
MHA: Reborn as Denki Kaminari

follows the path of our mc as he tries to get to the apex of power as Kaminari Denki This is my first series so please don't complain if it's not to your liking. I would gladly accept helpful criticism to help me improve the writing quality I own nothing and the image is not mine

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17 Chs

Chapter #1

It's been 4 years since I was reborn into this world.

YES, this is my second life.

My name was satoro yuuta, and I was just a university student who was studying business management.

I was smart, much more than my colleagues and this was shown in my personality, making many people hate me, maybe that's why I fight so often.

I'm not a quarrelsome person they always provoked me first so It's not really my fault

But make no mistake, I had many friends, few but together we could conquer a country

I will miss them and my family, I'm going to miss going out with them to parties and getting drunk together or the family dinners we used to have on weekends but that's all in the past.

God blessed me with a second chance and I don't want to have regrets.

This world is completely different from my old one, a strange but also strangely familiar place.

Because all the events that will happen in the future were illustrated in a manga.

Unfortunately, although I know some details about it, it was one of the ones I didn't read so I'm completely ignorant of what will happen from now on in the story.

It could make life easier for me but knowing the future can be a blessing as well as a curse, thinking that could happen something to someone I know and not being able to do anything to help is the worst feeling there can be.

But on the other hand it can be useful to avoid situations that may happen in the future. but honestly i don't want to think too much about it

In this world 80% of humans since childhood develop powers which are called quirks, and the job that everyone dreams of having is being a hero because of fame or money or even for the pleasure of helping others.

But a coin always has two sides, and the profession of hero exists to stop people who use their quirks for evil, the villains.

Of course, when I found out about this my first thought was that all heroes with weak or practically useless quirks were stupid for putting their lives on the line to protect others, even though they are well rewarded is it really worth it?

Only those with enough power can make it to the top, and only those at the top can do anything essential.

it's not worth being idealistic when we don't have the power to protect ourselves much less to support our ideals

But if you look at it from another perspective, aren't there villains with weak quirks? Even these heroes help society arresting small fries or simple thief's

I will stop rambling about it, today my parents took me to the hospital, the doctor said everything was fine with my body and that all the symptoms were because of my quirk,

Yes ,I finally found out my quirk.

And let me tell you, that with this quirk not only can i become the strongest, i will be the number one hero surpassing all might, endeavor and all the other heroes.

I will be the apex of strength in this world that will be my goal in this life.