
MHA with unexpected powers

This is my first novel so please give me pointers and please forgive any mistakes. Follow Erik on his adventure with unexpected powers.

slothfuldemon · Komik
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43 Chs

End of fight

The bear was fully black. I wasn't a normal black like you would see on a black bear. It is black which you would only see at midnight. The bear's fur is not normal either. It looks like it is hardened and made of steel. It has red eyes that hold no intelligence.

The bear let out an earsplitting roar. "RRRRRROOOOOOOAAAARRRRRR!" The other contestants froze when they heard that. They all started to move towards the wall of the arena. The bear set its eyes on me. Its eyes grew a darker shade of red when he saw me. The bear got on all fours and started to barrel toward me.

The bear is slower than the man's speed, so that meant his quirk probably sacrifices his speed for more defense. The man moved in a way that showed that he was thinking of his next attack when he fought me, but this bear is charging at me like a berserker with no intelligence. He is charging with the intent to kill. I think that he also lost his intelligence with his transformation and not just his speed. In this free for all, it is forbidden for us fighters to kill each other.

The bear got close to me and snapped his large mouth at me. I jumped over his head and landed on his back. I punched as hard as I could. My fist landed and I heard a crack. "Shit. This bastard's skin is too thick. I think I just broke my hand."

His skin felt as hard as iron. If I want to finish the bear off, I will have to unlock Armament Haki, but I just unlocked Observation Haki. I don't think I have enough luck to do that. The bear suddenly stood up knocking me off. I landed and moved toward the wall. The bear swung his gigantic claws for a second before locating me again.

He started his charge at me once again. Right before he got to me, I used the wall to do a flip over him. He rammed into the wall creating a large dust cloud. I used the time he was stunned to get away from him. When the dust cloud cleared it showed the announcer standing over the pass-out body f the man who tuned into the bear.

"This man charged at another with the intent to kill, and even acted in a way to try and kill the other fighter. He directly disobeyed the rules of the match. He will be taken care of after the match. Please begin the fight again."

The announcer directly disappeared and reappeared in the stands after he finished dealing with the bear man. After he disappeared the other contestants started to fight again. A few of them charged at me thinking that they could take me on after I got injured. I got ready to fight again. There are not many people left, and the only one I had to worry about has been taken care of. And with that, I got back into the fight.