

It all passes over them, close but too far, never really touching. They're unfettered by everything save for elusive ideals. Justice, fairness. As a Hero, they could perhaps touch them.

jliziki · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


It was the day of release, Mori was escorted out of Tartarus by a pair of guards, still cuffed. Serving me back to the streets. Flatness, Mori had an expression deflated. Although, his eyes subtly twitched beneath the sun's bright rays, narrowing into squints. "Prisoner Mori, you're hereby released from 'Tartarus' as you inmates call it, a probationary period of three months will be imposed as a precaution." One of the guards ran through the conditions of his release, loosely gesturing with a hand. "Yeah, yeah. I get it, I'll be good this time. For three months at least anyways." Mori raised his cuffed hands to them. "Mind undoing these?" Sighing was the guard's only reply as they unlocked the cuffs. Click. Opened. Mori shook his inflamed wrists. "Since you're underage and not under the custody of caretakers you'll be handed over to the local authorities." The guard pointed to an incoming figure. "We've been trialling a mentorship program, putting troubled youths like yourselves under the watchful eye of Pro Heroes." Snicker. Mori's lips faintly curved positively. "All Might, long time no see. I thought you forgot about me." All Might flexed his muscles. "I can't remember everyone I've saved, but I've saved them. You only remember those you haven't, Mori." Pointed at Mori. "Come on, I'll show you how the other side live." Then beckoned him toward himself, Mori came over. "I'm not sure I'll like what I see on the other side." Mori walked off the prison's grounds behind All Might. It might just disgust me even more. With a tense posture. "U.A, that's the other side you're talking about? If it's not, it should be." All Might side-eyed Mori. "Mori, you're seriously intense sometimes! Has anyone ever told you that? I'm sweating over here!" They approached a black vehicle, an SUV, entering its spacious rear. "No, but I'm sure out there someone likes it." All Might didn't respond to that.

The car set off whilst All Might, who ate up all the space in the backseat, reclined whereas Mori sat upright. "Yes, I'm taking you to U.A on my recommendation. Why are you so hellbent on that school anyways?" Mori's eyes flitted down. "I'd like to receive the best training. Changing the world isn't something an amateur can do. " All Might froze shortly. 'Training' , he intends on a violent path. Any normal kid would've said education which is inclusive of the entire curriculum not just combat. Strengthening his smile. Even if he said education I'd be sceptical. "Relax Mori, go make friends, enjoy yourself while you can." They faced each other. "Speaking of friends…" No, I shouldn't expose Nagant. "I guess I could do with some." All Might's eyes widened. "I'm sure someone like you won't have any trouble." Finally, the car pulled up. "This is the Heights Alliance campus, where you'll stay during the term." They exited the car. "Your room's already been prepared with a uniform, some clothing, and has basic furnishings. Now, I'll give you your space. All Might re-entered the car, waving as he departed. The Heights Alliance campus was a construct of brickwork with two multilevel storeys, dorms, adjacent to the reception area's short building sandwiched between them. It's automatic doors slid open and closed as students entered with suitcases. Mori went in from the tarmac parking lot. "My name's Todoroki Shoto." In sight, a bunch of youths gathered around the receptionist's desk in search of their rooms, firing off their names. "M-My name is Midoriya Izuku." While that happened, Mori's presence didn't go unnoticed. "You must be the mystery man who got a reserved spot in 1-A. I'm Tenya Ida." All gazes fell on him while he spoke with the bespectacled student before him. "Yeah, I am. Hope I didn't miss much. I'm Hideaki Mori." They shook hands. "Hey, I'm Mina Ashido… So, what's your hero name?!" Pink hands tried to grab him, slipping off. "Hero name? Um… Glide?" Silence. "You totally just made that up on the spot!" Laughter filled the room. "I guess I'll work on the name in my spare time." Mina looked at her hands. "Well, the name makes sense at least. Anyways, see you around." Student's disappeared from the lounge one-by-one as rooms were assigned. "Hideaki Mori, third floor, second room." Keys were given to him by the receptionist. "Thanks." Mori arrived at the third floor, entering his room. It was bare. Bed, desk, wardrobe, the essentials were all there. Well, it'll do.

