
MHA: The Vigilante's Second Arc

What would happen if Deku never fought Class 1-A and never returned to UA? He now spends his day still scouting and looking over his beloved city, trying to fix the damaged the villains have caused, avoiding the sight of All For One. Until one day he spots someone from the league he swore to destroy, Himiko Toga.

Nitronix · Komik
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9 Chs

House of Memories

There she is. Himiko Toga, a blonde haired schoolgirl with a weird hairstyle which I never really liked. Stained with blood, her cute tan schoolgirl clothes fell the farthest from what they were meant for, an innocent schoolgirl. Not a cold blooded murderer. Her psychotic smile, and her maniacal laughter still haunts me since that time The League kidnapped Bakugo all those months ago. Those were better times...okay, maybe not for Bakugo...

I slowly follow behind Toga, using the desolate, monotone buildings to cover my body as I swing from building to building, trying to make only the smallest amount of noise from the cold wind brushing past my various rips and tears in my worn-out hero outfit. She swerves through various dingy alleyways, knocking over trash cans and stepping over puddles of rainwater that still hasn't drained out.

Where the hell is she going? She's flailing her arms out like an idiot as well... If only I could knock her out, well I can but, I need All For One's location. Maybe I could finally go back to normal after a few hours. I can already imagine it...my mom will run up and hug me, and all my friends will come and worry for my physical appearance, and Kacchan's gonna yell at me for being an idiot. Sounds perfect, doesn't it? Just a few more hours Deku, I can just suprise attack All For One and end him in an instant, nothing too hard, it's all you've been doing for the past two months. Sit on a building. Suprise attack villains. Eat random food lying around...sleep in an abandoned building on a stiff mattress...comtemplate your life choices...

Huh, looking back at this, I think I could turn into a villain at any moment...

I shudder at my own thought, and the fact that I'm moving through the air at a pace that it's coldness is penetrating through my outift's various gaps. I still keep following Toga who's still moving at an intense speed, seemingly determined to find whatever it is she's looking for. Until suddenly...she stopped. At that exact moment, my brain snaps back to reality and I'm brought out of my own little bubble. I stop myself dashing anymore in the air, and hover there looking down at Toga. She seems to be staring at something, the house in front of her.

Hidden among the similar buildings around it, an eerie and desolate house stands. An abandoned residence which gives and aura of decay and neglect, its exterior bearing the scars of time. Weather-worn walls, cracked windows, and overgrown vegetation cast a shadow of abandonment upon the property. Instantly my eyes were immediately drawn to the graffiti painted across its dilapidated walls. Among the layers of faded paint, words like "you're a murderer", "go away freak" and "monster" leap out, demanding attention.

What is this place? And why is she staring so beady-eyed at it? Looks normal, but what is all that graffiti? Is this where All For One is? Wait wait... Deku, calm down. Think logically, what could it be? A house Himiko Toga, a murderer and a psychopath ran miles to see specifically to see. A house somehow in more ruin that the city, looks abandoned, but the odd part...covered in angry graffiti...

Of course. Her house.

What else would it be? But this leaves the biggest question, and the one that will fix my life again...Is All For One here? It can't be right? I mean, it's a dingy old house, it's probably her childhood home. I can't get sidetracked though, I'll just keep watching her from a distance, the second she makes a wrong move, she'll regret it.

She slowly steps inside the house, and as she opens the rusty old door with a creaking that could be heard even from all the way up here, and heads inside...she dissapears from my sight.

"Should probably follow her, huh? Maybe it's finally time to end this, once and for all."

I descend from height, and quietly land softly on the cold concrete path in front of the house, and begin to walk inside with the utmost caution. I slowly push open the door, and I'm met with the musty air that seems to indicate its unkempt nature. A dim light filters through cracked windows and casts eerie shadows on the peeling wallpaper. The windows are boarded up, preventing any natural light from penetrating the room's darkness. Dust covers the hallway, illuminated by the dim sunlight coming from the open door behind me.

To my left, a decaying staircase leads upward and I decide to head up to the second floor. As I do however, its dingy steps groan slightly in response to the pressure I was putting on it.

Was this really a place that The League of Villains would be hiding in? Seems way too low, even for their standards. Whatever it might be, I know for a fact Toga is in here, if I manage to capture her, the city will be a whole lot safer. Maybe no All For One for now...

I let out a sigh of dissapointment with a hint of sadness. However, I trek on, it's not like I can decide when I get to be happy again, that's for the world to decide for me. After heading up the stairs, I'm met with a small room with a few potted plants which has died down due to the years that they haven't been watered for. There's also a door at the end of the room, seemingly slightly opened. A few wood groans and cracking noises emerge from the room, signaling that there's someone possibly inside. Now I knew Toga had to be inside, no doubt about it.

I didn't rush in like how I would normally destroy low level villains, I just trudged my way over to the door, and opened it quietly, and I'm met with cheerful wallpaper featuring cute patterns, now with the marks of peeling edges and faded images covering its every edge. The innocent scribbles literring the monotone wall has now been replaced with graffiti, both menacing and mysterious, covering the walls.

A small, weathered bed lies against one wall, its sheets ripped and tangled as if it was hastily abandoned. And sitting on top of it was none other than Himiko Toga. The girl I've been chasing for two whole hours. She seems to not notice me, and she holds and stares deeply into a small, torn teddy bear laying on the bed.

Huh? So this is really her house? Well, I guess I kinda predicted that, no All For One here then. Then, what do I do? Run over and knock her out? I mean, that's the only logical solution here, isn't it? She's a mass murderer, and a complete psycho. But...she looks so sad looking into that bear of hers, this was probably her house before...she joined the villains...

I feel a bit sympathetic, and I'm lost in my own thoughts about this situation, unable to draw my eyes away from the girl sitting in front of me as my mind pieces together what I'm now meant to do. Suddenly...the world answered for me.

"Uh, who's there?"

She stands up from her bed and holds out her knife and gets in a defensive position, scanning the room she's in.

"Come out or it'll get nasty..."