
MHA: Izuku Legacy

In a world where hero’s and villains are fantasy, Ryu Kenji fights for survival. Born into the clutches of the Yakuza, he's spent his life as a pawn in their bloody games. But when a championship fight ends in betrayal and a bullet, Ryu awakens to a new reality – one where the memories of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy with dreams of heroism, intertwine with his own. Now, armed with the knowledge of a world he's never known and a power he's yet to understand, Izuku must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, balancing his own weaknesses with the potential for growth and change. This work is a retelling of the story my friend made MHA: Izuku Reloaded. I am taking over for him because of things going on in his personal life. I hope you enjoy my iteration! P.S: UA is a University. I don’t own the story My Hero Academia or the cover For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work.

XaviValentine · Komik
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38 Chs

The USJ Incident [1]

[All Might POV]

Wednesday, 8:37am

As I soared through the morning sky, the cool wind whipping against my face, a distressed cry reached my ears. "Save us, heroes!" a woman's voice pleaded. "At least save my daughter!"

Without hesitation, I altered my course, honing in on the source of the cry. In a matter of seconds, I landed behind the villain.

The villain, a menacing figure had his back turned to me, focused on the terrified family before him.

"Fear not, good family!" I declared, my voice booming with reassurance. "I am here!"

Before the villain could react to my presence, I channeled the power of One For All into my hand. "MISSOURI SMASH!" I yelled, delivering a powerful chop to the back of the villain's neck.

The villain crumpled to the ground, unconscious, as I simultaneously scooped up the woman and her daughter, depositing them gently on the sidewalk a safe distance away.

"I am here to keep you safe," I reassured them, flashing my signature grin, "even on my morning commute!"

As the family thanked me profusely, I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned to see Mt. Lady, another pro hero, looking slightly sheepish.

"We appreciate it, All Might," she said, "but... you'll put us out of business at this rate."

I chuckled, about to respond, when my ears picked up another distress signal in the distance. 

"I shouldn't be late for school," I muttered, "but I must help people in need!"

With a final nod to Mt. Lady and the grateful family, I leaped into the air once more, the wind rushing past me as I propelled myself towards the next crisis.

I could feel it in my bones, in the strain of my muscles - I was getting slower. The years of battles, of pushing myself beyond my limits, were starting to take their toll.

"It's about time I come to a decision," I mused, "sooner rather than later, about who I should hand this mantle off to."

I shook my head, pushing the thought aside. There would be time to dwell on the future later. Right now, there were people who needed me.

As if on cue, I caught sight of a stolen car careening down the street below, weaving recklessly through traffic. I adjusted my trajectory, angling myself towards the ground.

I landed directly in the path of the speeding vehicle, my feet slamming into the asphalt with enough force to crack the pavement. The car collided with my outstretched hand, crumpling like an accordion as it came to an abrupt halt.

Around me, the gathered crowd erupted into cheers, their phones and cameras flashing as they captured the moment. I smiled and waved, but my attention was already elsewhere, my ears straining for any hint of danger.

And then I heard it, a snippet of conversation from a nearby civilian. "I heard there's a hostage crisis in the town over," they said.

A hostage situation - there was no time to lose.

With a final wave to the cheering crowd, I launched myself into the sky once more, my sights set on the horizon. No matter the challenge, no matter the risk, I would be there. Because that was my duty, my calling, my solemn vow.

I was the Symbol of Peace. And as long as there were people in need, I would never stop fighting.

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

Wednesday, 12:50pm

As I settled into my seat, Mr. Aizawa's voice cut through the excited chatter of the classroom. "For today's hero training, things will be a little different," he announced, his expression unreadable as always. "Today, All Might, myself, and another faculty member will be observing you."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Three pros? Is this a reaction to the recent break-in at the school? But that should have just been the press, unless… The thought sent a shiver down my spine, but I pushed it aside, focusing on Aizawa's next words.

"It's time to put the teachings from yesterday into practice," he continued, his gaze sweeping over the room. "We're doing rescue training."

The classroom erupted into excited chatter, my classmates' voices rising with anticipation and speculation.

Kaminari grinned, stretching his arms above his head. "Rescue, huh? Sounds like we're in for a big workout."

Ashido nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah! This is gonna be intense!"

Kirishima pumped his fist, his sharp teeth gleaming as he smiled. "We're doing real hero stuff now! This is what separates the men from the boys!"

Tsu croaked thoughtfully, her finger resting against her chin. "I'll be able to show my worth in the flood zone, ribbit."

As the excited chatter continued, Aizawa's eyes narrowed, his voice cutting through the noise like a knife. "I'm not finished," he growled, instantly silencing the room.

