
MHA with unexpected powers

This is my first novel so please give me pointers and please forgive any mistakes. Follow Erik on his adventure with unexpected powers.

slothfuldemon · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Well, Shit

I was walking home from the store where I was getting some food for the binge-watch I was about to start. I was crossing the street when a speeding truck came into view. Rushing out of the way, I narrowly dodged the truck. As soon as I dodged the truck the world turned sideways, and I fell flat on my face. Getting up I looked around to make sure nobody saw what just happened before dusting my clothes off, grabbed my bags of groceries that miraculously survived the encounter with Truck-Kun, and started my walk back home.

I was looking forward to seeing how many episodes of One Piece I could watch in the next few hours before passing out. I have just caught up with the latest episode and I wanted to rewatch some of it until the next one was released. Walking by the only building that was taller than 3 stories, in the small town that I was in, I heard the wind being cut. Looking around, I noticed that a dude has jumped off the building and was falling at extreme speeds toward where I was standing. By the time the instinct to move appeared, it was already too late.

"Well, shit." That was the only remark I could get before everything went black. Waking up with a jolt, I looked around the area I was floating in. The area was black. It was the blackest black I have ever seen.

"Hello. Anyone there?" I questioned to the void. Not getting an answer, I started to contemplate my life before I died. I was an orphan in Texas. The orphanage was located 20 minutes from the nearest city, therefore not many people came to adopt. Never getting adopted, I went to college after graduating from the local high school. I majored in a science field. I wanted to be an aromachologists. An aromachologist was a scientist that studied different smells.

I wanted to learn what different smells did to the human body. I had just finished my fourth year in college when I died. I only had 2 years left until I could get my degree. I didn't have any friends, so I spent most of my free time studying and watching anime. After realizing that I didn't live a very fulfilling life, I started to just stare off into the void that surrounded me.

After some time, I saw a light approaching. When it got closer, I realized that it was a person. Remembering some things from some reincarnation novels, I realized that there was a large possibility that the being approaching me was a ROB. When it got closer, I saw that the ROB looked like an old man.

"Hello. I am the ROB assigned to help people from your planet into reincarnation. Luckily for you, since you saved a life at the cost of your life you can choose to spin the wheel. Spinning the wheel will decide what world you will go to and the amount and type of powers you will get. You will also get to decide if you want to keep your memories or not." The old man introduced.

I took a second to process what I just heard before asking, "So, you are saying that the person who tried to commit suicide survived?"

"Yes, I am. When he fell on you, your body softened his fall, therefore, saving his life." The old man paused for a second as if contemplating on what to say next. "I will also have you know that you are the first person that I have seen die like this." He said as if he was trying to console me for my death.

"Really that is strange. I would have thought that in the entire history of my planet someone would have been killed by a suicidal, falling, person. So, are there different anime worlds included on the wheel?" I replied.

"Yes, there are. You can get an anime world or even get a world like Peppa the Pig. All you need to do is just walk up to the wheel and spin." He stated confirming my greatest hope and my greatest fear.

I didn't wish to be reincarnated in a world like Attack on Titans, but I hope to get the One-Piece world. As I got ready to spin the wheel, I looked at the old man. He gave me a nod and a wheel the size of a planet appeared. I was so shocked that I didn't know what to do next until a red button appeared in front of me. Without asking I hit the button.

The wheel started to spin, and as it spun it got faster and faster until I couldn't even make out the colors on it. About five minutes later it started to slow down. It started to pass different worlds. Lord of the Rings, Percy Jackson, Cars, Akame ga Kill and it keep passing until it started to stop on Naruto but just as it was about to stop it moved on to My Hero Academia.

Thanks for reading. Please give your thoughts and ideas. If you want to please support me with stones.

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