

It all passes over them, close but too far, never really touching. They're unfettered by everything save for elusive ideals. Justice, fairness. As a Hero, they could perhaps touch them.

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6 Chs

Mirko's Training

After Mirko had pinched Mori from the track, Mori had been run through an intense training regime for the past two weeks.

Mori, stance set. "I call it a Rebound. Go ahead, hit me… Lightly." Tss. Intaking air. "Efficiency Mode(60bpm) – Perfect Lancer." Mirko's leg; there then there. Thwack. On Mori's cheek, however. Thunk. Mori's elbow; piercing. "I can't say I like the idea of using the opponent's strength instead of your own. But I respect it." From Mirko. Block. Mirko's tremored hand, receiving it. "You've gotten a decent grasp of my MMA. Show me more." Mori obliged; torso contorted, knee rising. "Fang – Compact." Before Mori connected. Sweep. Mirko's. "Kid, don't get ahead of yourself. This is a Lancer." Infront of Mori's eyes, Mirko's bladed edge. Boom. "Th-this is nothing." From Mori, knelt down, heaving. "That's what I like to hear. Your guts are shining through. We're not done yet though!" Cough. Mori's. "Yeah, my guts are on the floor." Mirko beckoned. "Hurry and get up! " Walking further into the forest, spring in step. "I'm coming." Crunch. Leaves beneath feet. "Here it is." Mirko gestured with sweeping motions. "Seriously… So difficult." Mori's head tilted back; looking up. It was a mammoth tree.

They ended up in a leafy clearing. Thud. Mori's kicks. "Pretty old school, don't you think?" Rustle. Shaking leaves out of the tree before himself. "Stop crying. This is tame compared to what I have in store for you." Whilst Mirko flipped through a magazine. "You've got awful form, and your brittle bones can't handle the power of your optimised strikes." Sigh. Mirko's. "You'll keep on going until you can cut that tree down." Half an hour later… Tree still uncut, bark unphased. "My leg may fall off." Groan. Mirko, again. " I said stop crying… But luckily for you I'm bored reading this magazine. We're going to spar now." In pirouette; Their vanished legs moved mechanically. "Forcing me into a kicking match against you, you're ruthless." Crack. Shin collision. "Get your flimsy leg out of the damn way!" Mirko's battle cry. Crash. Mori embedded in a tree. "Don't stop keep on fighting! Your enemies won't wait for you to recover!" Mirko seemed to be enjoying herself. "When you fight, expect to die from the smallest misstep." Wince. Mori's face when peeling himself from the tree as Mirko came. "I don't think you're meant to use your students as your stress relief." Beep. "120bpm." Smile. Mirko's. "Oh, straight to one-twenty? I'm making your heart skip beats!" Huff. "I can't exactly hold back. There's a threat to my life standing infront of me." Scrape. Mirko's cheek, grazed. "Go even further! You can barely even touch me; you're wasting my time!" Beep. "150bpm." Firm, bulging. Muscles. "I can see it." Block. Mirko's leg didn't stop. "I'm holding back and you're still too weak!" Flinging him away again. "Fine, give me a second. 170bpm. 185bpm… 200bpm. Positive Loop." Mirko, her hands, like mitts. "Now you're getting it, I'll guide you." Receiving Mori's barrage. "Don't ever hold back against me or anyone. If you have to fight, kill from the beginning... Or regret it later." Flip. Mori lied flat on his back; Mirko had caught his wrist. "Well, that's enough for today. I don't really have time to babysit you. We'll meet again whenever I feel like it."

Mori stared at the canopy above, unblinking. "People who act all distant usually want to be closer." Mirko almost left, finger gliding along cheek, coming away red. "Smartass kid. Anyways, I was going to ask you 'that' question because I have to teach you other things too, but I'm sure it's been asked a million times. Here's my two cents instead. All heroes are selfish in one way or another, yet people are still being saved. It's also why there's chaos. What do you think on that?" Mori, sitting up. "Everyone's invested in their own ideas; It's chaotic. So, peace is a dream. I've never been inclined to disagree with that; life is a struggle from beginning to end. In chaos is the only way to live because nothing is aligned." Mirko knelt opposite him, mouth half-open. "Excellent observation. Revelling in the chaos is the only way to mitigate it. Oh… How old are you again? You don't even look upset Mori. What are you? " Softness in his face. "Indifferent. Because we can assert ourselves through the chaos. If no one is selfish, I don't exist. Maybe not indifferent but glad." Softness in hers. "It's almost as if we were meant to find each other, because I'm liking what I'm hearing. Let me ask 'that' question. What do you think a hero does?" Mori, closed eyes; tearful. "They follow their ideals until the end. That's the most beautiful end." Sweeping crystals of Mori's resolve away from cheek; Mirko. Hugging him. "Yes. That's the way. Follow your ideals only until," Finger pressing into his chest. "You." Twisting. "Think otherwise. The world is against you, only you can support yourself. And if you're wrong, well… There'll always be someone to challenge you since we're selfish." Then she left him, hair being dragged from Mori's shoulders. "Asking you why a hero saves others is a question saved for when you've entered the field. See ya." Waving with the back of her hand. "See you." Mori's face creased. Until I change my mind huh. Heartbeat rising. I really am a soft touch. What a determined woman. Mori, face covered by hand, heart the same. "I made the right choice, accepting you." Inaudible. Her mind is beautiful. Body, deadly. I want to talk to her more. Mirko's sensitive ears twitched. All Might said he was smart, but seriously. 'Assert yourself'? 'The most beautiful end'? That's romantic. Eyes downcast. Dying with no regrets always will be. "Sidekick." Feels weird thinking about it. Having him as mine. Needs to prove himself first, but I'm sure he'll excite me.

Mirko Martial Arts (MMA): Mirko's aggressive trademark style which emphasises the use of elbows and knees. Mainly used with Mori's Rebound technique series.

Current Move Set:

Lancer (Spinning Back Elbow: Penetration).

Overturn (Toss/Suplex: Slam).

Fang (Diagonal Knee: Penetration)

Harvest (Sweep/Low Kick: Slam/Blunt)


Compact (Speed Modifier : No Spin, Less Power, Shorter Range)

These are standard Rebounds unless preceded by prefix Perfect or followed by postfix Compact.

Rebound Series:

Rebound: By rendering the feet or hands frictionless the force of a received attack is used to slide Mori's body across a surface. Leaving little to be absorbed by it, making it such that force can efficiently be redirected via a spin. Estimated Return: 80-90% of original force.

Perfect Rebound: Rebound can be amplified by the user's own strength by about 30%. Raising the estimated return range to 104-117%. 

Self-Rebound: With a similar basis as Rebound. This conserves momentum from each of the user's movements. Estimated Return: 80-90%

Perfect Self-Rebound: The next progression of Self-Rebound which amplifies force by around 30%. With the same estimated return range, 104-117%

That being said, if the received force he attempts to return is greater than that which his body can handle he will be damaged. E.g., fractured or broken bones, torn muscle, damaged joints. Frequent use of Perfect Rebound or Rebound will be harmful under those circumstances.

Note: Accumulated damage from initial impact is still a factor. One must be able to react to employ the technique. If the force is great enough, one will be incapacitated before usage.