The next day arrived. Sunny, crisp. Qualities of the sky and air on that day as he walked onto U.A's bustling school grounds, filtering through the dense crowd of students. The entrance had an eccentric flair, an archway with a sign which read 'Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!' in bold characters. Mori headed into the school, walking across the grey linoleum floors of hallways lined with lockers. Everyone seems so carefree. Smiling faces, laughter, senseless chatter. Youth. Exhalation slackened his posture. "Hey you. You're Mori right?" Behind him, a man clad in black clothing, save for the white scarf around his neck. "Yeah." Their eyes were unusually intense. "I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. If you could come with me." Aizawa led him to one of the empty gymnasiums which had safety mats strewn about. Squeak. Aizawa stepping on the shoddy mat. "I prefer to personally assess my students rather than rely on that flawed thing called an exam. Go on, take your stance, Mori." Mori slipped off one shoe, his shirt, and trousers beneath which there were shorts. Eh? Before he could get into his stance. Crash. Mori fell. "Not being able to totally erase your quirk is still in my favour. You're still frictionless but you can't control it, you'll either slip over or have any of your attacks slip off me. Quite inconvenient if you think about it." Aizawa spoke in a flat tone. "That's why I always keep a shoe on. Say, have you ever grappled with an untouchable opponent?" Mori's eyes locked onto Aizawa's waist as he hunched over and moved in for a tackle, not quite. Instead swiping at Aizawa's torso which moved laterally with his leg, grazing it. Aizawa's bloodshot eyes twitched. Planting a suggestion, clever. What's more concerning is that I almost fell for one so obvious. It wasn't his words but his body language, expression, nearly flawless. Then he bound Mori, using the white ribbons hovering around his body. "Being frictionless doesn't matter if there's no way out." Tugging against them to nullify his resistance. "I guess your brain isn't so useless, Mori. You're a natural actor, it's almost scary. Almost." Releasing Mori after finishing. "It's in a hero's best interest to be persuasive in speech and action, violence isn't always the answer." Scribbling could be heard as Aizawa took notes on a clipboard. "Here's your routine, specifically tailored to your abilities. I'd advise that you hone your hand-to-hand combat skills, you have inefficient movements. Your strength is lacking too, though above average." Mori shrugged off the ribbons clinging onto him. "Did I get a passing grade?" Aizawa's finger struck the clipboard. "Barely. I severely doubt you'd be a capable Hero." Leaving Mori to digest that. "Way to motivate your students." Homeroom was due to start, prompting him to head the classroom that was 1-A.

