

It all passes over them, close but too far, never really touching. They're unfettered by everything save for elusive ideals. Justice, fairness. As a Hero, they could perhaps touch them.

jliziki · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


Panting students were hunched over at the end of the track. "Looks like I ranked right in the middle. Tenth place out of twenty. Not too bad, not too bad. I wasn't expecting you to be faster than me Nagant." Everyone's bodies glistened with a shallow lustre of sweat; Mori's barely glistened. There were smatterings of moisture, however. "Even if I was burned by them, I'll admit the commission really knew how to whip someone into shape. And I couldn't exactly forget my routine, its hardwired into me at this point." Well structured, Nagant's frame was bound together by dense muscle fibres looking to free themselves from their confines of skin thinly layered by fat. For a moment, Nagant's gently sloped lips tensed, fidgeted, stilled. "You're too thin Mori, it's not ideal." Woosh. Jabs. Woosh. Sent by Mori, harassing the air around Nagant's face, causing her bangs to flutter. "I'm just the brains here. Sheesh. Loving one moment, hating the next. Your mood swings are insane." As he circled her. "I could say the same about you." After everyone had caught their breaths, Aizawa came over to them. "Shut up Mori, you too Kaina. I'll also be testing your abilities to work as a team, choose a partner. Don't waste my time or I'll choose one for you." Students shuffled about, partnering up with one another. "See you around, Nagant." Mori saluted. "I'll be partnering with someone else; we should see other people from time to time." Mori went up to Izuku who nearly came dead last, being nineteenth.

"Izuku, you need a partner. I need a partner, so what do you say?" Extending a steady hand to Izuku whilst tremors shook Izuku's. "Why are you being so nice to me? D-Do you think you're my saviour or something, what do you get out of doing this? I'm not some charity case you know." Mori shook his head. "I'm not here to redeem you, I'm offering you an alternative. Be the one who steps, be the one who's stepped on, be the one who holds their foot over someone else… Or don't step at all. All are valid options really." Then pointed. "Step to me Deku. No, actually. Step to Bakugo." Nothing happened. "What's holding you back, Deku? Are you undeserving of equal treatment or is it that you're okay with how you're treated now? In that case I should just leave you to your own devices." Thud. Izuku punched him, shoulders heaving. "Stop calling me Deku." Mori rubbed his jaw. "I told you my quirk is the real deal. Anything you dish out slips right off!" Speaking loud enough to dispel the concerns of everyone witness to Izuku's assault on him. "I hear what you're saying, but I don't want to give in to your words that easily. I don't want to be the idiot who trusted you." Izuku's body trembled, destabilising his voice. "I won't let you or Bakugo step on me. I won't let you win." Mori leant into Izuku's ear. "Now you're getting it. I'd say don't think win or loss. Think better or worse, Deku. That's the measure of every option." Coarseness mixed with his hushed voice. "Man, I'm getting serious aren't I? Anyways, I'll leave it up to you." Mori went back to Nagant. "The prodigal son returns, too bad, I found a partner." Nagant gave him a once over with crossed arms. "Unlucky Mori, your girlfriend's with me. I'd partner with you, but I don't partner with the weak. Fortunately for you, you do." Looking at each other, Mori and Nagant. "She's a handful Bakugo, take care of yourself." Bakugo only gave a dirty look as he and Nagant moved into position.

