
MHA Paragon

Hello boys and girls it’s your favorite eternally bored prince of hell and I hope you guys are ready because I’ve whipped up one hell of a show. For those of you who are new around here allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lucifer Morningstar and in my spare time I like to reincarnate mortals into worlds of fiction. The masterpiece you will be reading is called MHA Paragon, where I take my own personal spin on the world of My Hero Academia. In Paragon, humans aren’t the only beings capable of awakening their quirks. Animals have as well, warping them into monstrous forms called Dread Beasts and completely flipping the food chain. Humanity lost their foothold over the earth and has been pushed back into heavily fortified cities called bastions. Now it’s up to the heroes you know and love to repel the Dread Beast invasion from completely wiping humanity out. But that’s not all, in this universe quirks are constantly evolving granting their users tremendous levels of power. So if this sounds appealing please join in and watch as our MC Kenji Aotoma a reincarnated mortal comes to grasp with his new reality after a lifetime to solitude and loneliness. If you cant wait for more visit my patreon for advanced chapters: https://www.pat reon.com/Black_Paladyn

Black_Paladyn · Komik
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24 Chs


Reality slipped away as Kenji felt something pull at his mind, warping his perception and the world around him. For what seemed like an eternity, there was only darkness, then Kenji caught a flash of something in the abyss. At first he thought he was hallucinating but as Kenji's eyes locked onto the disturbance he felt an alien presence enter his mind. A connection was formed and for a brief moment Kenji was flooded with emotions that weren't his. Most were so alien that he couldn't even begin to describe them, but one above all screamed out the loudest, hunger. 


A rumbling voice echoed through Kenji's mind and the weight on his shoulders increased by tenfold sending him crashing to the floor. Kenji heard Toga scream, but it sounded miles away, drowned out by an other worldly roar that made Kenji's shadow surged forth across the floor like spilled ink. 

As the pool reached Toga's father it exploded as countless tendrils shot into the air and wrapped around the body restraining the motionless corpse in thin black strands. Kenji could only watch as the tendrils pulled the body down into the abyss.


The same voice echoed in Kenji's mind followed by a wet crunch and the sound of far too many teeth grinding together. 


Lounging on a basalt throne Lucifer let out a bored sigh as he listened to the same old cries of agony and anguish from his eternal prisoners, 'Hopefully there's something good on.' 

With a flick of his hand Lucifer conjured a massive screen in thin air that flashed with countless scenes of the different souls he had reincarnated over the eons, "Boring…boring…boooring!" 

Lucifer let out a disgruntled groan as he slumped in his chair. 

"What's wrong my dear?" 

Looking over as a familiar and forever seductive voice caressed his soul Lucifer stared at his eternal mate, Lilith Queen of Hell. Watching her walk towards him Lucifer stared at her scantily clad clothing revealing her swaying hips and thighs, gravity defying chest and bright red skin. 

"Nothing, just a bit bored. When's the rapture again?" Lucifer asked as he sat up right making room on his lap that Lilith promptly sat down on, "Didn't you just recruit a new soul for your entertainment?" 

"Yeah but it's only been a month he hasn't even fuck the girl I dropped in his lap. I seriously doubt anything interesting has happened…" Lucifer trailed off as he flicked through the channels and eventually found the most recent addition to his soul network. 

Looking from her husband to the screen Lilith frowned as she stared at the pitch image, "How…is that the Abyss?" 

Waving his hand Lucifer cast a more powerful scrying spell only for the darkness to ripple as a massive singular eye appeared from the abyss. It had no pupil only a bright red orb. 

Staring into the ocular orb Lucifer felt something probe at his true soul. While the attempt failed, the fact that it managed to get that far was shocking in of itself. 

A massive grin spread across Lucifer's face as he realized what was happening, "Finally something worth my time!"


A chill passed down Lucifer's spine as he gulped, "Yes love of my eternal life." 

"Did you implant a reincarnated soul, with a fragment of the Abyss?" 

Hesitating for a moment Lucifer felt Lilith's nail graze against his jugular, "Not…on purpose but I may have gotten a tad bit impatient and exposed his soul to the abyss before he could reach the infernal realm." 

Lilith was silent for a long moment before leaned back against him with a smile on her face, "You're right this is worth our time." 


As Kenji's shadow reverted back to normal, the presence from his mind retreated but the shock from such a sudden intrusion didn't fade as easily. Left a shivering mess on the floor Kenji tried to understand what happened to him, but trying to recall the recent memories resulted in a sharp stab of pain that sent black spots scattering across Kenji's vision. 

Feeling something warm and wet roll down his upper lip Kenji reached up and pulled his fingers away to see they were stained red. Tilting his head back, Kenji tried to stop his bleeding nose, but the coppery liquid flooded the back of his throat. 

"Kenji, you're bleeding!" Toga exclaimed and a second later she was kneeling by his side with a bundle of tissues in hand, "Here let me help…please." 

As Kenji let his head drop, Toga reached over and pinched down gently on the bridge of his nose, "W-what was that…in your shadow?" 

For a long moment Kenji was silent as he tried to come up with an answer, only for him to realize there was no rational explanation for what had just occurred, "I have no idea." 

When Kenji's nose stopped leaking like a faucet Toga gently wiped the last drops off his skin before sitting back and staring into his eyes, "What happens now?" 

Staring back at her Kenji tried to ignore his drooping eyes and the fatigue plaquing his body, "The plan hasn't changed, I'm going to apply to the Academy. That is if you don't report me for killing your father." 

Toga stared at Kenji for a long second before she reached out and pinched his cheek, "If you're joking right now, you better cut it out. You saw the way that asshole treated me…you even said it yourself…he was going to kill us." 

Falling over to the side Kenji leaned against Toga, his head resting against her chest as he muttered under his breath, "What are you going to do?" 

"With all my money and options?" Toga asked sarcastically before a genuine smile crossed her face, "I'm not letting you out of my sight, who knows the next time you'll do something stupid."

Letting out a dry laugh, Kenji's eyes started to drift closed as he sunk further into Toga's chest, their pillowy softness almost irresistible, "Well then I guess it's us against the world." 

I hope you enjoyed this release of MHA Paragon.

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