
MHA: Izuku Legacy

In a world where hero’s and villains are fantasy, Ryu Kenji fights for survival. Born into the clutches of the Yakuza, he's spent his life as a pawn in their bloody games. But when a championship fight ends in betrayal and a bullet, Ryu awakens to a new reality – one where the memories of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy with dreams of heroism, intertwine with his own. Now, armed with the knowledge of a world he's never known and a power he's yet to understand, Izuku must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, balancing his own weaknesses with the potential for growth and change. This work is a retelling of the story my friend made MHA: Izuku Reloaded. I am taking over for him because of things going on in his personal life. I hope you enjoy my iteration! P.S: UA is a University. I don’t own the story My Hero Academia or the cover For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work.

XaviValentine · Komik
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39 Chs

Call to Greatness

"Where...?" The question died on my lips as I blinked against the harsh fluorescent lights. White walls, sterile sheets, the sharp scent of antiseptic - I was in a nurse's office.

I tried to sit up, only to hiss in pain. Bandages covered my arms and legs, stark white against my skin. Memories rushed back - the exam, the robots, the girl, the searing agony as the Tandava consumed me.

"Dear me, looks like your quirk has a nasty kickback."

The voice made me jump. I turned to see a tiny old lady with a cane, practically buried under a pile of gray hair. She shuffled over to my bedside, her eyes sharp and assessing.

"Recovery Girl? What happened? The exam -"

"Is over," she finished, her tone brisk but not unkind. "You gave us quite a scare, young man. That quirk of yours packs a punch, but it seems your body wasn't quite ready to handle it."

I looked down at my bandaged limbs, the events of the exam playing back in my mind's eye. The rush of power, the crumpling metal, the girl's scream...

"Is she okay?" I asked. "The girl I saved?"

Recovery Girl's face softened. "She's fine, thanks to you. A broken ankle and some scrapes, but nothing I couldn't fix." She eyed me critically. "You, on the other hand, nearly fried your own nerves. What were you thinking, pushing yourself that hard?"

I met her gaze, a small smile tugging at my lips despite the pain. "I was thinking... that someone needed help. That I had the power to make a difference. That's what heroes do, right?"

For a long moment, Recovery Girl just looked at me, her expression unreadable. Then, to my surprise, she chuckled.

"Well, aren't you a regular All Might in the making?" She shook her head, but there was a hint of approval in her voice. "Just remember, young man - a hero's no good to anyone if they destroy themselves in the process. You need to learn to control that quirk of yours, or it'll control you."

"I understand," I said. "I'll work on it. I'll get stronger, so I can use this power to help people. That's a promise."

Recovery Girl's lips quirked in a small smile. "I'll hold you to that."

As I shifted on the bed, a sudden thought struck me.

"My mom... did you call her? I don't want her to worry."

Recovery Girl shook her head. "We would have if you hadn't woken up soon. School policy, you know. Can't have parents thinking we're being negligent with their kids, even if those kids are reckless enough to put themselves in the infirmary on day one."

I winced, both at the subtle reprimand and the thought of my mother's reaction. She'd been supportive of my dream, but I knew the idea of me getting hurt terrified her.

"Thanks for not calling. I'll let her know what happened myself, so she doesn't panic."

"Suit yourself," Recovery Girl shrugged. She rummaged in her pocket and pulled out a handful of candies, dropping them on my bedside table. "Eat these. They'll help boost your stamina."

I popped one in my mouth, the sweet taste a welcome distraction from the lingering aches. "Thanks, Recovery Girl. For everything."

She waved a hand dismissively. "Just doing my job, kid. Now hold still."

Before I could ask what she meant, she leaned in and planted a quick kiss on my forehead. I felt a sudden rush of warmth, the pain in my limbs fading as her quirk did its work.

"There," she said, straightening up. "That should take care of the worst of it. But your stamina will take time to regenerate, so take it easy. Doctor's orders."

I flexed my fingers experimentally, marveling at the absence of pain. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now, off you go. I'm sure you've got places to be, people to impress with tales of your heroic exploits."

I swung my legs off the bed, testing my weight gingerly. To my relief, they held steady. I stood, turning to Recovery Girl with a grateful smile.

"I don't know about heroic exploits, but I definitely have a lot of work to do. Got to live up to that promise, right?"

