
MHA: The Monarch

20-year-old MC named Alex dies and gets reincarnated by THE god as his OC and with 4 other wishes in the MHA world. What chaos will unfold?

09GreekFreak · Komik
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8 Chs

Overhaul vs. Monarch

'Overhaul, after this is over you'll wish you were never born!'


'Before me and Overhaul began our fight I sent out a smaller Asmodeus, so Overhaul wouldn't notice, to go and find Eri while Overhauls was preoccupied.' I thought while looking through Asmodeus's eyes with <Shared Vision>, a minor sub-skill provided by <Shadow Exchange>.

'It seems like he's already made it inside. Good.' I thought while disabling <Shared Vision>.

'Now what about these guys?'

The guys in question being Nemoto, Setsuno, and Hojo.

'I went out of my way to not kill them but, knowing Overhaul, I doubt he cares much for their lives. So he'll either end up using them to heal/empower himself or they'll just get caught in the crossfire.'

I sighed before tapping my foot on the ground again, which put Overhaul on guard, using <Transmutation> I covered my trio of hostages in a thick layer of concrete.

"I thought you wanted to kill us all?" Overhaul questioned with wariness.

"Well, I bothered keeping them alive only because of pity really. After all, they're still criminals. Anyway, don't expect me to give the same treatment to you." I say with a glare.

"You keep acting like you're the one with the upper-hand here." He says with annoyance in his voice.

'Because I am.' I thought snidely.

The only physical response I gave him though was a shrug; which only seemed to make him angrier.

"Fine have it your way." He said as he began to touch the ground.

'Like I'll let that happen.' I thought.

"<Order>! All attacks that enter a radius of 3 meters around me will immediately disperse!" I yelled.

As soon as I finished Overhaul's hand connected with the ground and hundred of spikes shot toward me and as soon as they got withing 3 meters of me they completely broke down.

"H-how. How did yo-!" He stopped as he seemed to have come to a conclusion.

"You have multiple quirks." He thought with wide eyes.

"Sure we'll go with that." I said with a smirk.

"No no no. T-that shouldn't be possible All For One is dead! He died in a battle against All Might!" He yelled in confusion.

Now that statement caught my attention.

'AFO's dead? I know he faked his death in the anime bu-!' I stopped and began to think.

'This could be an AU world. That...could pose a problem. I'm almost entirely sure that Overhaul in the anime was not even aware of AFO's existence. So for Overhaul to 'know' he's dead means that the fight ended up either being broadcasted across Japan or he was confirmed to have been beaten, unlike in the anime, and then his existence was revealed so the population knew the threat he had posed.'


'This just got a whole lot more confusing.' I thought with exasperation.

While I was still in thought Overhaul had kept firing off attacks at me hoping to 'break' my defenses.

Suddenly, after I had finished thinking, I got a mental image response from Asmodeus showing he has Eri.

'Well I guess it's time to finish this.' I thought with a smile.

"Sorry Overhaul but...game over."

"What?" Was his 'intelligent' response.

Shadow chain began sprouting from Overhaul's shadow and began wrapping around him and interlocking with each other.

I made sure to send a mental order to the chains to keep his hands away from the ground and each other.

"<Order>! Cancel!" I said.

After I cancelled my previous <Order> I began approaching Overhaul.

Once I made it up to Overhaul I first pulled a regular looking short sword out of <Gate of Gehenna> which had the effect of completely stopping the area of healing at where it cuts. Using this sword I cut off Overhaul's hands.

"Aaahhh!" He screamed in pain.

"Aww can't even take a little bit of pain Overhaul." I said with a chuckle before leaning down to his ear.

"That's not even a fraction of the pain you made Eri feel." I whispered to him.

After he stopped screaming I place my hand on his head.

"Say good night Overhaul." I say with an expressionless face and before he can say anything I use <Transmutation> to heat up and freeze his entire body by lowering and increasing the temperature constantly. Eventually the result became a disfigured body that's frozen in a kneeling position with it's arms laying limply behind it. Like he was looking up at God begging for forgiveness.

"It's almost poetic." I said aloud.

Suddenly I hear a hissing sound behind me.

As soon as I turn around I see an enlarged Asmodeus carrying a sleeping Eri on top of him.

As I pick Eri up, making sure she stays asleep, I give Asmodeus a pat on the head.

"You did good bud, you did good." I say quoting an old movie I watched in my old world with minor differences.

"Now let's get going." I say after Asmodeus re-entered my shadow and I heard sirens, as well as yelling, from outside the compound.

"Took them long enough." I say while rolling my eyes before moving under a nearby cherry blossom and suddenly disappearing.

'Wait, did I forget something? Whatever.' Was my last thought.


A/N: How was this chapter? I don't think I'm all that good at writing fight scenes. Also I'm sorry for taking so long to update I've been procrastinating constantly while also thinking up ideas for other works.