
Midnight : husband, 500 reincarnation before we meet again

Shen Jin wanted to experience the warmth family members could bring her, and yearned for a normal life, but instead fell for her sister’s deadly trap and died alone. Two years later, Li Shan, a mysterious man was admitted to the same hospital where Shen Jin died, because of a cunning daughter and her mother. There, a human and a ghost met. As they slowly discovered each other, an unbreakable links developed. The breeze of midnight blow upon them, strewing Camellia seeds in their hearts and linking their red threads together. And they gradually fell in love However, life was full of obstacles, and Shen Jin suddenly disappeared from the world to reincarnate in another world. ------------------------ “Master, why don’t you accept anyone, do you want to stay alone forever?”, a cute girl with a baby face was sitting across her respected master ‘Shen Jin’. Her master was as graceful as a swan, as prideful as a Queen, and as fierce as a lion. She was currently sitting cross-legged while drinking sake. Shen Jin looked at her disciple, Yumi, and picked up casually a peanut. “Well, curious?” __________________ ‘Well I died again... for a peanut..’, Shen Jin choked to death on her peanut. This was quit embarrassing. Floating in a dark and damp space, she thought: ‘This time, what kind of world am I going to fall into?’ ---------------------------- After 500 reincarnations, Shen Jin finally found her way back home. ---------------------------- When Shen Jin returned to the host’s family, the Su family. They all thought that she was lucky to have survived. They said she was a sl*t who climbed on men’s beds, that she was uncultured and shameless. However, she was in fact a big shot in many fields, and she was the big boss of countless big shots. They said she was poor and would never find love, but she is in fact worth a net of more than hundreds of billions. And the tycoon and mysterious leader of the biggest firearm ‘Li Shan’ is actually her soul mate who is forever tied to her. When Li Shan discovered that Su Jin was actually Shen Jin the woman he is obsessed with, he hugged her tightly and begged her to stay and marry him. Li Shan: let’s get married, we can’t leave our children without a father? Can we? Shen Jin: … FL: The Big shot behind Mount Shan, the 'cursed mountain', the behind in scene boss of the circle of big shots, a previous assassin, a genius in many fields. ML: Mysterious, big shot, he is known as a business tycoon, but is in fact the leader of the biggest group of firearms, the leader of the dark world.

FanTimeTravel · perkotaan
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23 Chs

Miss Si

Light shone on the bustling city, and two chubby figures were seeing walking around with awe in their eyes.

For Li Sha and Li Shin, being able to see the world outside the mountain was like a dream becoming reality. They fantasized about this day since their brother Yan told them about the high and mighty buildings of the capital, it was a shame they were only in a small county, the capital was surely more amazing.

Although they have lived in luxury till now, this was not comparable to living a life in a bustling city, with neighbors, friends and classmates, like they had seen on the TV drama's Sis Yumi watched constantly.

They felt like living a beautiful dream and already imagined themselves playing with other children at kindergarten.

However, for the passing people, their exaggerated expressions made them seem like they just came back from the countryside, their beliefs strengthened because of the torn and shabby clothes they were wearing. Some unkind pursed their lips in disdain and didn't bother with them, some frowned in disgust, and some bumped into them before leaving without any care.

The twins who were suddenly confronted with this harsh treatment were stunned, was it because they were small, so nobody could see them and bumped into them, or was it because they were filthy after walking all the way from Mount Shan to a near city?

"Let's go buy some clothes first", Li Shin finally decided.

As to not get separated, they held each other's hand and walked to a near shop. Coincidently, they walked into a luxury brand one.

The salesperson who walked over to welcome new customers was a middle-aged woman, she was about to welcome the children when she saw their disheveled states.

The woman suddenly frowned and her obsequious smile faded away, she revealed a disdainful face before snorting and saying in a voice she thought dignified: "What are you doing here? Go back, this is not a place for you to mingle around"

Sensing the woman's spiteful attitude, Li Sha shielded her brother behind her and her usually bashful face turned icy cold.

"We are customers, are you not, as a worker here, supposed to welcome us?"

"You? Customers? Who are you kidding? Shoo!! Go away, you are dirty and poor, the shop's air is going to smell if you stay here!!"

Li Shin grabbed his sister's hand tightly, and his eyes revealed a hint of murderous intent which didn't befit a boy of his age.