Bakugo didn't waste time charging in, whilst Izuku stood with clenched fists. "You told me that I don't belong here. Do you? Bakugo." Izuku swung. Woosh. Hitting air. "Close, Izuku. Punch more like this." Thud. Bakugo's body became an acute angle upon Mori's fist, hidden behind Izuku's, meeting it. It wasn't over, he'd allowed his fist to slip off, allowing him to spin into a back kick. Boom. Sending Bakugo away. "You'd want to be stronger than me though, he's yours now. This is your fight anyhow." Bakugo was already back in the game, propelling himself towards them, backed by a stream of explosions. "Go ahead and team up, it's already a 2v1 regardless. I feel sorry for you Mori, having to carry around that deadweight." Screwed up, Bakugo's face. "And Deku, stop talking. Just be the quiet follower you've always been." Then he bowed his head. "Looking up to others is your only purpose." And upon looking up, those edges around his eyes appeared to have rounded a little. "Looking up to me." Inaudible. "Go to hell, Deku." Before Bakugo closed in, Izuku's arm glowed as a web of fluorescent red lines manifested. "I'll see you there. That'd be better… Yeah, it would." Izuku's eyes took on Bakugo's lost edges as all focus stuck to it, darkening everything in peripheral. In that false night. Orange, hand shaped, brightening. Hot. It was an explosion due to be let off from Bakugo. Red, fist shaped, brightening. Hot. It was an explosion due to be let off from Izuku. Boom. Streaking stars meeting to form singularity. In the moments prior, what Izuku saw. Sparks entering and exiting in the same manner as glinting stars on black canvas, held in a palm. What Bakugo heard. Screaming in a shattered voice akin to a war cry. Rather, a death throe. Daylight creeped back into the darkened scene. "Oi! Are you two trying to kill each other!?" Aizawa had leapt in between them, disabling their quirks at once. "S-Sorry, I couldn't control my strength. I forfeit." Izuku walked off, holding Bakugo's gaze, rendering his own downcast after some time. "Y-You couldn't what!? Don't give me any of that shit! I was about to destroy you!" White ribbons restrained Bakugo before he could move. "I'll deal with you later." Aizawa's tone uneven.

Meanwhile, Nagant was prone. Firing non-lethal potshots flinging dirt up at Mori which obscured his vision. Thwip. Rounded bullets pelting his body. "Yeah, I got the point. I died ten bullets ago." Thwip. "Make that eleven…You can stop now." Nagant stood up, retracting her rifle. "It's stress relief." Mori moved his hands up and down as if they were weight scales. "We can relieve that in other ways, surely." Already dashing towards him. "No, I think I prefer this way. It makes me happy." Closing the distance instantly. "Always so difficult, Nagant." Technical exchanges of economical movements ensued, most of the technique and economy coming from Nagant's deflection of Mori's fists. "What? You're not going to pick me off from all the way over there with your rifle?" Nagant transitioned into an elbow strike which whizzed by. Woosh. At the same time, a rifle's barrel peered out, it came up just short of Mori's face. Ducking down, nudging the barrel to the side, Mori chose to tackle. "I'm up close because I can deal with you up close." Nagant's rifle went off next to his head. Boom. As did the round. "So much effort just to miss." When Mori moved to step, stagger. All his movements became unstable, vision blurry, a marionette cut. "It's called a shockwave Mori; do you think I'd expend that much energy just to miss? You're experiencing a concussion right now." Crash. Downed by Nagant's sweep, a setup to position the barrel between his eyes. "Surrender now." Tapping his cheek with it. "I wasn't serious the first time I shot you. It'll go through this time; the skin can only handle so much after all." Raised hands were Mori's response. "I surrender ma'am. I never expected to win against you. And, really, I'd be upset if I did. I mean, you're supposed to be the muscle." Death moved away, guided by Aizawa's ribbons wrapped around its barrel. "Enough, Kaina. You get decent marks for creativity and lose points for recklessness. Don't take unnecessary risks." Mori looked up, shrugging only with his shoulders. "I'd like to say I let her win. But she got me." Nagant reached down, grasping his hand. "Keep the flattery to yourself, Mori. You're pathetic, but I'm willing to offer you my bespoke tutelage." Aizawa watched on with a scrunched face. Both of them are ridiculous compared to the others in terms of combat. Who the hell are these kids? Turning to face somewhere. All Might. There was a blonde-haired figure peeking around a corner, observing the class. You dropped this shit into my lap with no warning. Aizawa returned from reverie. "Kaina and Bakugo win." Clap. Kirishima led. "No mercy even against her boyfriend! She's ruthless!" Whistles followed, prompting Mori's expression to brighten. "You've got a sort of fan club forming over there Nagant." Nagant pounded his chest. "I appreciate the effort you took to form it, Mr President. Use your quirk next time so you can keep up." Mori tutted. "I'm no good if I can't beat you in close quarters without it. Plus, I didn't exactly want to strip down out here. It was cold, I guess that's a good excuse. Therefore, it was a foregone conclusion." Nagant tried to restrain her smile. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, I suppose it really is cold out here." Oppressive sunlight was beating down on them.