She chuckled, shooing me towards the door. "Indeed you do, young man. Indeed you do. Now get out of here before I change my mind about calling your mom."

As I made my way to the door, I heard her mutter under her breath, "Toshinori, I might have found him."

I paused, turning back. "Huh? Did you say something, Recovery Girl?"

She waved a hand dismissively, her expression inscrutable. "Nothing, nothing. Now off you go, young man."

Despite my curiosity, I could tell she wasn't going to say more. I nodded, my smile returning. "Yes, ma'am. And thanks again."

One Week Later

I sat at the dinner table with my mom, enjoying the mouth-watering aroma of the chicken katsu rice bowls I had prepared. As my mother took a bite, her eyes widened, and a look of surprise and delight spread across her face.

"Izuku, this is so good!" she exclaimed.

"Well, it'll save me from dorm food poisoning," I joked, the words coming out a bit rushed. Better practice my culinary skills now rather than starving once I was at U.A., away from Mom's cooking.

She raised an eyebrow and smirked. "So sure you got in, huh?"


"When is the letter supposed to come?" Mom asked.

"Tonight or tomorrow, I think."

We finished our meal, and I decided to clean the kitchen. As I gathered the dishes and made my way to the sink, I pulled out my phone and put on one of my playlists - a collection of songs from my old life that was a century old in this new world.

As the first notes of "SHE" filled the kitchen, I hummed along, my body moving to the rhythm as I scrubbed the plates and bowls.

And then Mom's shriek cut through it all. "IZUKU! THE LETTER! IT'S HERE!"

My hands were dripping, but I didn't bother to dry them before snatching the envelope. The door of my room closed behind me with a click, barely muffling Mom's worried pacing outside.

The envelope lay on my bed like it might bite. I knew, logically, it was just paper. But in that paper was my future - a brighter one with me in that U.A. uniform, or a return to my old life of empty praise and pitying looks.

Finally, I muttered, "fuck it," and ripped open the envelope. Out slid...not a letter. A disc? It clunked against my bedspread as the envelope slipped from my fingers.

Then light exploded across my room. A figure took shape, massive even as a hologram, the grin unmistakeable.


"All Might?!" I choked out, scrambling back against the headboard of my bed. This was... not how I expected results.

That grin of his filled my entire field of vision. "Young man, I can only assume your surprise, for it is I who will begin my teaching career at U.A!"

Someone off-screen coughed, and I swear there's an exasperated whisper of "Get to the results..." All Might's grin faltered as he glanced off camera, then coughed. "Ahem. Right! Young man, you performed exceptionally on the written exam, with a score of 98%, that would easily secure you a place in General Studies!"

I knew I'd done well, but...a place secured? That meant...

But the hero wasn't done. "However! You did not stop there, but tackled the practical exam with vigor! 62 Villain Points is more than enough to earn a coveted spot in the Hero Course on its own, but if you'd just indulge me..."

Then he hit a button on a remote, and... was that a security cam feed? The girl I remember from the exam stepped into what looked like a teacher's lounge.

"Brown Hair?"

The feed paused, and All Might was back, larger than life and looming over my bed. "She dropped by shortly after the exam! Curious, isn't it? Well, watch!"

The video resumed and brown hair started speaking,"You know the green-haired guy? The one with freckles?" She put her hand up and continued, "He's tall and pretty muscular."

A question, and my stomach clenched even tighter. "Can you... take some of my points? If it weren't for him..." She swallowed hard. "I might not be here, so if he needs them..."

She bowed. "Please do it! That guy... he saved my life!"

Cut back to All Might, and now he wasn't just smiling, there was something like awe on his face. "We weren't grading you on just defeating robots!"

Now we were back with brown hair, and...was that Present Mic? The pro hero laid a hand gently on their shoulders. "I'm afraid we can't give him your points, but you shouldn't worry about him going unrewarded for this my little listener!"

The video cut out, and just when I thought my heart couldn't pound any harder, All Might's voice boomed into the silence like a thunderclap.

"A hero course that rejects those who do the right things is no hero course at all! Think we're playing to the crowd? Fine! But in this life, YOU RISK EVERYTHING, AND SHOW YOU MEAN WHAT YOU SAY! Rescue Points were how we judged you, another way to find...THE TRUE HEROES!"

All Might's fist shot into the projection, then, numbers flashed across the screen: My 62 villain points, and then...


