
MHA: Jaeger

Desiring powers gone wrong, a man died before he could use it. Though a higher power thought his unfortunate circumstance entertaining. With the omnipotent Murphy making things harder. His wish becomes fulfilled, but it wasn't exactly what he wanted.

B00BIES_for_life · Komik
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37 Chs

Chapter 3: An Alien Friend

Alex was running around Mustafu. The city that he lived in. After a few months, his physique has filled in quite nicely.

He didn't look lanky anymore and he looked quite healthy. "I guess I can start using my transformations now? I'm sure that it multiplies my base strength."

Alex theorized and he transformed his legs. Purple hide covered his skin instead and he got a speed boost.

He could suddenly break Usain Bolt's record by a mile as he ran a 100 meters in 3 seconds.

"Damn, I'm fast as fuck boi!" Alex had a wide smile on his face.

He then ran around Mustafu with his transformation. Laughing like a maniac as he did so.

"Phew, that tired me out." He felt more fatigue than usual. But it was par for the course.

He just ran around town. If he did that normally, he would be exhausted.

"Hmmm?" Alex saw a massive dude in a hooded coat.

"That guy looks like bad news..." Alex's enhanced senses due to his monster transformation could feel it in his bones.

His instincts were screaming that guy was super duper dangerous.

"Where is the Springer hero agency?" The dude leaned on a building as he asked someone with his baritone voice.

"What the hell? That sounds like someone asking for directions to kill someone..." Alex immediately changed his vantage point.

"Why won't you tell me?" The giant plunged his fingers in solid concrete after the middleschoolers he asked didn't answer.

Alex gulped. He had to do something. 'Springer hero agency? Where the fuck is that?' He quickly searched for it.

"You're not going to tell me?" The giant squeezed and the building behind the girls started to scream at the force.

"Hey! You looking for the springer hero agency? Let's see, you go straight right there and make a left. Then you arrive at a big street. Go straight for two kilometers after that and you'll see it." Alex looked at the map.

"Thanks." The giant man surprisingly thanked him.

"You're welcome dude." Alex was actually shaking as the huge guy started to walk away.

"Hey, you guys okay?" Alex looked at them as he returned to his base form.

"T-thank you! Uwaaah!" The middleschoolers started crying and they hugged him tightly.

"Hey, hey, I'm sweaty right now." He sighed as he patted them on the back.

*Receiving a hug from middleschoolers, aren't you happy? You have been given a voucher for low-class monsters due to this feat.*

Alex's eyes twitched uncontrollably as he consoled the girls.

"H-hey, thanks for saving my friends. You were super brave! I even hesitated a lot to step in." Alex saw pink.

"An alien?" Alex said subconsciously. "Heh, I get that a lot! I'm Mina Ashido though, nice to meetcha!" She grinned at him.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. I'm Alexander, call me Alex." He introduced himself and Mina stepped up to him incredibly closely.

"Hey, hey, Alex. Can I get your number? To thank you for saving my friends?" Mina smiled.

"Wait, that's it. I thought I was forgetting something." Alex reported the giant to the police and he left him to them.

"But sure, you can get my number." He shrugged, not really thinking much about it.

"Sweet! Let's hang out later okay!" Mina helped her friends and he thought she was quite something. Bouncing back from seeing something like that with ease.

"Kids nowadays really are quite something." Alex shrugged and he saw a black haired kid quivering.

"Hey, you alright man?" Alex reached out to him in concern.

"Y-yeah... I'm just, shaken..." He stood up slowly as he grabbed Alex's hand.

"Well, that guy is super dangerous. I could just feel it." Alex understood.

"Then how? How could you just stand in front of him like that?" He asked and Alex shrugged.

"Well, why not? The guy just wants directions anyways." Alex explained and he just blinked dumbly.

"Just asking directions?" He wanted to laugh. "He was wrecking that building you know!? You sure he just wants directions?"

"Well, he even thanked me after. More polite than a lot of people I've met." Alex remembered some unsavory people.

"You're crazy man... Eijiro Kirishima, that's my lame name. And my lame quirk is hardening." He introduced himself self-depreciatingly.

"Alex, mine's jurassic world?" He wasn't sure what to call it.

"That's so manly! You can turn into dinos?" Kirishima's eyes sparkled.

"Ahhh, a man of culture yourself." Alex nodded at him as they shook hands.

"But your quirk isn't lame my guy, it's quite amazing. You bulletproof?" Alex asked him.

"I don't know, but I can be harder than concrete." Kirishima scratched his head.

"Wow, that's incredibly useful. You should focus more on thrusting attacks. Use your fingers as spears." Alex rubbed his chin.

He then thought of the shigan in One piece. Maybe he should recreate the 6 powers, he thought.

"I've never thought about that..." Kirishima frowned and Alex patted him on the back.

"Well, how about you join us in training? We can even try to make a new martial art!" Alex thought that tekkai would be natural for Kirishima.

And it seems that his hardening doesn't make his joints stiffer. Kirishima will be able to do the movements easier. Though the only thing that looked possible is soru and tekkai.

"Really? Man..." Kirishima looked like he was about to cry.

"Come on man, let's go. My house is quite far from here. But you need sacrifice to be a man!" Alex nodded sagely.

"Right! So manly!" Kirishima agreed, but Alex called a cab.

They then arrived at his house where Izumi was currently being given practical experience by Rumi.

Meaning she was beating the shit out of her. Alex was sure that if he didn't have a healer he hired at bay. The police would be called on Inko.

