
MHA: Minor Quirk System ( almost having no quirk)

Oki Takemikazuchi led a normal life though he was a loner his mind never bothered about it. One day which seems to be like normal casual days for him was unexpectedly not normal at all. He was transmigrated into a world of quirks and the 5 year old body he reincarnated had the same name. From the 5 year old's memory, Oki learns about his body not having a quirk but lucky for him he has a system but a system that gives quirks but weak ones and few body upgrades which may seem to make Oki just above a normal human but are they though???. Follow the story of how a kid with no quirks becomes the first of his kind to become a hero, at least to the outside world and the one feared by many villains in the future.

X_x_INFINITY_x_X · Komik
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81 Chs


"Did you hear about the rumour about the 'Tech tournament' winner being David Shield's illegitimate child?"


"Hey what group do you think we will be allotted to?"

"Man, we are here for nearly half an hour, where is that kid who is supposed to give us the roles, I wanna go back to my project..."

"My project sponsor canceled his sponsorship and now sponsors this kid's projec..."

"I heard that the kid made something that could revolutionise this cent..."

"Madame Sur, how yar doin'."

"Sir, if you don't mind can I get your autogra..."


In a humungous auditorium, nearly about 2600 scientists were waiting for just one kid's arrival.

Many of these scientists were here due to their sponsors backing out recently. The reason for the sponsors cancelling their sponsorship or backing out at the last moment is kind of simple.

All of them wanted to sponsor a new project that could jump the world decades if not a century into the future, and not much is known about it except it was made by a kid name Oki and the name of the project being 'Arc-Reactor-Zero'. Such a big project would take years of planning, stocking resources, and many other things, but it was an exception this time.

The exception is that the theories and other info detailed by the creator of this project. They were so in-depth and understandable simultaneously, and the project was just a new model of Nuclear Thermal Plant, and similarly, the project was practically possible on paper.


A kid arrives on the stage, starts walking towards the mic.

"Good Morning, to all"

"I will introduce myself and then explain why you are here."

"So my name is Oki Takemikazuchi and I am from Japan. I don't want to waste more time so I will cut to the point."

"All of you over here will be partaking in a project called 'Arc-Reactor-Zero', everyone will be given their works and also instructed what to do, how to do, what and how not do as well."

"I know it's hard for you to look at an eleven-year-old kid and call him boss or something synonymous so just be free to call me Oki, although this would have been better if I said after my intro but let's just kick this aside now."

"As I have said before everyone will be given their works and many would be working individually as well for few months, also since you are working on this project you should know what the project is about don't you."

In the audience, the scientists talk to each other. Some nod, some just stare at Oki.

"Well, I can't give you the complete details but let me just tell you three words that could describe this project... 'Zero. Energy. Waste.'"



The scientist and Oki just stare at each other for a minute, and comically, both sides didn't know what to say next.

"Well, that will be for today, your name will be called soon one and if your name is called please come to room Hz-3."

Saying this, Oki, with long strides, walks away.

The scientists still maintain their silence.

"Is this a JOKE!"

"Zero, Energy, Waste? What is that even possible!?"


"What do you think Robert?"

"Well, I would say the kid meant utilisingutilising the energy completely."

"Well, if not like that at least this project should increase energy production by a .5%."

Like Oki said, many scientists didn't want to call a kid their boss and also Oki mentioning it not to call him such brought something entirely different Oki didn't want to, and also mentioning three words which Oki told them 'zero. energy. waste ' had many meanings.

It could be energy production of more energy, a way to utilise the wasted energy, and so much more. This again brought a unique effect that Oki didn't want to.



"Phew... Damn it!" *trembles*

"I have stage fear."

Melissa, who was drinking water hearing what Oki said, spit out the water in her mouth on Oki and started laughing.

"hahaha hahahaha real-l-ly hahahaha hahahaha O-ok-i has stage fear hahahaha"

"Calm down Melissa, yo-u you don't know how it feels."

"Suu-re hahaha"

"Cut it out! It's embarrassing" Oki looks to the side with flushed cheeks.

'Hero, fame, strongest these things can be achieved but why stage fear why to inherit from my previous life?!'

"I-it's Okay O-oki Pff hahaha" Melissa wanted to help, but it wasn't working in the least.

*sigh* *tremble* Oki stands up and goes to the meeting room where 20 people could be seen seated, and they were waiting for him.

"Mr Okrie is here"

"It's Oki, Steffan"

"Apologies, I had some things to be taken care of." Oki bends forward and does a traditional apologizing.

