
MHA: Power Level Manipulation

My Character is OC. He has a unique quirk. see his journey in My Hero Academia. This is a Revenge Fanfiction. . . . . . . . . It's my first time writing something so please help me if there are any mistakes.

Black_Cat467 · Komik
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

It happened 6 years ago; I was Eight. My sister and I were at a park bench. We were listening to music.

"Ren so how is school?"

My Sister said. She had the softest voice. I never heard it rise.

"It's good I have many friends we all played a puzzle game. It was so easy I had to make a tiger from those puzzle pieces. I got the first. "

I said smiling. She ruffled my white hair and said

"Oh! Ren is super smart. You will be the smartest and most courageous Hero world has ever seen."

"Sister I will be the strongest hero. Even stronger than All might and protect you."

"Power has only one duty - to secure the social welfare of the People. Remember that --" My Sister said then I heard a most menacing voice

"That is quite some thinking Hero." Then I saw a big shadow covering me. Then I saw a tall black-haired man wearing a black suit smiling at me and my sister.

"So, it's a pleasure to meet you miss Hana, and the young hero." The figure said. My sister got me up and shielded me from him.

"Who are you?" My Sister said while we both back away slowly.

"Well, I forgot. My name is All for one. You see I have taken quite an interest in your quirk." The figure said slowly coming forward while we backed away from him.

I got goosebumps from the way he expressed his interest in my sister's quirk. My Sister turned me around.

"Get away from here Ren as far as you can." She said while she gave me a push to run. I was so terrified. I ran away like the weakling I am. I reached the boundary of the park and turned around to see my sister fighting that figure with her multiplier quirk which helps her to multiply her power to some degree. The figure was using different quirks to fight my sister. Oh! No, that man has multiple quirks I thought. How is this possible in this world where people have a maximum of two quirks he is using even more than five quirks right now?

Then suddenly the man lets out some tentacles from his fingers and stabs my sister with them. I wanted to run there to save her but I couldn't even move when I saw his smile. Thinking back to that day I loathe my actions. The way my sister screamed I still remember her cry for help. I couldn't watch it so I closed my eyes. I am in a dream I am in a dream I thought but then suddenly a shockwave was generated. My back was pressed on the tree I was blacked out for quite some while.

I woke up a while later and saw the man was fighting All might. I saw All might punch very hard to that man in the face and he was battered and in a hole in the ground I was finally happy at that but the man got out of the hole then he suddenly developed a black cloud and ran away while All might also fell on his back and my sister on the ground lying. Seeing all the destruction again blacked out.

That day was the worst day of my life. I still remember the way that guy smiled even fighting my sister. When he stabbed her with his tentacles he still smiled like it was a game for him. I WILL KILL HIM.