"Is that the rabbit hero Mirko!?" Kirishima was surprised.

"The one and only!" Mirko kicked Izumi while replying, making him wince.

"Rumi, this guy here can harden himself." He chuckled and Rumi looked at him like a good punching bag.

"Well, well, well. You want to strengthen your quirk?" Rumi grinned at him and Kirishima gulped.

'I'm a man! Men go on even if they're scared!' Kirishima straightened his back.

"Yes ma'am!" Kirishima saluted. "Nice answer, clench your teeth." Rumi said.

"Eh?" Kirishima suddenly saw the world go black as Mirko gave a roundhouse at his head.

"You didn't give him any time to prepare..." Alex looked at her with a deadpan.

"Sorry, sorry. We need a healer over here!" She called out as their medic grumbled.

"I need a raise." He started healing Izumi and Kirishima.

"Sure, there's another one here anyways." Alex shrugged and he took off his shirt.

"Phew, you're packing some heat there." Mirko nodded at him.

"Thanks, I work out. Now, I want to try something new." Alex picked his reward for his earlier feat and he picked a fanged beast, the Bullfango.

Tusks appeared on his mouth and his phsyique got larger.

"Hoh? You starting to use your quirk on me?" Rumi grinned as she cracked her knuckles.

"Don't expect much, I'm still new to this." Alex charged and he threw a punch towards her.

Rumi answered with her own and their fists collided. "That actually tingled! We're definitely going to train that more." Rumi beamed.

'Shit, why did I hire her again?' Alex prepared for a world of pain.

He then switched with his Jaggi transformation as he leaped backwards with surprising agility, making Mirko miss.

"Ohh? That's quite interesting..." Mirko suddenly appeared in front of him and he saw the grin on her face.

"Shit!" He transformed back to the Bullfango as his arms thickened.

Mirko then gave an axe kick, breaking his arms as he bounced on the ground like a pebble.

"Fuck, woman. Are you trying to kill me!?" Alex looked at the healer and he sighed.

"The things I do for money." Alex was getting some healing and Rumi shrugged.

"Sorry, thought you were tougher." Rumi smirked at him.

"Just you wait, I'll wipe that smirk off your face." He huffed and he cracked his neck, prepared for another scuffle.

"Now, that's why I like ya, come on! Give me a warm up at least!" Rumi charged at him and he winced.


Alex was currently waiting in front of a station. Mina wanted to treat him to something.

"Hey! Did you wait long? Sorry." She put her tongue out while giving a peace sign.

"Not really, so? What do you have planned for me?" Alex thought this will be a great chance to experience talking with a stranger. A girl no less.

"Well, let's go to a cat cafe! I saw one near here!" Mina pulled him and he was in for a ride.

"Cats? Hmm, I've never had pets before." Alex followed her and they went to a cat cafe.

Mina squealed as she saw the fat cats lazing around.

"Uhhh, what do we do here anyways?" He scratched his head awkwardly.

"You pet them and feed them, silly." Mina went to the counter and they paid for their entrance.

"So this is a cat zoo?" Alex mused and everyone gasped.

"What? You admire the cats, give them some food, then pet them from time to time. This is just a fancy ranch for cats." Alex shrugged.

"You take that back mister! These cats are not farm animals!" Mina pointed at one and it yawned at him.

"It's just a fat cat." Alex didn't see anything special with it.

"Kuu! He's tougher than I thought." Mina crossed out something in her notepad.

Alex then gave them treats and petted them. But he didn't see the appeal. He is after all, basically a hermit that just worked and trained to be the greatest battle mage there ever was.

"Are you getting hungry? We can go grab lunch!" Mina didn't see him enjoy the cafe.

"Yeah, sure." He didn't notice that Mina was carrying the whole outing. As he had the personality of a carboard.

They went to a family restaurant and Mina ordered for them. "Hey, wanna try this?" She pointed at the couple's drink.

"Ohh, it's cheaper than getting two. And we can share, nice thinking Mina." Alex smiled and her face twitched.

She was trying to get a rise out of him. But she just couldn't.

Their food arrived and the drink had two straws that looped around each other.

"Come on, let's try it!" Mina sipped on it and gestured for him to do as well.

He sipped on the other end and their faces were quite close. Mina then batted her eyelashes at him, but he was unfazed.

After all, he's a 30 year old man. Why would he get flustered by a middleschooler?

"Ooh, melon soda? Japan's melon soda does taste awesome." Alex sipped happily and Mina's face twitched uncontrollably.

'Is this guy immune to girls or something? Or is he gay!?' Mina was frustrated.

"Are you okay, Mina?" He saw that she looked like she was hurting, but it was actually just her face twitching.

So he reached out to her neck and put his hand on it.

She then blushed violet, her pink skin heating up.

"Hmm? Need a doctor or something?" He was still close and she was sinking in his bright, blue eyes.

'Uwaaah, he's so handsome...' For a japanese person, he looked exotic. Not that she wasn't exotic with her pink skin and black sclera.

"You're heating up, wait. Mom used to do this for me." He put his forehead on hers and Mina heated up even more.

"I... I'm fine." Mina fidgeted around in her seat as she got hit by the adult rizz that doesn't care about teens.

"Really, I'm fine." Mina looked away as his blue eyes were too damned attractive.

"If you say so, you can just drink tylenol or something anyways." He shrugged, continuing to eat his hamburg steak.

'This guy is just not fair...' Mina stole glances at him enjoying his meal.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.