"Uh- No you weren't late at all HahaHa" A man with a partially transparent skull tries to calm things down.

"So let's start it" David stands up. "Please read through the files, also this is something we need to show caution to."

Everyone goes through the files, and after 10 minutes of reading, understanding, and double-checking, they can only say it as 'Insane'.

"Mr Oki y-"

"Please, just Oki is fine haha" Oki tries to get all of the people's tension down. 'Wait... did I-I just talk like All Might?!'


"Monse- Oki, ahem... working on core all by yourself are you sure? You are still a kid-"

"A kid trained by All Might" Oki drops a bombshell, and looking at everyone's reactions, he smirks, and for some reason, he loves it.

''''ALL MIGHT'''' They felt as if they had just suffered from a brain freeze.

" I may not look like much and quirkless adds a bit more negative look but I can assure you that I am strong and intelligent enough for the work." Oki stretches his arm for no reason.

"Still, we have to take things a little slow. We will discuss this and unanimously vote it what do you guys say?" A man who looked like master Roshi.

'Is he the reincarnated master Roshi?' Oki's thoughts suddenly go outbound.

"I agree"

"I second it."

"I agree"




After the meeting, Oki was in his own apartment, which he got today.

'Nice, with this humongous space I can practically use it as my training room.'

Oki goes to the basement and sees another humongous space waiting for him.

'Is this really for me? Or is it for a refugee camp?'

Oki then looks at his new phone, or the first phone he owns in this world.

Oki dials David's number, and soon the call connects.

"Oh, Oki need something?"

"Uncle, um... I need to buy a lot of items for some machinery I want to build."

Oki cuts right to the point.

"*sigh* Oki, try to butter things up a little. Well, you have sponsors for your 'ARZ' (Arc-Reacto-Zero), but not for this machinery you want to build. So, it's coming from your own hands and for machinery, just write me down what you need I will get them." David's mouth twitches, 'also why build them? Of things are you gonna build not available here? And anyway saying you want to build them by yourself?'

"Umm... about that, uhh... never mind I will submit what I want, but I still would need to buy a lot more things." Oki's thoughts- 'I want to build myself a training room to master form-2 and 3.'

"I-i see, well what items do you want? Send me the list I will get them for you." David didn't know what to say, and Oki could clearly hear David's mood. 'What do you want to build when you already want to build a humongous stabilizer and a core for a freaking nuclear reactor!'

"I will send them to you as soon as possible. Also, the whole new house is... mine right?"

"Yeah it's yours, just don't damage things. Also, make sure you walk around and not stay hulled up in a room li-like me." David sweats uncontrollably. 'Why did I say that?'

"Sure!" Oki cuts the call after that.

'That was weird'-Oki/David.

'Well, I guess I should start planning things and I am sure I don't want this to be like my wor-'

"Would grandma be proud of me? Would other matrons? I will make sure that none will experience what I had to go throu-"


"huh?" Oki's brains process the voice, "Melissa?"

"Oki! where are you? You told me that you will teach me that step!"

Oki lets his suppressed instinct out, and by his instincts, Oki finds Melissa, who is eating a bag of chips.

"Seriously? You didn't even try to find me!" Oki crosses his arms and taps his foot.

"Ah? Oh! You found me! That was fast I thought you would be lost."

"I ain't a kid my dear cousi-"

"You are a lil bro to me, come here let me pat you."

"What, you think, I am a dog!?" Oki even accidentally thought of woofing like a dog.

"Nah, you my lil brother" Melissa bear hugs Oki messes Oki's hair. 'Always wanted one.'

"Thanks" Oki felt emotional. He felt warm, and he knew that feeling and knew not to lose it.

'It's decided I will at least teach 2 skills.'

"Eh?" Melissa felt a shiver but didn't think of much.

"Come on Melissa! Stop patting and messing with my hair!" Oki thought of breaking free forcibly, but he didn't want to.

"Ok", Melissa keeps her finger on her chin and waits for the stunned Oki.

"We-ell, I am gonna teach you what I call it as 'Cat Walk'"

So the hellish training for Melissa began.


(A/N)- How is the chapter development? Any advice and suggestion, please mention them in the comments. I hope you like the chapter.

I hope you look forward to the following chapters, and I ask you to please tell me the areas where I have to change things. I am a newbie, and I wouldn't like to be one.

When do you the new group will come into play (predict)? Also, how would you think it should. (New Group- Mentioned in chapter 35)

Next Chapter- I-island (6) (I-island tasks!)


Yes, then:

888 power stones for an extra chapter.

Currently (344/888)