
Chapter 35

TITLE: Finals (3) – Not so bad

'This might be interesting'

Sora thought, his smile ever present but this soon vanished as he felt a glare

"What's up, Katsuki?"

Sora asked who else will glare at him now apart from the ever violent Bakugo.

"Try not to pull me down"

"Lol, I should be saying that"

Katsuki turned to Sora and surprise was evident on his face, the ever uncaring Sora answered him, what happened during this past week? But he decided not to think too much on the matter as he stomped away.

'Heh this bitch'

Sora thought, he couldn't still understand why Bakugo was so proud around him when clearly he knew Sora could beat him over and over again without breaking a sweat, but little did he know that he was in for a big surprise.

Sora then sighed as he headed to the viewing room with the other students, waiting for their turn to come as they watched the first match go underway.


Time flew by and it was finally Sora's turn, the last match of the day and as Sora headed to the stage, he couldn't help but think back at some of the more interesting battles.

Denki Kaminari and Hana Nakamura vs. Nezu

It was a tough match, with Nezu's intelligence; he was easily able to predict the student's move, even before they acted but Hana with elite training from a young age was able to come up with a slightly effective plan and grace to that, they were able to succeed.

Izuku Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki vs. Shota Aizawa

This match was quite a difficult match for Mr. Aizawa with Todoroki's non-stop power and Izuku's almost immediate boost due to full cowling, he had a tough time stopping the two, even with his eraser quirk and even though at they had won, it was a difficult battle.

These two were the most entertaining matches to him, the rest were not as entertaining.

He soon arrived at the destroyed city and met up with Katsuki before moments later all might stepped into the field, weights present on his arms and legs, just to give them a winning chance.

Sora seeing this couldn't help but gulp as he remembered the canon were even with these weights, he destroyed buildings with just a single punch but he was not worried, no rather, he was excited, at this moment he wanted to see how he'll fare against a weakened all might, whether he had a winning chance against AFO with his current strength.

*Beep! Beep! Beep!

Hearing the alarm sounding the start of the match, Sora looked at Katsuki, Katsuki noticing Sora's gaze immediately understood his intentions and he couldn't but smile. Sora seeing this smiled as they headed into the city but as soon as they were 20 meters in, all might appeared before them and without a second thought, he punched forward.


Sora and Bakugo were able to evade though by a hair and as they looked at the damaged caused by that attack, they gulped.

"Hahaha, you won't be going any further young heroes"

All might said, hearing his words they both took a battle stance and Katsuki said

"We'll just have to force our way through then"

"Hah, come if you dare"

Without wasting a second, Katsuki rushed at all might, Sora following behind. As all might watch the two come closer, he clenched his fist and was about to punch forward but was unable to as he felt his hand being restrained, shifting his gaze to his hand, he saw nothing and immediately he understood as he looked at Sora, who smiled at him. Seeing this, all might moved his hand freeing himself of the restraints but before he could do anything… boom… Bakugo attacked, exploding his face first, but he didn't grow complacent as he prepared to use another one but before he could all might held his hand.

This surprised Bakugo as he looked at all might's face, which was perfectly fine seeing this Bakugo's surprise turned to shock but before he could think any further, he felt himself being flung away but before he could hit himself against a building, Sora caught him using the wind and brought him to the ground.

All might seeing this, didn't waste a single second as he lounged at Sora, appearing before him in less than a second as he threw a punch to his groin.

'Fast' Sora thought before evading the punch as he dragged himself slightly away using the wind, and without wasting a second he coated his hand with wind energy, made it as solid as possible before aiming at all might's chin but he easily evaded it, from there, they began trading blows and Sora was able to avoid all might's but it was getting increasingly hard, even all might was finding it hard to avoid Sora's punches as it wasn't only one hand but many hands which he had created, but then Sora stopped punching as he stepped away thus ending the exchange.

This disoriented all might but he soon understood everything as two grenades appeared before him and exploded immediately. Sora smiled at Bakugo, who just rushed forward, Sora sighed helplessly as he followed behind.

As they grew increasingly closer to the end point, they felt as though the match was coming to an end but suddenly both were flung to the side.


Sora coughed up saliva as he jammed himself against the building, though his defense had activated itself, it still fully protected him.

"Not bad, I didn't expect you guys to cause me so much trouble"

All might said as he cracked his neck and shifted his gaze to Sora, before charging at him, his hand already ready to punch him.

Sora sensing the danger headed towards him, teleported away as he created a gigantic fist which he swung at all might.

Bammmmmm! All might blocked the attack with his hand but he was still flung to the building and before he could recuperate he felt himself being pulled by an inexplicable force but before he could understand what was happening, his body was met with Sora's attacks which paralyzed him immediately.

'GAW 2nd form: universal pull'

"GAW 5th form: eight trigrams 32 palms"

But Sora wasn't done as he took a deep breath before clenching his fist, gathering wind around his hand thus making his hand look almost invisible. All might seeing this could sense the danger coming from the punch but he knew it won't do any internal damage but the smile on Sora's face nerved him to no end as the boy said

"Welp good night"

Before punching him as he crashed against multiple buildings.


Everyone thought upon seeing this, Sora just flung all might away with a single punch, just how strong was this guy?

While this was happening, Sora headed to Katsuki and said "let's go" Katsuki nodded absent mindedly as he followed Sora behind, he was still trying to grasp what was happening.

Beep! Beep!

With that, they crossed the line and with that the session came to end with their victory.

Seeing that all had ended, they headed back. With that, the exams came to an end and those who failed to pass were Kirishima, Mina, Sato and Kyoka.

With that the students headed back to class and Aizawa appeared before and began informing them of the details of the following events

"Due to some of you failing, we shall be going to the forest lodge and for our information, the reason we made failing a big deal was so to make you bring out your best"

'Fuck you' most thought

"Anyway, none failed the written test but Mina, Kirishima, Sato and Kyoka failed the practical test. So this forest lodge will be a boot camp and those that failed will be given even harder training than the others. Now take these"

Aizawa ended as he handed out a lodge guide to them. Seeing the guide given to them, many were shocked reason being that most didn't have any of what was written on the list

With that realization, Hagakure suggested that they go shopping tomorrow so as to get everything. Sora planned not to go but Hana immediately appeared before him with pleading eyes.

Due to the past weeks were Sora taught Hana and not thought of her as annoying, they had gotten quite close so seeing her pleading on him to go, he found it hard to refuse so after a lot of begging he finally gave in causing the girl to jump in joy.


The following day,

Standing together with his classmates was Sora; he wore a simple white shirt coupled with a blue jean jacket and blue pant. He wore a bracelet which had a cat's face on it.

"Okay let's split up and get shopping"

Sora shifted his gaze from his phone upon hearing Hagakure's statement and as he recalled her words he couldn't help but frown as he noticed Mina, Denki, Kirishima, Kyoka and Hana.

"What?" He asked though he already knew the answer to that question

"Let's go shopping"

Hana said with a smile as she grabbed Sora's hand, putting it between her chests. He couldn't help but smile as he thought

'This is not so bad'

An extra chapter from this oh great author, I know u love me, I love you too.

Well enjoy and plz try to keep ur comments on the low, I might cry if it's too harsh and yeah I'm sure you'll complain about the outcome but hey... I've got nothing to say for myself, all might weakened and paralyzed so easy to beat him though he left him win XD, that should be good enough explanation

ImAGhostcreators' thoughts