
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Komik
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162 Chs

Walking down a path of no return.

A while later

Bullet was shooting around before hearing bangs and crashes, he ran over and saw Izuku! He smiled happily, then he saw Kaina!

He rushed over when she suddenly exploded!

Bullet froze and shot over, roaring "MOM!"

Izuku was shocked and Bullet stomped on him, slamming him into the ground while catching Kaina before Hawks, sticking his right arm in Izuku's face, extremely angry.

Keigo shouted quickly "Wait! Wait! He didn't do anything!" Bullet left Izuku and took off his helmet, holding Kaina as he cried, hugging her body on his knees.

Izuku got up and clenched his fists, "It was All for One. He must've given her…" Bullet hugged Kaina and cried, his tears dripping on her face. She raised her arm and gently touched his face, wiping the tears, saying "B-Bullet…"

Bullet hugged her and said softly "Shh… Don't speak. You only have to live now…" he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead, saying in a shaky voice "Just live, okay? You still need to buy a house, so I can live with you. I still want to taste your cooking." he hugged her and whispered "Just live. Please."

Kaina coughed and smiled, "I'm not… dead.. Yet. But my cooking… let's just order…" Bullet laughed and cried, hugging her, nodding silently.

Kaina was in a daze, "You… Mr. Replacement… Two Months I was supposed to bring th-the target to a Mansion in Haibori Woods…" Keigo kneeled down on one knee, smiling "Thanks, Nagant. Some bad line a work we chose, huh?" Kaina laughed softly and coughed, "I mana-managed to squeeze a Quirk outta that scarred ballsack… Ahah…"

But she sighed and touched Bullet's face, "Unfortunately…" Bullet smiled and stroked her cheek with his left arm, "It's okay. I don't need one. All For One did this to you?" Kaina coughed and closed her eyes, "Mhm."

Endeavor and All-Might arrived to see Keigo and Izuku shaking slightly.

They looked at Bullet, whose mouth was curled into an extremely cruel grin full of teeth. His entire body radiating extremely bloodlust and rage as he laughed, "All For One… HAHAHAHAHA!"

His body, quite literally, shaking with rage.

He calmed down and smiled, "Let's get her to Central…" All-Might said "I can bring her! But… Bullet, you should really get some rest. You don't look very good…" Bullet stood up and held Kaina, smiling "No? Cus I feel great!" he handed Kaina to All-Might and smiled happily "Take care of her, 'kay? I'm suddenly super busy!"

He turned around and ignored everyone, muttering with a giggle, "Super. Busy. Heh heh." before jumping into the air and pulling himself away, disappearing.

The group was silent.

Bullet left and didn't go back to UA.

Mei was worried and he answered her, telling her that he was fine! Really great. He explained that he finally figured out what to do.

That morning, a video was posted online.

Bullet appeared in the video and smiled at the camera, "Hello, everyone! Pay very close attention, 'kay? Recently there has been villains everywhere, crawling out of their little ratholes thinking 'Hey, I goto a chance in this chaos to be anything but a pathetic waste of oxygen!'"

Bullet giggled and stepped out of the way, revealing 5 villains tied to chairs. He smiled at the camera, "Well, here's an example!" he walked behind them and waved his arm, smiling, "You see, these 5 have seen All For One before. You can call them fanatical believers in the cause!" he knocked on the first guy's head, asking "Hey, pal! Why are you a villain?"

The guy sneered and spat on the ground.

Bullet smiled and said to the camera, "As you can see! These little guys think they're the center of the world… It's really a shame they don't think of the consequences! Aha!" before blowing his brains across the floor.

He turned to the next guy and asked again with a happy tone, "Well? What about you, buddy? Did you like blowing up that office building full of refugees?" the guy said quickly "No!" Bullet blew a hole in his head, sighing "Well, lying is no good!"

He went to the next one and smiled, "Is it very fun being a villain? I really wanna know!" the guy shivered and said "Heroes don't kill people!" Bullet clapped on his chest, laughing "HAHAHA! That's right! Good answer! That's why you had the guts to go out and murder a woman with her child, right? Because heroes don't kill people so at most you go to jail and come out fine after, right?"

The man shouted "Yeah! But! You gotta understand! I didn't have a cho-" before his head exploded. Bullet sighed and said "You always have a choice, buddy! You can not hurt innocent people and grind like everyone else. Manual labor is tough but it's always an option. Training to be a vigilante is also another avenue."

He walked to the last one and smiled "Where is All For One." The guy looked cold, saying "Just kill me." Bullet smiled, "No problem!" before sticking the gun in his mouth, turning to the camera, "Watch close, okay? This is a big teaching moment! All For One. I know you're watching, think of this guy as yourself. When I catch you, you're going to pay for what you did. The rest of you, this is a warning. I said I would kill you all, did you think I was joking? Becoming a villain will have one outcome…"

He blasted the guys brains everywhere and the video cut off.

Everyone who watched this was horrified!

This wasn't a hero! This was a damn executioner!

Everyone who knew Bullet was worried to the extreme.

The video exploded and was reposted everywhere despite being taken down countless times!

Big News outlets started talking about it with the opinions, harshly negative. However, there were a few newer media outlets that showed a different side of things. With facts and proof. These News outlets were pressed down by the bigger ones but they were exploding in popularity.

Everyone loved drama!

These conflicting opinions were drawing in a lot of attention, not to mention, Bullet was getting even more fans! Much more hate, but more fans too!

People went to make statements about how they believed he was doing the right thing! These villains were out of control!

A big news outlet suddenly made a statement about this.

The reporter said seriously, on live television, "While these acts are no doubt villainous and malicious. They present a new problem that has risen in these troubled times. I can tell you from experience, after the Nameless Executioner came by my town, I can walk outside and not worry about getting attacked!"

He went on with a serious tone, "I believe that these extreme actions have merit at this time. When there's chaos and Villains can walk around freely, we need drastic measures! However, after things return to normal, he must be arrested! This is the advent of a different brand of Hero Killer Stain! Maybe it's what we need, but going further these actions must have consequences! While grateful, I cannot condone these murders in the name of 'Justice'!"

This guy made a brave statement and was applauded by many, but people were also extremely angry, shouting and spraying this guy all day long. They said that he was an ungrateful bastard and that Nameless was a Real Hero who made difficult choices! This guy reaped the benefits and wanted to throw his savior away after he was done using him!

Bullet continued posting videos of him punishing villains, slaughtering them and explaining where he was.

After this huge conflict of opinions, he made a statement with a video.

Bullet smiled and waved his fist, "Nice job, reporter guy! HAHA! You're right! What I do is very wrong. While acting, I put myself above the law and kill villains. I can tell you that any villain I come across dies in my hands. However, this is a bad path. I'm the only one who should be walking down it. Let me step forward for everyone and do what needs to be done, after this… I'll turn myself in. I don't care. Anything for people to smile again."

He chuckled and waved, ending the video.

After this video came out, everyone was silent.