. Xander turned the body facing the wall they fell through. "I have an idea," He said as he began racing towards the wall. Instead of hitting it, both the boy and Simon and Xander passed through the wall as if it was air. The two boys beelining it for the hospital.

Hey guys, this chapter is going to be a bit shorter. But I promise the next one will be where everything picks up!!!

DilloSFcreators' thoughts