
Midnight : husband, 500 reincarnation before we meet again

Shen Jin wanted to experience the warmth family members could bring her, and yearned for a normal life, but instead fell for her sister’s deadly trap and died alone. Two years later, Li Shan, a mysterious man was admitted to the same hospital where Shen Jin died, because of a cunning daughter and her mother. There, a human and a ghost met. As they slowly discovered each other, an unbreakable links developed. The breeze of midnight blow upon them, strewing Camellia seeds in their hearts and linking their red threads together. And they gradually fell in love However, life was full of obstacles, and Shen Jin suddenly disappeared from the world to reincarnate in another world. ------------------------ “Master, why don’t you accept anyone, do you want to stay alone forever?”, a cute girl with a baby face was sitting across her respected master ‘Shen Jin’. Her master was as graceful as a swan, as prideful as a Queen, and as fierce as a lion. She was currently sitting cross-legged while drinking sake. Shen Jin looked at her disciple, Yumi, and picked up casually a peanut. “Well, curious?” __________________ ‘Well I died again... for a peanut..’, Shen Jin choked to death on her peanut. This was quit embarrassing. Floating in a dark and damp space, she thought: ‘This time, what kind of world am I going to fall into?’ ---------------------------- After 500 reincarnations, Shen Jin finally found her way back home. ---------------------------- When Shen Jin returned to the host’s family, the Su family. They all thought that she was lucky to have survived. They said she was a sl*t who climbed on men’s beds, that she was uncultured and shameless. However, she was in fact a big shot in many fields, and she was the big boss of countless big shots. They said she was poor and would never find love, but she is in fact worth a net of more than hundreds of billions. And the tycoon and mysterious leader of the biggest firearm ‘Li Shan’ is actually her soul mate who is forever tied to her. When Li Shan discovered that Su Jin was actually Shen Jin the woman he is obsessed with, he hugged her tightly and begged her to stay and marry him. Li Shan: let’s get married, we can’t leave our children without a father? Can we? Shen Jin: … FL: The Big shot behind Mount Shan, the 'cursed mountain', the behind in scene boss of the circle of big shots, a previous assassin, a genius in many fields. ML: Mysterious, big shot, he is known as a business tycoon, but is in fact the leader of the biggest group of firearms, the leader of the dark world.

FanTimeTravel · Urban
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23 Chs

Jin Hospital

The women, who were muttering harsh words to the two children, suddenly became quit. And they all diverted their attention towards the upcoming figure.

A young girl, who was no more than five years old, was walking slowly toward the salesperson. She was wearing a cute attire and being assisted by several cladded bodyguards and servants.

"M-Miss Si", the worker who was previously arrogant immediately smiled obsequiously and spoke cowardly.

The young girl didn't even bother looking at her as she nodded toward one of her servants.

"Miss Si is saying that a mistress is not worthy of talking to her", the woman said patiently, she added: "You are dismissed, from now on, there is no store with our Sisi brand that will allow people like you to work for them"

The woman who was a few minutes ago looking down on the children, lost her footing and slumped to the ground like a doll whose threads were cut off.

She stared in a daze at the small and chubby girl who looked innocent, but who had just striped her off her ways of living with a mere sentence.

'A devil', this is what echoed in everybody's minds. The surrounding people, upon recognizing her, all looked down while shivering.

Although miss Si was only five years old, she was considered a genius as she used only one million from her pocket money to expand her brand 'Sisi', which was now one of the most famous and most sought out brands in their country.

Not only was she a genius, but she was also the favored granddaughter of a retired legendary business tycoon in the capital.

It could be said that every strand of her hair was worth a few millions. And this big shot was just a small kid who decided to enter the kindergarten of their county on a whim.

She was outstanding in every way. And this girl, whom they could only look up to in the past, was attending kindergarten with some of their kids.

It's a shame she doesn't even bother talking to them.

The little girl who was wearing a hat with bunny ears, stared at the two children intensely, before suddenly rushing toward them with blushing cheeks.

Her arms stretching toward them before stopping with her hands hovering above their cheeks.

The twins were startled by her sudden actions as they heard her pleading and cute voice.

"Can I?", and before they could even assess her meaning, she grabbed their faces gently, and pinched their chubby cheeks with a gleeful smile on her face.

"Cute, handsome, beautiful, amazing!!", her voice rang through the whole store.

Behind her, the servant who talked before shook her head exasperated. Although her little miss was perfect in every way. She had a single flaw, that is: 'she can't resist a beauty'

Li Sha and Li Shin were dumbfounded.

Miss Si then gazed at Li Shin's handsome face with stars in her eyes, before asking with a shy voice: "Will you marry me?"

Time froze as her words echoed in everyone's minds.

In another side, a few meters outside the store, was parked a low-key car.

The car's window was slightly open and a faint grey smoke wafted from it. A guy with an assistant's attire pulled open the car door and sat on the driver's seat. He sneaked a glance at the man sitting in the back. And he caught the sight of a casual figure. The man sitting in the back was shrouded by a mysterious and dark fog, but that couldn't hide his beautiful features. he casually extinguished the cigarette with his well-carved hand before diverting his gaze away from the two chubby children.

"Boss, did you see it too?", the assistant asked carefully when he recalled how smoothly and skillfully the little girl had poisoned the woman with a just flick of her wrist.

The man didn't bother answering as he closed his eyes. he just slowly massaged his forehead to relieve the headache he had from all the work he did during the past night.

"Boss, should I investigate them?", assistant Qi asked again.

"No need", he finally said in a tired and cold voice. Then he ordered the man sitting in the driver's seat: "To Jin's Hospital"

Without probing, assistant Qi started the car and drove toward Jin Hospital.

Since the incident six years ago, his boss visited this hospital every month. He would fly all the way from the capital and take a break to relax in a ward there.

The same ward every time.

According to what he knew, this hospital was a business of the Shen family six years ago. Unfortunately, the biggest assassination group at that time targeted them for some unknown reasons, and the whole building was bombed.

After a year, his boss tasked his subordinates to rebuild it like it was before.

Then every month, he would come and sit in that ward all day.

Although assistant Qi was confused by his boss's behavior, he didn't dare to probe as this was his boss's privacy.

Meanwhile, in the store. Miss Si grabbed a few clothes for the Li siblings before dragging them in her luxurious car.

"Let's go", she said to the driver.

"Wait!!", the stunned Li Sha finally spoke.

"Where are you taking us??", Li Shin reacted when he heard his sister's voice.

"The hospital, I will take you to meet my mommy first", her domineering attitude made her even cuter.

Seeing theirs reluctant expressions, miss Si pouted and said in a low voice: "What? You don't want? Are you looking down on me?"

Her challenging tone amused Li Sha. While Li Shin stared in a daze at the bunny ears, as he wanted to tug them, he reached toward the little girl and took a hold of the swaying ears.

When he realized his actions, he abruptly lowered his hands.

Li Sha who saw everything thought: 'Does that mean I will have a sister-in-law? Just like in aunt Yumi's dramas?'

The suddenly stopped in front of a big building. The three children got off and fixed their gazes at the name written on the door.

'Jin Hospital'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Hope you are all fine!!

Kiss Kiss!! ^-^

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