"What you wear in this exercise is up to you," he said, his expression softening slightly. "I know you're excited about your costumes."

With a press of a button, the wall at the back of the classroom opened, revealing the numbered briefcases containing our hero costumes. 

"Keep in mind that you aren't used to wearing them, and they could hinder your abilities. The training is remote, so we'll be going by bus. Be in front of the school by 1:30 PM. That is all."

I stood in front of the school, waiting for the rest of the class to arrive for the rescue training exercise. I glanced at my phone - 1:17 PM. We still had a few minutes before the bus was scheduled to depart.

"Izuku!" Kyoka's voice cut through the chatter as she jogged over to me, a grin on her face. "Ready to show off those heroic muscles today?"

I chuckled, flexing my arm playfully. "Always. But remember, it's not just about strength. It's about using our heads, working as a team."

Kyoka rolled her eyes, but her smile didn't fade. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Doesn't mean I can't appreciate the view though."

She reached out, almost absentmindedly, and ran a hand through my hair. I blinked, surprised by the sudden contact, but didn't pull away. Her fingers were gentle, almost curious as they combed through my curls.

"Huh," she murmured, her eyes widening slightly. "Softer than I expected."

I grinned, reaching out to lightly flick one of her earphone jacks. "And these are cooler than I expected. Guess we're both full of surprises."

Kyoka's cheeks flushed, but before she could respond, a pointed cough drew our attention. Momo stood a few feet away, her arms crossed, an unreadable expression on her face.

"Momo, hey," I greeted, taking a small step back from Kyoka. "We were just..."

"Comparing quirks," Kyoka finished, her tone light but her posture suddenly a bit stiffer. "Izuku was curious about my jacks, so I figured it was only fair I got to satisfy my own curiosity about his... hair."

Momo's eyes narrowed fractionally, her gaze darting between us. "I see. Well, I suppose that makes sense. It's good to understand your teammates' abilities."

There was an odd note in her voice, a tension that hadn't been there before. I opened my mouth, not quite sure what I was going to say but feeling the need to break the sudden awkwardness, when the sound of approaching footsteps drew our attention.

The rest of our classmates were beginning to arrive, their voices filling the air with excited chatter. I saw Iida in the distance, his arm raised as he called out for everyone to line up in an orderly fashion.

"Looks like it's time to go," I said, turning back to Momo and Jiro with a smile. "Gotta make sure Iida doesn't go overboard."

As our classmates gathered around the entrance, Iida approached me, "Midoriya, should we have them line up according to their ID numbers?" 

"We're adults, Iida. It's fine. I'm sure they can get onto a bus without supervision."

Just as I finished speaking, a bus pulled up, and Mr. Aizawa stepped off, "Alright, get on the bus," he said, his voice monotone.

We all filed onto the bus, and I found myself sitting in the middle seat, with Momo on my right and Tsu on my left. 

Midway through the trip, Tsu turned to me, her wide eyes fixed on my face. "Midoriya, I genuinely say what's on my mind, so I have to ask..." she began.

I turned to her, "What's up, Tsu?"

"Your quirk is interesting. How does it work? In the battle training, it looked like you were dancing at some points."

As soon as the words left her mouth, the entire bus fell silent. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, their attention laser-focused as they waited for my answer. Even Aizawa, who had been pretending to sleep, raised his head, clearly listening.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. How to explain the Tandava, the rush of power and rhythm that flowed through me when I fought? How to put into words the endless hours of training, the blood, sweat, and tears that had gone into using this quirk?

"It's called the Tandava," I began, my voice sounding loud in the expectant silence. "It's a sort of... dance, I guess you could say. A way of moving that channels my energy, my strength."

Tsu cocked her head. "A dance? Like, choreography?"

"Not exactly. It's more like... a flow. A rhythm that I tap into. When I'm in sync with it, my movements become faster, more powerful. My attacks hit harder, my reflexes are sharper."

"So it's a physical enhancement quirk?" Kirishima piped up from a few seats back. "Like a super-powered version of those martial arts masters who can break bricks with their bare hands?"

I chuckled. "Something like that, yeah. But it's not just about physical strength. The Tandava... it's almost like it has a mind of its own. When I'm really in the zone, it's like I can sense my opponent's movements before they make them. Like I'm always one step ahead."

"Predictive kinetic flow," Momo murmured from beside me, her brow furrowed thoughtfully. "Fascinating. So your quirk allows you to subconsciously analyze and anticipate the flow of battle, giving you a tactical advantage."

I blinked, impressed by her quick analysis. "Yeah, that's... that's a good way of putting it. I never really thought about the technical side of it like that."