The rest of the day featured mundane affairs unworthy of mention. Also known as the standard curriculum of Maths, English, History, and so forth. Orange dyed the sky, evening. Nagant and Mori strolled through the empty corridors side-by-side. "Today was fun. Don't you think?" Nagant didn't reply to him, looking ahead at the person infront of them. "Izuku, congratulations. Even though you lost, you won." Nagant outstretched her hand, positioning it such that hers would be on top of Izuku's. "Come over here, it's not right for you to be alone after a day like today." Izuku stepped forward, taking her hand. "Thank you Mori, seriously. I-I feel a little stronger. Thanks to you too Nagant." Tucked, Mori's hands in his pockets. "You're giving me way too much credit." Thud. Izuku felt Mori's fist strike his chest. "It was all in you, never put there." Dim light seemed to spread from it. "I only helped you to find it." Nagant and Mori wrapped their arms around Izuku's shoulder. "One bit of advice, don't go giving up your life for just anything, people need you." Behind Izuku's neck, their eyes met briefly. Nagant winked, somehow blowing a kiss at Mori with no hands. "H-Hey Kaina! That tickles, what're you doing!?" Izuku felt coolness run across the back of his neck. "Just the standard greeting where we're from. As I said, we're French." Mori jostled him. "S-Standard greeting my ass." Izuku chuckled, as did Nagant.


Later, in Mori's dorm they were on his bed. "You were mentoring Izuku as if you care about him. Do you?" Nagant rolled next to him. "It was just something within myself." Lying her head onto his chest, listening intently. "Are you trying to polygraph me? Don't be so stupid." Mori chuckled. "I wasn't expecting to strike gold with Izuku, but now he's a valuable asset." Nagant, mounting him, listened closer. "Steady, you're in the clear for now. So, we're using Izuku as an unsuspecting informant. Nobody should be watching him too closely." Yawn. From Mori. "Mori?" Unresponsive. "I could end you right now, yet you sleep." Pointing her rifle at him, noting his relaxed features. "Is this the only time you're relieved? I wonder what it is that always weighs on your conscience." Snicker. "I bet you lie even in your sleep." Nagant left, merging into the night. Leaving by his room's balcony. "Take me into the city." Nagant entered the backseat of a taxi, dressed in a signature outfit. Sleeveless, turtlenecked. Billowing at the bottom, a golden-hemmed purple dress. Stocky white boots to match. "There it is. You can drop me off here." Outside, a nightclub crowded by eager clubgoers. Entrance had no barrier, those purple colours were enough identification for the bouncers to allow entry. Gyrating silhouettes quaked the ground. Electronic music thumping through blaring speakers did so in kind as Nagant moved in time with the gaps of blackness following each flash from multi-coloured strobe lighting. After filtering through that dense crowd, Nagant reached a door which led to an empty hallway with wooden flooring, music couldn't be heard but the rumble could still be felt. Hope they didn't change the venue. Walking with heavy footsteps, bordering on stomps. Creak. Incongruity found. "Open up, it's Nagant." She watched the floor open up, there was a trap door which seamlessly meshed with it. White hands grabbed her ankle. "I missed you, Nagant." Drawing out every syllable in legato style speech. "I can't say the same, Toga. Now move back." Clack. Feet landing onto the basement's concrete floor. Flickering light fixtures illuminated the hidden figures.