My voice cut through the ringing in my ears, thin and shaky. "I...did that?"

Then All Might was grinning down at me again, but this grin was warmth, not just showmanship. "45 for Ochako Uraraka! A heroic spirit, combined with power... you scored the highest overall! Come now, young man! THIS IS YOUR HERO ACADEMIA!"

Mom was pounding on the door, and even through the haze of shock, I managed to get up and open it. The second she saw my face, she launched herself into my arms, sobbing with relief, yelling "YOU DID IT, BABY!"

It felt unreal. Like that moment when you wake up, positive you fell off a building, then realize you're still in bed. Except this was actually happening. I was in. #1. The doubts and pain of being told I was a nobody were all fading, replaced by warmth and a lightness I couldn't remember feeling since... well, ever.

Then, that damned phone shattered the perfect moment. Annoyance washed over me.

"Who is this?"

"Am I a bear? A dog? A mouse? You'll never know! I'm Principal Nezu of U.A.!" The voice was squeaky but oddly cheerful.

Wait...what? "P-principal Nezu...?"

There was a chuckle on the other end. "Indeed! And I wanted to personally congratulate you, young Midoriya! Your performance was exemplary, showing us not just skill, but a true hero's heart!"

For a second, I just blinked. Then, it all clicked. "I... just did what I had to."

"And that makes you EXACTLY the kind of student U.A. wants!" The chirpiness in his voice was catching. "I'd like to meet you before dorms open, give you the official welcome only our top scorer deserves. Think you can manage that?"

"Of course! When and where?"

"Hmm, let's see..." There was a rustling sound, then, "Final week of March, my office at U.A. My assistant will send the details! Now, I won't keep you - I'm sure you have celebrations to attend to, young Midoriya!"

The phone went dead. "Izuku? Who on earth was that?"

A grin spread across my face, too big to contain. "That, Mom, was the principal of U.A. Looks like I get my own personal welcome!"

Mom's eyes widened, and she clapped her hands together in delight. "Oh, Izuku, that's wonderful!"

As my mom rushed out of the room to call Aunt Mitsuki and share the incredible news, I took a moment to catch my breath and process everything that had just happened.

The reality of my acceptance into U.A., the joy and pride in Mom's voice, the unexpected call from Principal Nezu himself... it was almost too much to take in. But as the initial shock wore off, a new feeling took its place - anticipation.

I was going to U.A. I was going to be a hero. And I had a personal meeting with the principal to look forward to.

In the days that followed, I threw myself into preparation with the same intensity I'd brought to the exam. I poured over the email from Nezu's assistant, memorizing every detail of our upcoming appointment. I researched everything I could find about the enigmatic figure who led U.A., from his quirk (High Spec, a superintelligence that made him one of the smartest beings alive) to his history as a pro hero and educator.

Finally, the day arrived. The U.A. campus, empty of the hordes of hopefuls this time, finally hit home. Its scale was intimidating, every polished surface and sculpted hedge reminding me just what I'd signed up for.

By the time I found the right building, my stomach was churning. Pausing outside the ornately carved wooden door marked "Principal's Office"

Nezu's squeaky, cheerful voice cut through. "Come in!"

I pushed the door open and stepped inside. It was... oddly cozy? Like a library crossed with the kind of office where you'd find a retired wizard, not the high-tech nerve center I'd expected.

Nezu himself wasn't behind the massive desk, but bounding towards me with a wide grin. He truly was small - even standing up, but his eyes, sharp and black within his white fur, held an undeniable intelligence.

"Young Midoriya! So good to see you! Come, have a seat, and let's chat." He gestured at a pair of overstuffed armchairs, clearly made for humans, before scurrying up onto his own desk chair that looked more like an elaborately carved throne.

Flashback, two weeks ago

The U.A. faculty gathered in the observation room, their eyes fixed on the main monitor displaying the entrance exam results. Principal Nezu, seated at the head of the table, broke the silence.

"Well, these are our stars," Principal Nezu said, his squeaky voice somehow commanding the room's attention. "Interesting that our top two attended the same high school. A coincidence, or something more...?" He tapped a clawed paw on the file in front of him, eyes flicking between faculty members.

Midnight huffed a soft laugh. "First place â€" Izuku Midoriya? That's got to be a mistake. Quirkless until a year ago, then this level of power? Someone check those records again."