Li Sha's face suddenly turned red from embarrassment, but her eyes were still as cold as ice.

The surrounding customers were ladies and children from high society or at least nouveau rich, and they all had a common hobby which was gossiping, so when they heard the commotion, they gathered around the children and the salesperson.

"Oh my, look at these kids, they are so dirty..."

"Did you see their torn clothes? If it was me, I would be so ashamed of going out in this state"

"What do you know? They seem like poor children from the countryside"

"Where are their parents? They should stop them from running around places they shouldn't enter!"

"Maybe they are orphans?"

"It doesn't matter, the manager should quickly chase them away before spoiling the shop's business"

Hearing the chatter of the noblewomen, the salesperson felt even more confident and puffed her chest out, she shouted with all her might as if afraid the surrounding people might not hear her.

"Quick! Get out!! If you spoil our customers' shopping, how will you be able to compensate us?"

"Maybe they are here to steal?", a voice in the crowd rang out.

With that, Li Sha couldn't remain calm anymore and said while gritting her teeth: "I said we were customers! We are not thieves!!"

The worker shrugged her off. She decided to directly call the security to chase them out.

The crowd didn't stop her as they were watching a show and enjoyed the feeling of being superior to others although they were only children.

Li Shin tugged at his sister's hand to bring her out of this place. Although they could go and complain to their mother who was rich and powerful, they just sneaked out and they didn't want to go back so soon, so they had to lay low for now.

They decided to go shopping elsewhere.

However, the salesperson was like a shrew as she kept scolding them and asked the security to throw them out.

The security guards were all hesitating, after all they were still children, if they were treated roughly, they might get wounded.

"What are you waiting for? Quickly throw them out!! Or do you want me to complain to the boss Ni?"

When they heard her words, their hesitation vanished, because it was a well-known fact that the salesperson was the mistress of the manager's store.

"Sorry kids, we still have a family to feed", one of them said with a tired face, they didn't have a choice, if they were fired, they wouldn't be able to find another job that pays good enough with how old they were now.

It seemed like that woman was going to make things difficult for them although they were clearly going to leave.

Fortunately, the Li siblings were not vegetarians. Although they had never used their internal Qi nor learned how to use it practically, they still had weapons stored in their earrings and could beat two to three burly men with martial arts.

Thus, Li Shin shielded his sister behind him and planned to take care of them alone.

"Wait, brother!", The young girl tugged at him, "We can just buy the whole store. According to aunt Yumi, we can even buy an island with our personal money. I'm sure we can manage to buy a single store"

Although she said it in a low voice, some of the surrounding noblewomen still heard it.

They scoffed at the thought.

"Not only are they filthy, but they are even delusional, they keep saying that they have money when they are dressed so poorly. They can't even buy proper shoes with all their saving, let alone a store!!"

"Tsk, an island? Are they dreaming?"

"Do they even know how much a single fabric of this brand cost?"

Li Shin, not taking the women's words to heart, considered seriously the possibility.

If they bought this store, they would teach this woman a lesson.

"No, if we use the money in our account, won't mommy find us and bring us home?"

As a hacker himself, he knew how easy it was to find them, even more with his mommy's network. And he still didn't accomplish his main purpose of going outside. So, he would rather not alert his mommy for now.

In fact, Li Sha already knew her brother's answer as she was aware of these things. The main reason she asked was to divert the people's attention while she struck a poison's needle on the salesperson wrist.

Seeing her frowning and scratching her wrist, Li Sha knew that she didn't fail. Although the poison was not lethal, it was still problematic and will cause swelling on her face.

The young boy saw everything, and smirked amused, his sister was the most awesome and cute. She pretended all day but was as irritable and sharp as a cat with hidden claws, she was like a flower hiding its thorns behind a shy and weak façade.

The arrogant worker saw the security guards halting and grew angrier, she said nastily: "What are you waiting?! Throw them out quickly our you will have to bear the boss's wrath!"

They gritted their teeth and with guilt in their hearts, tried to grab the children.


A sudden voice interrupted them and they all turned their heads.

The surrounding women gasped and quickly made way for the upcoming person.

"This is.. Miss Si!!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I'm sorry for the delay!!

Kiss Kiss!! ^-^

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