"Lady Nagant, you've grown a little, you used to be this runt about yay-big. Enjoy the air and don't get caught this time." Placing their hand at chest level for emphasis. "Very drole, Dabi. I don't intend on going back until I've completed by mission." Hands squashed her cheeks. "N-Nagant! I'm happy! So happy! To see you again! L-Let me get another pint of your blood… You know, just so I can feel close to you even when you go away. I need my fix, I'm running on empty here!" Nagant's face remained flat. "Let it be that way Toga, you're way too sloppy to be using my Rifle." A scratching voice entered. "You should've seen how many times she missed during our last mission. What a terrible fuckin' shot she is, would've been better off with just a bullet and hammer to chisel it in." Toga shook Nagant's body. "Screw you in particular Muscular. You guys are mean! Too mean." Sniff. "I tried my best... Anyhow! Who's the guy you've been larping with at U.A?" Nagant's body stiffened. "I should've known when I didn't get a greeting after being released. He's someone with mutual interests, that's all you need to know." Dabi stood straight. "Hold on. You're obviously keeping something from us. Mutual interests? Those being what exactly?" Afterwards, walking closer. "Don't tell me you care about this guy more than us." Nagant was muted for a moment. "He's just like us. I met him in Tartarus, and we kept each other company. We want to upend this hero society. " Hand to her chest. "I care for him no more than I care for this organisation." Crackle. Blue flame in Dabi's hand. Click. Nagant slotting a round into her rifle. "You needn't speak Dabi; I know your intention. Stay the fuck away from him." Dabi shuddered, laughing. "You can't hold me at gunpoint forever, Nagant. You know we can't have anyone compromising us." Toga pointed a knife at Dabi. "Maybe he could be useful to our cause! After we rough him up a bit I'll extract blood. I mean information!" Nagant rubbed her face, smoothing it out. "Thank you Toga, but enough about blood. Just leave him alone, I'll bring him here soon enough." In came a final figure who hushed Dabi through presence. "Leave Nagant as is, she's uniquely positioned to access All Might." Face covered in hands. "Bring him to me soon. You know what will happen otherwise." Nagant nodded whereas Dabi let out stifled sounds of strain. Toga cooed whilst fidgeting. Muscular spat, walking off to one of the tables strewn about. "If he's cute maybe I'll let him off." From Toga whose sharpened incisors peered out. "You've got that perverted look on your face again, I think you should work on hiding that." Nagant moved off. Slice. Blood trickled from Nagant's cheek. "Why should I do that Nagant? To please others? That's no fun." Infront of her, Toga's knife embedded in the wall. "You tell her Toga. Fuckin' shit up is the only worthwhile pass time." Nagant side-eyed Muscular. "Leave it to your dense brain to not understand what she meant." Then left. "That's right, walk away bitch." Muscular straightened out the newspaper he held with exaggerated motions. "Real scary Muscular. That had a real 'don't make me come over there.' swagger. You almost sounded like my shitty old man." Dabi wiped tears from his face which looked to be between a smile and frown whilst laughing.

Night ended. Mori woke up, dishevelled, feeling Nagant's head on his arm. Turning to look at her. "You went somewhere last night. Don't play dead Nagant." Nagant, with closed eyes. "You went somewhere too. Why do you even care If I'm going out at night? I didn't know you even thought about me so much." Nagant grabbed Mori's hands. Dirt beneath his fingernails. "And try harder." In turn, he grabbed Nagant's face, causing her to make a sharp sucking sound. "You're hurt. I'd rather my partner not go out without me and get injured." Touch imbued redness into those cheeks. "What're yo-" Moistness ran along the cut on her cheek. "D-Don't do that." Causing her eyes to roll back. "I'm cleaning the wound." Thud. Punching his face. "Seriously Mori? That isn't your best technique; you should focus on your other skills." Erased, pleasant expressions faded from her face. "It was worth a try, no worse than your ear-to-chest polygraph. Besides that, all of this would've been avoided if you slept in your own dorm." Nagant patted his cheek. "I'm no dog, I come and go as I please. I'm not on your leash. Let's just agree to not talk about our other business." Covered mouth, eyes set to the side, Mori. "Come and go, just don't leave." Swish. Blowing onto his face. "Don't tell me what to do unless its related to the cause." Peeking from the corners of Mori's hands, upturned lips. Eyes neutral. "Stay yourself, Kaina." Hunched over, how he sat on the edge of the bed with her beside him. "I am myself." Streaming sunlight framed them. In the portrait, a 'crying' youth, 'smiling' youth. Side by side. Scene broken, by Nagant's sudden departure. "Where are you going?" Nagant stared at him. "Out." Leaning against his hand. "Always so difficult, my Nagant." Sigh. Face in palm.

