

Synopsis The appearance of "quirks," newly discovered superpowers, has been steadily increasing over the years, with 80% of humanity possessing various abilities from manipulation of elements to shapeshifting, while 20% of the world is completely powerless. Tadashi Suzuki was a child, reincarnated into My hero academia we're Heroes protect the powerless and Villains try to rule over mankind by killing anyone who opposes them whether child, elderly, allies or loved ones driving them to the brink of despair until all hope is lost. His path set off at a prestigious school famous for its excellent hero training program and this year freshmen look especially promising. With Tadashi's new power, it'll surely bring unforeseen circumstances. I do not own any characters except for my mc. All credits go to their perspective creators. If the owner of this cover doesn't want me to use it pls contact me.

Masof · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Hot Springs

~ = Whispher

'10 Years have passed, and I'm now 14 years old, it was my time to enjoy the day off because of summer break.'

'I have finished graduating from middle school in Osaka, we move out of our old house, because of my mother's work as an architect in supervising the tenants.'

'The house that we have is so huge, it had a swimming pool, chimney, a large field to play sports, and a gym.'

"Mom I'm gonna head out today to go relax at Noboribetsu Onsen."

"Make sure to pack up some spare clothes, toothbrush, and towels"

"Thanks for the reminder. I almost forgot I'll be giving you guys some souvenirs after this trip."

"Anything fine, you can get us whatever you want, make sure you don't stay up late, last time I caught you sneaking out last night."

"Is my boy hiding something from me?"

*Michiko tried to tease her son so that she could see his adorable handsome face, but backfired.*

*Tadashi, face turned solemn, muttering one phrase that made her mother freeze.*

"To tell you the truth, I meet this woman who I've been dating recently and told me she was pregnant with my kid."

'I really hope she didn't take it too seriously.'

*Machiko-san was devasted when she heard what her precious child said, made her so furious the blood run up to her head, and lose consciousness.*

"Eh..., mom wake up, it's just a joke."

*Tadashi panicked because he didn't know what to do in this kind of situation, he keep shaking her mother's shoulder to find out she was not responding to his call.*

'Calm down, and think, what did I learn in middle school when someone is unconscious, oh I got it CPR, hope mom doesn't kill me for doing this.'

'As the time was ticking my patience dwindled, out of spite I went in and brought my lips close to mother.'

*What Tadashi was oblivious about was that her mom was trying to prank him, by pretending to be in a coma.*

'Hehehe how despicable of you to mess your dear old mother's fragile heart, here is A Taste of Your Own Medicine.'

*She opened her eyes and catches sight of her son that was planning to execute cardiopulmonary resuscitation.*

"~It's a p-r-a-n-k."

*The relief he felt when hearing her voice caught him off guard, directly hitting himself on the cold hard floor.

"Ouch, that's definitely gonna leave a bruce mark."

"That scared me, please don't do that again you almost gave me a heart attack."

*An aura of death immerges from Michiko as she glared right at Tadashi.*

'Gulp, I might have gone over the top, there was one time that dad tried to do something foolish, went back beaten black and blue.'

"Well look at the time mom the train will be arriving soon gotta go."


'Eiji our son growing up to be a formidable person, but still remains immature I guess he earned that from you.'

'Please be safe and come back home in one piece.'

[Police Force]

"Sir Kenji Tsuragamae, we have received a report from the CCTV, villains are seen near the train station of Mustafa, Japan."

"And a young girl was caught in the crossfire to be used as a hostage."

"Naomasa Tsukauchi and Eizo Tanuma concluded that more than 2 villains are waiting for them to escape with the money."

"They suspected there to be a traitor who is working for them, and planned this heist a few months back."

"Blueprints we're left and schedule of all the workers, the only one capable of that is the manager Toya Saki."

"His wife died 5 years ago, due to an illness."

"Upon further investigation, a bunch of rumors was heard that he has a gambler and alcoholic, often abusing his child after losing all his earning on the casino."

"The evidence is the drop of blood on the glass, analyze by the forensics."

"Monika Kaniyashiki, you have done well pretending to be one of the civilians inside the bank and getting valuable intel from their phone call with your quick wits we have found a way to trace the location of the number."

"Thank you, Sir"

"Call for backup be sure the whole team is there, make no mistake and stay vigilant, steadily surround them from both sides until I give you a signal."

[Tadashi Pov]

'I a bonified teenager shall finally go beyond plus virgin and become a man.'

'A friend told me there's a lot of hot sexy, mature, delicate, and voluptuous women at the hot spring.'

'Envisioning the probability of going on a date with these ladies will be a dream of a lifetime.'

*Walking across the street, a bunch of screams can be heard, some even pulling out their phone to call 911 or record a video, curious about what is happening I eventually get to the scene.*

'You got to be fucking with me, can I get a damn break sigh...'

'This is the police job, interfering with their affairs is not something to brush off, I probably get reprimanded if they ever find out.'


"Yare yare daze"


'Editing the ground beneath the villains, I change the properties of cement into copper, binding them both together, an opportunity appeared and the young girl broke free.'

"Get back here"

*Changing the atmosphere into negative charges electrons and attracting them to positive charges protons, cause a reaction to summon lightning at will.*

"Oh my god, did you just see that a huge bolt of lightning came out of nowhere?"

