
MHA: The Future Spider-Man

No reincarnation, wishes or anything of that nature. Our mc will naturally be born with a variety of different spiderman powers and abilities. Also this an AU so Izuku will not be recieving One For All and will stay quirkless.

Bakudon · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 3 (Part Two)

We see yuji knocking on door B3 that says 'Midoriyas' indicating that its the right door. The door opened and who he saw was a small chubby mature woman with dark green hair. "Yes?" she asked not knowing who this kid was but automatically she assumed it was one of Izuku's friends. "Oh! Are you one of Izuku's friends, come on in. I'll take you to his room" she said moving to the side so he could come in and closing the door behind them. Yuji mentally facepalmed at her actions and decided to look past her actions just this once as she was probably just happy her baby had friends.

Yuji walked to the door that said Izuku Midoriya with his name imprinted on a all might plaque. 'Of course an all might fanboy would live on might street' the sense said with slight sarcasm making yuji chuckle. He opened the door and entered the room only to see this green haired kid sitting in his desk with a notepad and his computer playing various clips of pro heroes which he wrote down.

"What the hell is this kid doing" Yuji asked himself although the sense still replied 'Aint it obvious. He's studying all the pro heroes for the future when he 'Becomes a hero' but he still doesnt realize that he gave up on his dream without realizing it. If he was so serious about being a hero, he would instead worry about a training, maybe even get some martial arts training like you did. There is a quirk defense school around the corner that teaches quirkless kids to defend themselves but noo he just wants to sit here and envy those with abilities he could never wish to obtain in his lifetime although there is a few alternate timelines where he gets a quirk through 'Special Means' or is even born with one' the sense explained with once again great detail...wait a damn minute..."Did you say alternate timelines" Yuji asked with seriousness but the sense skillfully changed the subject, 'Stop standing in this kid room making all those facial expressions, he's looking at you crazy'

and Yuji came back to his senses only to see Midoriya looking at him scared and confused as a complete stranger was in his room. "U-Um who are you?" Izuku would ask with catiousness, why did his mom even allow this guy in here. "Yo, Im Yuji Horikoshi, I was just looking for some friends" he said with a smile trying to warm up the atmosphere and it worked like a charm, Izuku was happy that someone came all this way just to be friends with him. "Oh! Im Izuku Midoriya although you probably already know that" he said looking away shyly.

(I am not gonna make him do to much stuttering, It Irks my soul tryna write characters who study)

"Well I dont have many things in my room if you want to play something but we could play outside or something?" Izuku said not trying to bore his new friend. He would look around for possible fun things to do but while Izuku pondered around, Yuji was deep inside his thoughts talking to his sense..."So what did you mean 'Alternate timelines?'" he asked as this peeked his intrest. Well if you gain more access to me through training, your ability to see in the future will also evolve into the ability to see alternate timelines thus giving you the ability to change the future. Say you see a timeline where this kid gets a quirk, you can change this timeline by making certain decisions and it will slowly merge this timeline with the timeline you saw until that timeline is your current timeline' the sense explained which confused the fuck out of yuji who had beyond genius intellect. (This shit confused the Author too, hope it makes sense Lol)

"I didnt understand a thing you said...nevermind, I'll think about it later" and with that he came back only to see that Izuku was gone but he came back right after as he only took a washroom break. "Tell your mother you'll be back tomorrow, where going to my house" Yuji said which suprised Izuku but nevertheless he was excited. 'First sleepover, I cant wait!' he said with excitment as he told his mother and she just couldnt tell him no. This was the brightest she had seen him smile since the day he became quirkless. "Of course honey, you can stay as long as you can" she said with a reassuring smile.

Izuku searched his pockets for change since he assumed they were taking the bus but Yuji put his hand on his shoulder which reassured him that he didnt have to worry. He squated down a bit, "Get on my back, we're going for a swing" and Izuku not knowing what to expect got on his back. 'Maybe this is my chance to see what his quirk is' and with they lifted off high into the air swing from building to building and hopping off buildings leaving Izuku screaming for his life as if he was on a rollercoster. By the time they made it to Yuji's house, Izuku was puking all over the "GOD DAMN GRASS!" Yuji yelled knowing he would have to clean this mess up. 'Sucks to be you' it said with a non-existent smirk.

"S-S-S-Sorry!" Izuku said bowing his head until it hit the concrete and his head was bleeding. "Hey Hey Hey! Chill out, Its fine. I'll clean it up later, Lets go" Yuji said guiding Izuku through his house and to his room. Izuku felt like it was the best day of his life, he saw so many great inventions within only the first part of the house, even Yuji had some amazing things such as that programmable matter suit that Yuji just had to show off.