Nagant walked through the dorm's corridors stroking her cheek smeared with saliva. 'Kaina' Feeling her heartrate rise, circulating heat throughout her body. 'Nagant.' Heartrate dropping. They're just names. "Kaina. Did you just come out of Mori's room?" They were eye to eye, Uraraka and Kaina. "O-Oh, you saw that? I was just dropping something off for him." Nagant's looked everywhere other than at Uraraka. "It's alright, I won't tell anyone. I guess it's nice that you two are so close, I'm happy for you." Uraraka looked her up and down. "You seem a little different than you were yesterday, everyone has different sides I guess. Speaking of other sides, what's your hero name?" Nagant closed in. "My name is Lady Nagant." Wrapping her arm around Uraraka's neck. "I like you Uraraka, you're refreshingly plain. I think we could be good friends." Uraraka's permanent blush deepened in shade. "T-That's a little sudden, you can't just touch people like that." Nagant's eyes projected no reflections. "Let go of me, you're kind of scaring me." Uraraka squirmed. "Right, sorry about that. I didn't mean to hurt you." Then backed away upon release. "D-Don't run away from me. I'm just kind of awkward around normal people." Nagant reached out. "What do you mean by normal people?" Uraraka's back hit the wall. "You're nice. That's all." Uraraka looked to her dorm, then at Nagant. "Let's try again then. I was gonna invite you into my dorm for a housewarming party, or dorm-warming I guess. So, do you want to come in?" Nagant nodded. "I'd like that." Uraraka took her into her dorm. Slam. Door shut. "Seriously Uraraka, you're too kind. Someone could take advantage of you." Uraraka, with fingers from both hands put together. "I'd like to think my kindness would put someone off from doing that." Nagant grabbed her shoulders. "So adorable… You shouldn't be let outside. I'm suddenly compelled to protect you." Uraraka tensed up, blushing further wasn't possible. "Don't treat me like a puppy!" Nagant massaged her shoulders. "Sorry, sorry. Just try to not be so adorable, I might not be able to help myself." Their muffled back and forth faded out.

In a clearing of a forest nearby the campus on the night before, Nagant watched from behind a tree, sat in tall grass. Woosh. There was Mori by a moonlit lake, shimmering. In that microcosm, existence became limited to chambering one's next punch, kick, elbow, knee. You never look so passionate at any other time. Stifled grunts. Gritted teeth. Muscles tensed to the utmost in some instants. Relaxed in others. You look worn down. On Mori's last motion, Thud. Lying flat, allowing grass to claim him. Kaina came out, scooping up his head after kneeling, rest it on her lap. "Well, you found out Nagant." Stroking Mori's forehead. "Nagant's sleeping, she doesn't know Kaina's here. You should be nicer to Nagant by the way." Mori flicked her nose. "I wouldn't be able to see you then." Kaina stopped. "Why're you so dedicated Mori?" Raising his fist. "To survive under the world's conditions so I can change them. Enough about me, what was Nagant doing?" Kaina huffed. "I'm here now, pay attention to me. Why don't you ask her yourself." Mori held her face. "No, stay… When I look at you, I see sides of this world." Then she leant down, curtaining him whilst smiling. "Another line from the book of Mori. What do you think, am I the good or bad side?" Shaking his head. "You're much more than that. I know that's not the response you wanted to hear, so I'll call you the better side because you listen." Deeper tones of fuchsia coloured her eyes. "You really have a way with words don't you? It's like you always know exactly what to say." Mori's eyes twitched. "Even when she's asleep, she protects you." Kaina's eyes lightened. "I zoned out, what did you say?" Chuckle. "Nothing. Let's just relax. It's tiring to put on all these faces." Stars watched over them. "Always so difficult." Under his breath. "What was that? I'm right here you know." Squeezing his head. "But… you're right. It's a lonely mission. Maybe after its all over we could just go away." Drip. Onto Mori's face. "This ends with one or both of us dying, Mori." Loosening her grip. "I have to go now." Kaina set his head down, speeding into the forest. "It is lonely, that's part of the reason I wanted you with me." Speaking loud enough so she could maybe hear.

