
Freeze Tag

It was the second day of training camp, Eira was instructed to give them an activity that would help them improve on their teamwork, and not as individuals. 

"However, do not go too far."

Eira shook her head and got rid of the flashback of Aizawa telling her that. 

"Something fun…yet would help a lot." 

She had the perfect idea. 

It was eight in the morning and she had Ryuko drag everyone out of bed. All of them were sleepy and tired. They clearly look like they aren't ready for any sort of training. 

"It's time to wake up everyone." Eira said. "We're going to be playing a game of freeze tag."


"Did I hear that correctly?"

"A game of freeze tag?" 

Eira nodded her head, "You heard that right, we'll be playing a game of freeze tag. However, I will be the one chasing you all. But, there's a twist. The only person that can tag you out is Todoroki because of his quirk. If I get to him, you lose." 

"What if we win?" 

"A full course meal on me, plus, I'll give you all a chance to learn under me." Eira said with a grin. 

"That doesn't sound bad."

"Training under her? Won't we become even stronger?"

"Wait, what if we lose." Ida asked. 

"I'm glad you asked." Eira said, a human-sized refrigerator appeared beside her. "All of you will have to get in one of these which is below freezing temperatures for ten minutes." 

"How about we go back-"

"If you go back, you'll have to deal with Eraser Head's wrath. We both know that you don't want to deal with him. Now you have five minutes, the limit is around the area which isn't too bad, just don't go into the forest." 

All of the students stood still, staring at Eira.

"What are you all doing? Run, the timer started a minute ago." 

Immediately, all of the students ran away, and huddled around Todoroki. It was okay if one of them was frozen, however, it would all be over if Todoroki was tagged. 

"How about those with more defensive quirks in the back while the more offense quirks stay in the front and block Zero." Midoriya said. 

"That sounds like a good idea." Ida agreed. "Let's do that." 

"If she gets near me, I'm gonna kill her!" Bakugo exclaimed. 

Needless to say, the offensive line was more than prepared. Though their positioning needed some work, it seemed like it was going to work out just fine.

Time seemed to pass by too quickly for them when Eira announced that she was coming for them.

"Somehow, my heart is racing really fast." Midoriya said. 

"I feel the same way." Ida responded. 

In a blink of an eye, there were small shards of ice in the air as Eira appeared before them with a smile on her face. The shades she wore were surprisingly holding on despite how fast she was moving. 

"Boo! I'm here!" Eira exclaimed. 

Eira raised her fist high towards Ida in which he crossed his arms to block. 

"Ida! Not there!" Midoriya yelled. 

He tried to rush over to Ida, but it was too late. Eira was never aiming at that spot, all she needed was for him to leave his defense open. She swiped her hand and ice started to form around Ida's leg, causing him to be unable to move. 

"One down." Eira said, looking at Midorya. "You're about to be next."

Midoriya was staring at Eira with wide eyes.

'Too fast! She is too fast!' he thought. 

"Time to freeze." 

Midoriya quickly used the abilities of his quirk and jumped away just in time. He realized quickly that he didn't have time to think, he could only rely on his instincts when going against Zero. 

"Five percent." he mumbled. 

Instead of staying on the defensive side, Midoriya decided to take the initiative. With his power boosts from his quirks, his speed quickly doubled as he charged towards Eira. 

Before he got close, he jumped, and spreaded his power towards his fists before coming down at her. 

"Take this!" 

"Not bad, but you put too much strength into your foot to make your fists any useful. The impact of your fists won't be as powerful." Eira said. 

Just as she said, when Midoriya's fist connected with the wall of ice that Eira had created. It only caused a couple cracks and was barely breaking down.

"It's over." Eira said. 

However, as if on cue, Bakugo appeared out of nowhere along with Uraraka following behind him. 

"What the hell is taking you so long?! Kill her already!" Bakugo yelled, instantly charging at Eira. "You're going to die today!"

Eira raised an eyebrow as Bakugo propelled towards her. To the both of them, this was a familiar sight. 

"You're not going to get me with the same trick."

"Shut up! This isn't the same!"


Before Bakugo knew it, his world had flipped, and was immediately thrown towards the ground. His eyes couldn't even render what had happened, one second he was in the air, and the other second his entire body was hurting from the impact. 

Meanwhile, Uraraka had been slowly sneaking towards Eira, trying to reduce her presence as much as possible. However, when she saw Bakugo getting slammed onto the ground, she knew she had to hurry up.

Her eyes flicked up and noticed Midoriya making eye contact with her. Without needing any words, they both knew what to do. 


Instantly, the two charged at Eira. They were almost perfectly in sync with Midoriya causing feints allowing Urakaka to get closer to Eira. The two worked surprisingly well together. 

'Did they work together before…? I don't think so, their teamwork must be naturally formed.' Eira thought. 

As Midoriya kept distracting Eira, Uraraka was starting to creep closer, and closer. All she needed was to touch her once and it would all be over. 

An inch away. 

She lunged forward, desperately trying to reach Eira. 

"Sometimes, risking it all is not the answer. You should be more aware of your surroundings." Eira said. 

Uraraka couldn't even mumble a single word before being blasted into the air. 


Midoriya quickly jumped and caught Uraraka just in time before anything bad could happen to her. He gritted his teeth, even with Bakugo, and Urakaka, they weren't making any progress at all. 

But that's what he thought. 

Their teamwork was causing Eira a little trouble, but would she lose though? That question never entered her mind, not now, and it never will.

"It's time to up the level a little bit, let's see how you guys can handle this then."

Eira spreaded her arms as ice started to envelop the area. The ground below them became a layer of ice and the tree trunks that were once wood had become a pillar of ice.

With one misstep, they could slip instantly, and their attacks would become useless. 

"This is on a whole 'nother level…"