
MHA: Muda Muda

He woke up in a different body and a different world without knowing how or why. All he knows is that the Power he got, his "Quirk", is something he knows very well... "ZA WARUDOOOO!!!" "Now, let's clap some cheeks mwuahahahaha!" ---- You already know the drill. Cover pic not mine. Characters not mine. English is not my first language. And so on. Oh and if you read my other works you probably already know but for the new ones here... I AM LAZY AS F*CK (I am just tired let me sleep a little please) That should explain all the future questions about updates. Now enjoy what there is to enjoy in your life, and if there isn't anything, well, welcome to the club I guess...

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5 Chs

5. Exam 2

"[THE WORLD]!" I said to myself so that no one could hear me say it. I could say it in my mind too but it just feels right saying it out loud.

Time stopped and everything went gray.

I was dead last and every one was already using their quirks to their fullest.

Momo was somewhere in the middle of the group using rocket boots to manoever her way trough the obstacles and half-half guy using his ice to glide trough them.

Todoroki was at the front holding out his hands in the direction of Momo and some other guy probably intending to send a wave of his ice to hit them.

As my five seconds just started I jumped with full force forward but since I was instantly blocked by a boulder in my way I just backhand smacked it. With The World integrated into my body I was able to control my flight and my strength increased too.

It shattered and from the corner of my eyes I saw that the debris probably were gonna hit some of the side characters.

'4 seconds left.'

I smacked everyone I flew by back, not too hard of course since I didn't want exploding kids when time resumed.

'Next, Next, 2 seconds left.' Hitting two other side characters I continued flying.

I was now at the front and flew past Momo, of course after smacking her back too.

"You're the last. 1 second left!" I said as I stopped in front of him and gave him a powerful fingerflick which will break his rips.

"Time continues."


And with that I continued my way with jumping. Totally ignoring the chaos happening behind me.

'That was fun.' I thought as I took one last big leap to the finish line.


"Dio Brando finishes with 13.9 seconds! A new record of the UA high private exam!" The teacher shouted into a microphone with pure disbelief. He kept Dio in his eyes from the start until the end and what he saw was unbelievable. 'What is his quirk?!' Is what he thought.

Normally the school and the government itself should have data on everyones quirk but Dio Brando is an exception since he kept it a secret and outside his family no one really knows what exactly his quirk is. Of course they can guess with all the data they have from watching him but he always ends up bringing new abilities which don't fit together so it will stay a guess until he discloses it himself.


Momo POV:

"U-um Dio, good luck!" I told him seriously. Even though I am sure he doesn't need it as he will probably come out as one of the top since he can teleport, I still told him. It's polite, I think.

"Not needed, you all better take care of yourself." He answered without even looking my way and still standing full of confidence with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

'What?! So unpolite and arrogant I will show- Oh, that's it, he did it on purpose to make us act more hotheaded... And even if he didn't do it on purpose and is just arrogant I still won't fall for it.' I thought as I went into position. Looking left and right I could see angry looks directed at him and the quiet boy with the burn his face even glared.

'Stupid.' I thought.

"GO!" The teacher shouted and I quickly created rocket boots which Dio helped me to better understand a few days ago and activated them. He really is brilliant.

I quickly advanced and overtook a lot of the other contestants.

Strangely enough I expected Dio to pass by me in mere seconds but still I didn't care enough to look back and risk crashing into some hindrance. He probably really just teleported.

'But how does his teleportion work? Doesn't he have to see where he wants to be? No, I have no time to think about that!'

Looking forward on my left was the boy with the ice quirk. I thought nothing of him and was about to continue on but he raised his hand. Pointed in my direction.

I was about to dodge somehow but then suddenly...


"Ugh!" I felt a sharp pain on my stomach and was flung backwards and crashed back first into a boulder. I couldn't breathe properly.

Hearing screams of pain and the explosion my chaotic mind somehow came to the conclusion that this must be a villian attack.

'I have to get up and flee!' I painstakingly got up while holding my hurting stomach.

'No... This doesn't make sense, this is a school full of pro heroes and other forces. No sane person would or could attack here. This means that someone of the contestants must have used their quirk.' I thought.

'I have to keep going!' Standing up I created new rocket boots and flew up in high speed.

"I will make i-blegh!" As I was about to speed off my stomach made strange sounds and a sudden urge to vomit arose which I barely held in.

"Dio Brando finishes with 13.9 seconds! A new record of the UA high private exam!" The teachers voice sounded out.


(From now on I will mainly use 3rd person since I find it kinda hard to use 1st person in a good way)


"Congratulations you made it in time Momo." Dio said uncharacteristically friendly to Momo as she walked over to him while he was standing with his arms crossed over his chest and closed eyes probably thinking about something again.

After she reached the finishing line she almost vomited onto the floor but only her pride kept her from actually doing it. The teacher announced her being second place and her time.

And after her, Todoroki came flying next. But unlike her expecting he didn't gracefully land next to her but full on crashed right into the lightly padded floor.

"What happened?!" Momo said as she ran up to him only to see his bloodied lips and him painfully clutching his stomach.

"Call-... a medic...." He said before passing out.