Presently. The days at U.A passed by without turmoil, it had been about a month since school begun. Dim shades of orange entered via windows along the walls, early morning. The school was mostly empty at that time. Mori speedwalked through a corridor, pulling up at a classroom. Crash. Sliding the door open to reveal a gathering of students with tough faces. I'd like to expand the talent pool. Despite being a prestigious school. U.A had a dark underbelly. "What's a bootlicker from 1-A doing here? You lookin' to get your ass kicked?" No use in speaking too much, Mori leapt in, allowing himself to be encircled "Not exactly. Just wanted to see how I measured up to the dregs in the rest of this school." Unnoteworthy, the ensuing 'fight'. Though one did put up a fight. "Trying to use my quirk against me?" Swoosh. Clasped hands, spinning body, piercing them with an elbow. Thud. Both the sound of impact and collapse. "Huh? Why're you looking at me like that?" Mori looked down to one of the delinquents he'd disposed of. Bruised face, trembling eyes which contained flames. "I knew you two were weirdos from the first day in homeroom." Knelt down, eyes meeting. "Neito, I'll admit. I wasn't exactly paying attention to you, but I wouldn't have expected you to associate with these guys." Chuckle. Neito's. "Paying attention to side characters isn't something most people are inclined to do. I think of that as a cursed perk." Chuckle. Mori's. "So, you come down here to play king." Neito sat up. "So what? Everyone plays a role, including you. What're you doing down here anyways? Do you want to play king too?" Breath touched Neito. "I was planning to disrupt the kingdom to take it, but I feel like we can work with each other. How about you let me hire out your little army? " Neito wagged his finger infront of Mori's rigid face. "Tsk. Tsk. You've got to tell me why Mori. Or should I say two-faced Mori? You still haven't answered my question." Mori moved away. "I'd like to indulge in my fantasy without being watched, like a certain someone." Pointing at Neito. "Let me use your gang as an intelligence network. Refuse and I'll just take it from you and do so." Neito's un-telling eyes assessed Mori. "Scary. Seriously, I felt chills just then." Neito pretended to shudder. "I think we could do interesting things. Though, I'm more compelled by the idea that you meant more by 'disrupting the kingdom'." Time stopped; Mori's lips moved. "You're too sharp Neito. Side characters, main characters. Unfair, don't you think? Someone should really do something about that." Afterwards, Neito. "You know, maybe the main characters should be gotten rid of, Mori." Turning away, Mori waved at Neito. "We'll be in contact soon." The members of Neito's delinquent gang begun to wake up upon his departure. "Don't worry I took care of it; I threw him out with the rest of the trash." Neito gestured as if washing his hands. "A world of just characters, I wouldn't have to try anymore. No one would." Muttering.

Back in the corridor. "Was there any reason as to why you had to show your face? I could've picked them all off in two seconds… With non-lethal rounds. We could've strongarmed them then." Pat. Dusting off his dirtied uniform. "You're a mess, I said I'd train you didn't I?" They held hands. "I know. Nobody will believe them if they speak, and they're the type who're too prideful to admit that. You were on lookout, I trust you made sure nobody could've seen." Nagant tightened her grip. "No one saw. Anyways, what happened in there?" Mori didn't answer for a few seconds. "Nothing beyond what was expected, they're mine now. I'm acting through a figurehead, I can't be direct in all of my methods." Mori tightened his. "I see. But not so fast, there's more you want to tell me. There's still no good reason for you to have shown your face." They walked. "Nice catch. If need be, I'll join their ranks without difficulty since I've proven my strength. This is so I can visit other schools without my intentions being exposed. " Mori halted Nagant with his finger. "After my probation's over of course. It'll just look like I'm going back to my old ways rather than a recruitment drive." They arrived. Homeroom became more of an event as Mori and Nagant made more connections. Around their desks sat Izuku, Uraraka. This attracted more and more to them. "Jeez, it's like a party over here." Mori tousled his hair, wincing as if in pain. "I didn't know you were friends with Uraraka, Kaina." Elbowing him, Nagant. "Don't be so rude to the esteemed guests at our table." Ignoring her, Mori shooed them away. Before Nagant could start, Aizawa came in. "If you didn't know, the Sports Festival will be occurring during the upcoming week. So, make sure to be prepared. That's all for the announcements, so I'll let you guys get on with whatever it is you need to do." Aizawa's eyes swept across the room. "My clothes are suddenly loose, Nagant." Mori whispering to Nagant as she scratched her elbow, flitting her eyes down in place of a nod.