Not long after he entered, hands were around his waist. Upon looking over his shoulder, distinct fuchsia tones came into view. Nagant? How'd she get out already? No expression on his face. "It's only been a day and you've become careless, I'm questioning your resolve." In a sing song voice. "Hmph." Nagant was hugging him, squeezing him tightly. "I didn't know we did those, Nagant." Warmth mixed with the air, minty breath. Courtesy of Nagant. "Nice joke… I was so bored in there, I couldn't wait." Lips by his ear. "When do we move?" Lips by her ear. "We're not even heroes yet, slow down. Our time will come soon. Until then, as someone once told me, we should enjoy ourselves." To others passing by, their hug was merely a display of affection. "Woah Mori-boy, you sounded… You sounded normal just then." Mori smirked. "I must be getting high off your scent. Right, they call that a pheromone." Nagant clasped his hand. "They're watching, Mori. Might as well seal the deal." Leaning in. "I might start calling you something other than Nagant if we do." Lips almost touching. "But…" Mwah. Cut off by a sticky peck to the cheek. "It's not ideal for us to be distracted by this." When he moved himself out of Nagant's obscuring curtains of hair, he saw that the rest of the class had arrived to homeroom. "Standard greeting where I'm from… Uh, we're French." Mori swept his gaze across the class. "Standard greeting my ass! Think about us guys over here struggling to get any!" Mineta, noun, definition: perversion. "Get what exactly, Mineta?" From Momo, who sat cross legged by her desk, leering at Mineta as Tenya stood with a loose jaw. "I'd advise that you refrain from such indecent acts in the classroom! Mori, and… your name?" Tenya chopped the air whilst speaking. "Kaina Tsutsumi." And in an inaudible whisper. "Or Nagant." Gruff sounds cut in. "We don't give a shit about who you are or where you're from, have some decency and keep it in your pants!" Boom. They let off an explosion in their palm, trademark of a one Katsuki Bakugo. "Hell, just fuck already and get it out!" Expressions of the girls ranged from disgust, shock, but amusement took pole position. "B-Bakugo! You can't say things like that!" Reason came in the form of Ochaco Uraraka. Bang, Bang, Bang. "No, let him talk! Real men won't fold under pressure, stand tall on that Bakugo! Don't let them bully you!" Eijiro Kirishima's palm smacked his desk. The classroom became a zoo, mixed with the sounds of arguing and laughter. "Order! Order! You're found accused of public indecency. How do you plead? Mori, Kaina?" Neito Monoma pointed at them. "What do I say? Hmm." Nagant leant her head against Mori. "Guilty of all charges. Lock me up." Mori side-eyed her. "I don't know her, your honour." Silence fell. "D-damn, he's cold. But I still sense sparks between them." Denki Kaminari gestured with finger pistols. "Stand tall on th-" Red hair, white hair, raising his cheek from his desk. "We heard you the first time Kirishima." Shoto Todoroki, white skin, scarred skin.

Shuffle. Sliding open the door, Aizawa stormed in. "Shut up. Get to your seats." As Nagant moved away, words entered her ear. "Don't forget why we're here." Everyone was seated, waiting for Aizawa to speak. "Your Quirk Apprehension Test will be taking place today. I'll see you all outside." The fact of Aizawa's arrival in a sleeping bag did not seem to raise any eyebrows. Mori reclined into his seat, absentmindedly looking through the window as the rest of the class left. "Kaina, what do you think of this place?" Wide, narrow. Nagant's eyes flitted between these states. "It feels like a vacation I want to enjoy. I hate everything this place stands for, but I can't bring myself to." Their eyes met, both dull. "Don't hate the others for that reason. My little Nagant." Mori's thumb ran along her face, collecting droplets on its tip. Smack. Nagant swatted that hand, quaking. "Don't try your bullshit on me. I'm not your follower." Drip. Tears fell from his thumb. "With all the stuff they did to you, I wouldn't be surprised you're so difficult. I was just making sure you hadn't lost your resolve." Puffing through her nose, Nagant developed a pleased look. "Worry about yourself Mori." Winking at her. "You should follow your own advice." Smirking after.

Outside, on the sports field, there stood class 1-A in U.A brand sports clothing. Baggy blue tracksuit bottoms, blue t-shirt. Both patterned with white stripes which joined to form the initials 'U.A'. "Shut up Deku! Just listening to your voice is irritating, you shouldn't even be here!" Deku, rather, Izuku was silenced. Clenched fists, eyes downcast. Wrinkled lips squirming, fighting the whimpers as he trailed behind the class which headed to the track. Pat. Izuku felt a hand on his shoulder. "Izuku, take things to make them yours. Fairness isn't a birthright." Mori and Izuku were walking in opposite directions, thus making the exchange short. Izuku turned around, silent, watching Mori's back closely. "I mean, that's just what I think. Forget I even said it, I sound crazy right?" Mori had turned with a sheepish grin. "R-Right Mori, thanks for the advice." Aizawa's voice entered. "Enough of that Bakugo. Everyone line up, we'll be starting with the hundred metre." Nagant gazed at Mori. "Starting so soon?" It was toothy, wide, yet genuine. "I'm having fun Kaina." A Smile.

Izuku Midoriya, 16. Quirk: ?, Type: ?.