Momo flushed slightly, seeming to realize that everyone was now staring at her. "Oh, well... I just find quirk mechanics to be a fascinating subject. The way they interact with the user's physiology, the potential applications in heroic work..."

She trailed off, looking a bit embarrassed by her own enthusiasm. I grinned, bumping my shoulder lightly against hers.

"Hey, no need to be modest. That was a seriously insightful breakdown. I'm impressed."

Momo ducked her head, a pleased smile on her lips. Across the aisle, I caught Kyoka watching the exchange, an odd expression on her face. Before I could try to decipher it, however, Aizawa's voice cut through.

"Alright, that's enough quirk talk for now," he drawled, sounding bored as ever despite the glint of interest in his eye. "We're approaching the training facility. I want everyone focused and ready to work. This isn't a field trip - it's a crucial part of your education as future heroes."

Exiting the bus, we were immediately greeted by a figure in a puffy white space suit. It took me a moment to recognize them, but Uraraka's excited cheer quickly filled in the blanks.

"Thirteen!? One of my favorite heroes!" she exclaimed.

Thirteen, their voice warm and welcoming even through the helmet's speaker, waved to us. "Hello, everyone! I've been waiting for you. I can't wait to show you inside!"

A chorus of excited chatter erupted from my classmates. "This is going to be awesome!" Kirishima grinned, pumping his fist in the air.

As we followed Thirteen into the dome, my eyes widened at the sight before us. It was like an amusement park, but instead of roller coasters and carnival games, there were disaster zones sprawling out in every direction.

"We have the Ruins Zone, the Landslide Zone, the Mountain Zone, the Conflagration Zone, the Flood Zone, the Downpour Zone, and more," Thirteen explained, gesturing to each area in turn. "It houses every disaster and accident you can imagine. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, but you can call it USJ!"

"Just like Universal Studios Japan," I heard someone mutter behind me, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the comparison.

As Thirteen continued their introduction, I noticed Aizawa walking over to them, his expression serious. "Hey, shouldn't All Might be here already?" he asked, his voice low. "Don't tell me he booked another interview or talk show."

Thirteen leaned in, whispering something I couldn't quite catch. But I did see them hold up three fingers, and my mind raced with the implications. "Could All Might have a time limit?" I muttered to myself.

Aizawa sighed, shaking his head. "So be it. Let's just get started."

Thirteen turned back to the class, their voice ringing out clear and strong. "Before we begin, I have one or two points... or three... or four... or five..."

"We get it!" We all chorused.

"As you may know, my quirk is called Black Hole," Thirteen continued. "It can suck and tear apart anything."

Uraraka nodded eagerly. "Yeah, you've used it to save people in many disasters!"

Thirteen inclined their head in acknowledgment. "Correct. However, my power could easily kill someone if I'm not careful. I have no doubt that some of you have similar abilities. In this superhuman society, quirks are extremely regulated, so we forget how deadly these powers can be. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness test, you know your quirk's potential. With All Might's combat training, you see how dangerous your quirk can be for others."

"But in this class," Thirteen went on, "you'll learn how to use your quirk to save lives. I hope by the end of today, you understand that being a hero is about helping people." They bowed deeply. "That is all! Thanks for listening!"

Everyone cheered, the excitement palpable in the air. But just as Aizawa opened his mouth to speak, the lights in the USJ flickered and went out.

Instantly, I felt my body tense, every nerve on high alert. A chill raced down my spine, and I stepped forward, my gaze drawn to the central fountain. There, a swirling purple portal was beginning to form.

"Sensei!" I called out, my voice tight with urgency.

Aizawa whirled around, his eyes narrowing as he took in the sight below. "Stay together and don't move!" he barked, his capture weapon already unraveling from his neck. "Thirteen, protect the students!"

But even as he spoke, figures began to emerge from the portal. Dozens of them, each one more menacing than the last. I took an instinctive step forward, my fists clenching at my sides, but Aizawa's sharp voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Midoriya! Get back!"

I reluctantly stepped back, but I couldn't tear my gaze away from the man at the center of the group. He had messy gray hair and white gloves covering his body, and there was something about his posture, his very presence, that set me on edge.

And then I saw the creature standing to his right. It was a black humanoid monster, its body rippling with muscle and covered in scars. Its brain was exposed on the top of its head, pulsing and glistening in the dim light. And its mouth... its mouth was a jagged beak filled with razor-sharp teeth, like something out of a nightmare.

Fear coiled in my gut, cold and heavy. This wasn't part of the simulation. These weren't robots or training dummies.

This was real. And as the villains began to advance, their eyes gleaming with malice and hunger, I knew that everything we had learned was about to be put to the ultimate test.

The battle for our lives had begun. And there was no turning back now.