Present Mic nearly knocked over his chair leaning forward. "Wait! That's the beach kid! Is that why he can do THAT with less than a year of training?!"

Eraserhead scrubbed a hand over his face. "Please, Hizashi. Indoor voice." Then he focused on the screen, frown lines deepening. "They're both exceptional, that's clear. But watch closely... one's focused purely on the objective. The other goes out of his way to aid the other examinees, even at personal risk." He nodded slightly at the two figures, side-by-side on the monitors. "We might be looking at the next All Might and Endeavor, packed into a single class."

Nezu's smile widened into something almost predatory. "How delightful! Perhaps you're just the challenge they need. Shota, these two will be in your class."

"Problem children," he grumbled under his breath, but there was a sharp glint in his habitually tired eyes.

All Might, still as a statue until now, leaned forward. "With your permission, Principal, I'd like to meet with this Midoriya before the term begins." He met Nezu's gaze, silent communication passing between them.

The principal's grin only broadened. "Of course, All Might. I have a feeling the future of heroics rests in the hands of this next generation..."

Present time

"Now, young Midoriya, your performance was...well, remarkable really, for someone with a quirk so recently acquired!" His smile was warm, but there was a sharp glint in those beady black eyes. This was less a pep talk and more a job interview.

"Honestly, sir," I managed, trying to keep my hands from fidgeting, "I think it's more that the power was always there, but my body wasn't. Imagine having the power of a fire hose with the ability to safely use a sprinkler..."

That got me a thoughtful nod. "Interesting... that would explain the kick back you got from using it. Now, as you're aware, the top scorer has certain...privileges, let's call them. You'll be addressing the school at the opening of the Sports Festival, a chance to inspire and set the tone for the year."

"I see… "

"Oh- and the dorms open Saturday, so you have a full week to settle in before classes start. Any questions about that?"

"Are the rooms fully furnished, sir? I don't want to move in stuff only to take it back out..."

Nezu chuckled. "The basics are provided - bed, desk, and so on. But you're free to personalize the entire space. We want you to feel comfortable here."

I nodded, my mind already thinking about how to personalize my new living space. But before I could voice any of them, a sudden knock at the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in!" Nezu called out.

The door swung open, revealing the towering figure of All Might. His presence was undeniably impressive, but I found myself more curious than awestruck. After all, I'd seen my fair share of powerful individuals in my past life.

"Young Midoriya," All Might said, his voice a deep rumble. "I hope I'm not interrupting."

Nezu waved a paw. "Not at all, All Might. Please, join us."

As All Might settled into a chair, I met his gaze evenly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," I said, my voice calm and respectful.

All Might nodded. "The pleasure is mine, young Midoriya. Your performance in the entrance exam was quite remarkable."

I shrugged. "I did what needed to be done. When someone's in trouble, you help. Simple as that."

All Might leaned forward, his blue eyes intense. "Not everyone sees it that way. That instinct to act, to put others before yourself... it's the mark of a true hero."

He stood up patted my shoulder. "Never have I been prouder to see a hero in training enter U.A.! You truly are..."

He paused, like he couldn't find the right word. Then the warmth turned into something I didn't have a name for. He finished, quieter, "You have a great journey ahead, Young Midoriya."

There was a weight to his words, a significance that I couldn't quite grasp. It felt like he wanted to say more, but was holding himself back. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else going on here, something beyond just a teacher praising a promising student.

But before I could probe further, All Might seemed to snap back to his usual self. His tone grew more serious as he continued, "Anyways, welcome to U.A., young Midoriya. I look forward to seeing what you'll achieve."

We shook hands, his grip firm and strong.

"Thank you, sir," I said. "I won't let you down."

As All Might left, he paused at the door. "If you ever need guidance, my door is always open. Remember that."

Once he was gone, Nezu chuckled. "Well, you've certainly made an impression! Show us the hero you're meant to be, young Midoriya."

"I will, sir. You can count on that."

As I left the office, my mind was racing. All Might's words, his strange hesitation... it felt like a piece of a puzzle I didn't have all the parts to yet. But one thing was clear: he saw something in me, something that went beyond just another promising student.

And whatever it was, I was going to prove him right. I was ready to work harder than ever, to fully master my powers and become the hero I knew I could be.

U.A. was just the beginning. My journey, as All Might had said, was just getting started.

And I couldn't wait to see where it would take me.