"Is he/she a new hero making a debut?"

"I wish I could be as cool as him one day."

*Couple of minutes later, sirens sounds can be heard in the streets, arriving at the platform are 2 villains chared with foam around their mouths.*

"Sir Kenji Tsuragamae, this is all the intel I could get from the people"

*Naomasa Tsukauchi, hands in the questionnaire to his superior.*

"So an unknown user-activated his quirk to save a stranger, without making a single appearance."

"What about the cameras"

"That's the most suspicious thing Boss, all the cameras in this vicinity, short-circuited."

"This can't be a coincidence whoever pulling the string is very meticulous about keeping his identity a privacy."

[Noboribetsu Onsen]


"Good morning young man."

"Hello, mister I was hoping in there was still an open slot to stay for a night."

"Luckily for you, there's one slot left."

"I'll take it."

"That will be ¥1,120."

*Paying the entrance fee, he checks his room that accommodates, a tatami mat, 2 futons, and chabudai.*

'This your average size room that can fit 2-3 people max.'

'Pretty spotless room, all furniture is in good condition, Shoji leads to the outside where you can see the greenery, overall it's a great place to relax.'

"Time to encounter some beautiful ladies, mixed bath will be a feast"

"Excuse me, where is the mixed bath located?"

"There are no mixed baths in this hot spring"

"Let me know if you need anything else"

*Inside the cheerful presence of this young boy is experiencing a great deal of emotionally crying, eyes puffing with tears as if they were ready to burst, nose trickling with snot, and his soul wanting to escape this torture called purgatory.*

'Sniff-sniff, who cares about women, enjoying the whole day relaxing comfortably at the spa is much more cozier'

[Men's bathe]

*We could hear a person who's passing his time singing a song*

"Scrub, scrub this filth, gently down my soul..."

"Now that's over I could finally get rid of those frivolous thoughts out of my head, without no one to bother me."

*Submerging himself in the hot spring, body fully relax without an ounce of worry in him.*

"This old man wasn't kidding the bath here is great, It feels like paradise, the only thing left is pretty gir-"

*Barely even completing his words, he heard a voice at the other side, of the bath*

"Oh my god, Yu (Mt. Lady), your breast is so huge, can I touch it."

"No, Nemuri (Midnight), plus, you didn't even receive an invitation you just heard us talking and decided to barge in unannounced not only that but you even brought a friend, have you forgotten about your sleep-inducing quirk"

"That's not a problem I'm wearing a scuba diving outfit, so no worries, Tehe"

"I can't take this anymore I got to take a look"

"That's a bad idea if I were you"

"Huh, you can't tell me what to do BASTARD"

'Turning my head, which was the biggest mistake I ever make, I saw 2 people sitting in the bath with me which I didn't even notice.'

'A man with an athletic figure, blue eyes, and red hair. The dude beside him had red and silver hair with a burn mark on his left side'

"Ahem, hello their Endeavor-san, it's so unexpected to witness a hero staying in a place like this."

"This is training to help increase the regeneration of muscles so that my son Shoto Todoriki will one day surpass me and be the number one hero!"

*The atmosphere was completely dead silent, Todoroki Shoto clutching his fist tightly at what his father stated*

'It doesn't feel like Todoroki is in a good mood right now.'

"Well it was nice meeting you, I'm heading out."


"Huh, why did this lady scream at me like I did something wrong?"

*Tadashi observes himself and discovers the unforgettable moment that he ever experienced.*

'SHIT, where did I put my damn clothes, wait it's at the men's bath.'

*Spotting the hot spring he quickly went in it.*


"Ow, what is this softball, it's so squishy."

"Hnghh, please stop it."

'Staring at the person below me, it was a young woman having all the package every man would want.'

"What are you doing to my friend you creep."

"Wait give me time to explain, this is a misunderstanding please hear me out."




"Yu calm down he's just a kid."

"Don't try to stop me Fuyumi."

"Thank you so much Fuyumi-san is it?"

'Approaching her to shake her hand my vision became a blur as I slipped.'


"HOHOHO, how shameless of you to sexually harass your benefactor, I kinda feel bad about what's forthcoming."

*Midnight who was waiting for payback, sneakily went behind him and pulled a surprise.*

"Gotcha, let's see what you're hiding underneath that towel of yours."

*Pulling down on the last piece of cloth around Tadashi's waist, Nemuri Kayama, Yu Takeyama, and Fuyumi Shoto was in disbelief.*

"How can this twerp have such a ~b-."

'Not to mention this kid's body is so ripped and chiseled in fine detail you can practically see the shape of his muscle.'

'Fuyumi what are you thinking he's just a kid.'

"That's mine miss, can't have you touching my towel, cya."

*Tadashi manages to reverse the situation by finding an opportunity and bolts out, while still in a daze.*

'After retrieving the attire, I ordered a simple meal.'

"I would like a bowl of udon noodles and 1 milk please."

"That will be ¥500."

*Sitting at the corner of the room admiring the beautiful moon, while enjoying a quick meal before going to bed.*

"What a disastrous day, but at least I had time to enjoy the bath, and dinner, I should get some sleep, id be pretty bad to miss the train."

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it took me a while.

Masofcreators' thoughts