
MHA with unexpected powers

This is my first novel so please give me pointers and please forgive any mistakes. Follow Erik on his adventure with unexpected powers.

slothfuldemon · Komik
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43 Chs

new quirk

Check out my Patreon. It gives you extra chapters and the other one will let you help me make different choices like what pet should I give him, what his hero name will be, or even if he will be a hero and not just a vigilante. I will only let the people who get the second tier give suggestions. They will help me decide which direction my novels will go and help me choose what to write when I finish the novels that I am on.

patreon.com/user?u=84624237 or Slothfuldemon at Patreon

I got the week off from my fights. I faked having the flu, and they gave me the week off. The reason I faked the flu is that my birthday is tomorrow. I will turn eight, and I should get another one of my quirks that day. Just in case, I took the rest of the week off if my next quirk comes in late. My entire plan will mess up if I do not get the quirk I want. If I get the other one, I will have to survive four more years to escape. Also, I would have to remake the plan based on a future that is not clear to me.

I decided to go to bed earlier to make the next day feel like it came faster. The next morning came. When I woke up, I did not feel any different. I tried to make myself smell like roses, but that didn't work. I tried for the next three hours, I tried different ways to see if my quirk came in. None of the ways I used worked, so I gave up and decided to wait for my quirk to awaken. After an hour of waiting, my breakfast was delivered to me. It was the same thing that I had been eating since I got kidnapped. The only time that it is different is if I get injured. What they give me is a bowl of grey soup that they say is full of things that are needed to keep me alive. I beg to differ thou. If anything in this place is going to kill me it is the taste of the soup. It tastes like Florida roadkill mixed with sewage from New York.

After I ate the soup, I felt an intense heat throughout my body. At first, it started with a slight heat, but as more time passed, it started to feel as if lava was in my veins. I fell to the ground in pain. A scream tried to escape my mouth, but my jaws were clenched too tight.

The pain lasted about ten more minutes before it let up. When I got up everything felt slower. It was as if time was slowed down by five. It was either that or my thought was sped up by five times.

My eyes lit up when I realized what had happened. My quirk that made my thought speed, learning ability, and improvement in everything speed up by five times came in. It is the quirk that I want to come in when I am 12. It is not the quirk that I need to help aid me in my escape.

"Rrrraaaaaaaaa!" I screamed and punched the wall. The wall cracked into a spider web-like pattern and a few chunks fell off.

"Fuck this shit! My only hope to escape within the next four years is gone. I have to endure this god-dammed hell hole for four more damn years! I needed my fucking aroma quirk, but no, it just had to be the other one. Damn it!" The door to the cell started suddenly opened and a few guards started to come in. "Damn it all to fucking hell!" I punched the wall again before a black and white wave burst out of my body. The wave hit the guards coming in, and they all fell to the ground and passed out.

I looked at the guards confused about what happened before a wave of dizziness overtook me, and I passed out.