"This place is amazing! Now that I think about it, Your family name did sound oddly familiar but I didnt think this was the ACTUAL HORIKOSHI FAMILY!!" he said squeeling and fanboying over his families work. "Can I ask you a question?" Izuku said shyly. "My quirk gives me the abilities of a variety of different arachnid species" he said answering Izuku's question before he even asked it which left Izuku stunned. Yuji closed his eyes with a smug expression, 'You couldnt wait to do that could ya'

"I had to!" he said proud of this moment. "Now that I think about it, are you going to UA?" Izuku asked with a sad smile still trying to keep a positive vibe. "Yeah actually. I already got a recommendation from my sensei who was a pro hero" which felt like he added more salt to Izuku's wound. Before they could continue any talk about being a hero and all that stuff, Yuji was instantly alerted by his sense, 'Kid, its your mother Hurry! I'll explain along the way' the sense said with urgency.

"I gotta go! Stay right here, dont break shit and there's a console right there" Yuji said with urgency as his suit started spreading around his body from feet up and he hopped out his window. Yuji quickly swung to his mothers work area even using his venom energy to make himself faster. He landed right on top of the building infront of his mothers work place and saw a weird purple guy with no physical body and a guy with hands on his face and constantly scratching his neck. He also saw a giant monster with its brains exposed. "What the hell...give me info on these guys"

'They are a villain alliance known as the 'League of Villains'. They are a villain organization made up of powerful villains that threaten to destroy the hero society. The League was founded by All For One and was led by Tomura Shigaraki. His quirk is decay which allows him to disintegrate whatever he touches with all five fingers. It will take effect whether the target is organic or not. The disintegration spreads quickly and will spread through the victim's whole body if they don't amputate the decaying body part. The other villain is known as Kurogiri, his quirk is warpgate which is a fusion of several different ones, with Cloud acting as the base Quirk. It allows him to create and manipulate a dark fog that acts as a portal that can transport anything it comes in contact with to another location. Kurogiri can also use these portals in combat.'

"Ok, what are their intentions?"

'Their here for the technology obviously, they'll kill anyone who stands in their way with no hesitation. Probability of defeating them are 85%' the sense said with high expectations. "Wow really? Higher than I thought. Ok, lets do this" he said hopping off the building. 'Be carefull of the thing they call nomu, although its a incomplete version, it has a variety of different quirks that makes it deadly. Eliminate Kurogiri first, his warpgate will make the battle tricky. Aim for the neck, thats where his physical body resides. Dont be hasty, turn invisible and grabbed his neck with your hand ready to shock the shit out of him' the sense ordered in which Yuji turned invisible stealthly creeping behind kurogiri who was teleporting some tech back to their base.

It happened so quick they couldnt even comprehend what happened. In one instant Kurogiri is transporting tech and the suddenly a burst of yellow energy puts him out of commission. "no no NO!" Shigaraki said scratching his neck intensly, "NOMU, ATTACK!" he yelled as the giant figure looked at Yuji. In the background, while the civillains was a bit relieved that someone came to help, only one woman knew who it was. Yuji's mom could recognize those set of abilities and knew that it was her son. She could only pray and hope that he would be ok.

The nomu tried to punch Yuji but yuji hopped over the Nomu and shot a web at his face which stunned it for a few seconds which was enough to charge his fist with venom power and punch the nomu straight in the face sending him flying to shigaraki and crushing him. Shigaraki put both his hands on the nomu trying to get it off but eventually the nomu turned to ash. "I-I totally meant to do that" yuji said before hitting Shigaraki with a barrage of web and sticking him to the wall. He did the same with kurogiri although he doubt it would hold until his abilities was disabled by a negative quirk brace.

'Great job kid you altered a timeline' the sense said with once again sarcasm. "Is that a good thing?"

'No. You made the future worse..you must learn how to see alternate timelines quickly kid. The fate of the world rests in your hands'

I tried to go for 2k words this chapter but I guess 1.8k works. Also that nomu didnt have a healing factor since it was incomplete so another one bites the dust. Also soon enough Yuji will have the ability to alternate timelines and change the future but he cant touch the past. He already knows about all mights secret and is conteplating on whether he should take the oppertunity of getting One For All or letting someone else have the honor, thats for the readers to decide.

Also Yuji is a part-time vigilante. Next chapter is 10 month time skip to UA and there will also be another spider-man there but he is in class-1b

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Bakudoncreators' thoughts