
MHA with unexpected powers

This is my first novel so please give me pointers and please forgive any mistakes. Follow Erik on his adventure with unexpected powers.

slothfuldemon · Komik
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43 Chs

Old man

Check out my Patreon. It gives you extra chapters and the other one will let you help me make different choices like what pet should I give him, what his hero name will be, or even if he will be a hero and not just a vigilante. I will only let the people who get the second tier give suggestions. They will help me decide which direction my novels will go and help me choose what to write when I finish the novels that I am on.

patreon.com/user?u=84624237 or Slothfuldemon at Patreon

I was taken to a new area of the base. The area looked like it was a dojo. It has hard wooden floors, Some of the walls had mats on them, and there were weapon racks everywhere.

In the middle of the room was a man who seemed to be in his sixties. He has white hair and a slightly short stature. He looked like Fang from one punch man.

The old man opened his eyes and looked directly at me. "So, you are the one that brat wanted me to teach. You don't look like much, but looks can be deceiving." He got up from the floor and started to walk to a weapons rack. "You can go ahead and go back, doctor. If things don't go well I will be sending the boy back to you for you to fix up."

The doctor went away without saying anything closing the door behind him. The old man picked up a sword and tossed it to me. "I heard that you fight with a sword. I am going to test you to see what skills you have. Get ready for my attack."

I looked at the wooden sword in my hand before tossing it away. "I am a better fighter with my hands. If I use that sword it will most likely break in battle." I got into a stance that I created during my time in the mosh pit. "I am ready for the fight to start."

As soon as I said that the old man's eyes narrowed. He lowered his body and ran straight at me. His speed was at a level that I could barely react to. He seemed to be holding back so that he can gauge my abilities. He swings his fist at my head. I used my Haki to doge it by a hair's width and counterattack. I used my leg to send a kick toward his thigh.

He grabbed my leg and tossed me to the side. I flipped in the air and landed on my feet. This time I charged at him. When I got near threw a jab at his ribs.


He tanked my attack then pivoted to attack the back of my leg with a kick. I jumped to doge as that was the only reaction I had the time to do. When I jumped his body blurred before disappearing. He reappeared behind me and kicked me toward the wall while I was still in the air.


I crashed into the wall so hard that I went threw about five inches of pure concrete. A dust cloud went up all around me blocking my vision. '"My back feels like it was his by a train. When he kicked me I felt a slight pop in it. He must have been holding back a lot when he first attacked me. His speed and strength are many times stronger than mine, but the most amazing thing was the technique he used to fight. The attacks flowed like water and connected with the next attack.'

When the dust cleared I saw that the old man was back in the middle of the room. He looked at me and said, "This is it for today go get some rest and I will tell you your evaluation tomorrow." I got up and limped back to my room to rest and recover.