
Midnight: The Hero

One day, while Simon is getting picked on by his bully Xander, they both get into fight and the bigger boy punches the smaller one. However, a lab nearby has an accident and sends matter from other dimensions flying off in every direction. The boys are struck by the dark matter and are immediately fused into one being, Midnight...

DilloSF · Action
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2 Chs

Chapter One: The Boys who could walk through walls

"I feel terrible but what can I do? I have a feeling that something is about to happen. It is the effect of the cause, the cause which I created. Now, the world shall face a shift, a shift that shall change the very nature of everything around us, everything we know. "

-From the Journal of Richard Cor

"Hello friends, My name is Simon, and I am here as a friend to all of you frie…" in the large bathroom stood a teenage boy of about 16 years of age, his spiky black hair was covered by a black beanie which he wore quite often, his blue eyes were shrouded by a pair of transition lenses that were currently on their way back to clear, but hadn't quite reached it yet. He stood, nervously shaking as he looked at himself in his own tinted eyes, the mirror reflecting his anxious image. He stepped away, turning towards the door to the hallway. The first year at his new schools were alway nerve racking and he knew this year wasn't going to be any different. He already had some bully named Xander pushing him into doing his homework for him. "He doesn't realize that the teacher knows how stupid he is." he thought snickering to himself. Simon was excited as he began to walk to class, the day was beautiful, his mother had made an amazing breakfast of pancakes with bacon and eggs. A rare occasion in his household as his family didn't do big meals very often. It was seen as unhealthy and an unhealthy body meant an unhealthy mind, or so that's what his mother said. On top of all that, the Celestial Studies Lab was about to publically test their new device, which would theoretically allow scientists to see into other dimensions. He was super excited for the last part and his head began drifting into thoughts about other dimensions and what that could mean for humanity.

Bang! A locker slammed shut loudly causing Simon to jump. Xander, he had just shut Simon's friend Ben in a locker and now he was making his way over to the younger boy. Simon drew in a sharp inhale and turned trying to walk the other direction, but before he could get too far, the older boy stood there in front of him, arms crossed as if in a scolding manner. "Listen here you little shit, my homework better be done right this time or we are going to have some issues." Simon purposefully put wrong answers so that the teachers wouldn't catch on. If Xander began getting A's on all of his papers, there would be some questions. "Now me and you need to have a more serious conversation outside." He grabbed Simon's arm, practically dragging him down the hallway and out one of the many exits to the school. He dragged him so quickly in fact that Simon almost lost his glasses halfway.

As they got to the end of the hallway, Xander shoved him through the exit door and followed after him fist raised. "No more funny business, this one is your easy punishment." He swung, catching Simon across the jaw, causing him to fall. The taller boy grabbed him by his shirt, lifting him with both hands. "Any more of this answering questions wrong shit, and I'm gonna kick the shit outta ya, understood-" he was caught off by a loud explosion that seemed to shake everything around it. A wave hit them knocking both boys to the ground and then suddenly, everything was quiet and focused. Simon stood glancing around, was he taller? He glanced down at himself, screaming in panic. He- he was inside another person's body, he glanced around desperately for his own and couldn't find it anywhere. Suddenly he heard Xander's voice, "Dude where am I, and what's going on here, and why can I hear Simon in my head? This must be some nightmare or something." The two boys, their concisenesses now fused together, like two orbs of light trapped in a large bubble. "Hey Xander, it's Simon." he said nervously, his voice cracking. "What do you want dirtwad? And why can I hear you in my head." "Look down," Simon said anxiously, "Holy shit, I'm somebody else, we're somebody else. The two boys began to panic, talking, thinking? back and forth of ways to fix this problem. Before they could come to any conclusion however, another explosion rippled through the air, sending soil, grass, debris flying every which way. The boys startled and both looked up at the same time causing the head on the body to move. "So who has control of what?" Xander asked, seemingly expectant. "I don't know Xander, I'm not an expert at this kind of thing.""Yeah but you are smarter than the rest of us. If anyone knows what's going on it's you." The school began to shake violently as another explosion rippled through the city, this caused the boy's, who still had very little control over their new body, to trip. They fell against the wall, no not against… through it, they fell through the wall. The boys stood, now standing inside the large basketball gym where a group of very confused volleyball players stood, glancing at him.