Later that day, during lunch hour. Neito and Mori were stood together in the empty changing rooms. "That was quick. What's her name?" Neito showed Mori a picture of a full-lipped girl donning a black captain hat. Attached to it, a golden crest inscribed with the letter 'S'. "Camie Utsushimi, her quirk will prove rather useful if you can get her onto our side. Use that silver tongue of yours." Mori scratched his chin. "Neito, you came around rather quickly. Do you see something in me? You don't even know what I intend to do." Neito's eyes moved down. "You asked me why I was looking at you like that. I saw in you things I didn't have. Your indomitability and tenacity even with such a weak quirk. You have the stuff to do crazy things, I want to be there when you do them." Mori leant back against the wall. "Does that make you a main character or side character? Rephrased, that translates to. Are you caught in my current or resistant to it?" Reached out. "Main character, side character. Only derivatives of what you are. Just a character. Though the world favours the distinctions." Then left Neito standing there. Snatch. Taking the picture too. "Aligning yourself with me is up to you. It always has been." Neito caught his breath. "Yeah, you'll definitely get Camie on our side. You master of tricks. And to answer your question, I'm a character by my own definition. Let's change things Mori." Mori gave a weak nod over his shoulder.

Mori's days begun to become full of affairs. Now we need gear. After meeting with Neito, he headed towards class 1-H, the Support Department. Woosh. Door sliding open. "Anyone here who goes by Mei?" Poking his head through the door. Looks more like a workshop than a class. In the corner of his eye, a girl with reticles for pupils. Thick pink dreadlocks for hair. "I'm Mei. So, you're looking for some gear? I've got you covered." Mei patted down his body, squeezing here and there. "Just getting a feel for your body." Mori eyed her. "I'm sure it isn't free. Quote me a price." Mei paused. "The first one's on U.A. Anything afterwards is on you. I'd be a terrible mother if I didn't sell my babies in exchange for something." Rubbing her fingers together at the mention of exchange. "Interesting way of phrasing that. Let's go ahead and make babies." Mei's grin widened. "I like the way you're talking to me right now." There was an undercurrent in her tone. Of what? Indeterminate. "So, what's your quirk? " Mei's hands reached up to his thigh. "I'm frictionless." Mori reached out to touch one of the mannequins covered in gear. Smack. "Don't dirty them with your hands. You might decrease their value." Mori's fingers were splayed. "I can't leave fingerprints anyways, we have these things called friction ridges on our fingertips. You can fill in the gaps." Mori took a breath. "But let me explain more. Pretty much. My entire body is frictionless, even its secretions. I can selectively give the property to my blood for a performance boost. Or to anywhere I need it. To my joints for faster movement, lungs for higher air intake. And blunt force is mostly nullified. I'm just an efficient human." Mei gave affirmative grunts. "Your situation is kind of like Mirio's… I can't bind your hairs through stitching, but glue will work. I've got something wicked in store for you. Just give me your hair for the next few months. Deal?" Extending her hand to his. "Before we finish up here, I'd like to be able to store my sweat in the costume." Extending his hand to hers. "Alright, anything else?" Their hands met. "Keep this between us, Mei." Mei moved her face nearer, leaving only an inch of room. "If it's off the books, you've got to pay out of pocket. Then there's the surcharge for my discretion." Mori got closer. "You're forgetting my quirk. I'm frictionless. Imagine the things you could invent with my secretions, let's renegotiate." Mei blushed. "I could make optimised babies with your secretions." Then he touched her waist on which there was equipment. "Those Hydraulic Bracers. Think of how much smoother they could be. You need me, and I need you. So, what do you say?" Mouth hung open, drooling. Mei nodded. "Y-Yes. It's a deal." Mori's nostrils flared subtly at the pleasant scent before it. "Good. My name's Mori by the way." Slam. Closing the door as he left. Now the matter of Camie. " Mori stroked his face. And the matter of being scouted. Students in the hallways were muttering about the upcoming Sports Festival.

Sigh. "So difficult."

Camie Utsushimi, 16. Quirk: Glamour, Type:Emitter