
Mha : god of Martial art

[I'm not good with synopsis so i'll just tell you the gist of it.] its a story about a normal guy that did boxing in his teenage years and he got reincarnated in the world of MHA. [it will be a lot like Baki in therm of martial arts and moves] [MHA and the cover are not mine]

Shenlong_2005 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Bakugo VS Midoriya

The next day was quite boring for the most part because our classes were normal english, math and science classes.

It was Lunch time so i got to the cafeteria were we can eat gourmet food for a reasonable price with Mina, Kirishima, Momo, a girl with headphone plug in the ears named Jiro and a blonde boy who can make electricity named Kaminari.

We all get along just fine so we decided to stick together.

Then, in the afternoon, we have Hero basic Training.

While we were waiting in the classroom we heard "I AM... Coming through the door like a normal person." And saw All Might coming through the door in a weird but funny way and students were talking "Whoa it's all might !!!" "He really is a teacher !" "That's a costume from the silver age, isn't it ?"

All might got on the podium in front of the class and said "I teach Hero basic training ! It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero, you'll take the most units of this subject !" Then took a pose and said "What we'll do today is.... Combat training !"

"You can't be a hero without a costume !" As all might said that boxes came out of the wall with our costumes inside it.

All Might told us to were our costumes and meet him at battle ground Beta.

My costume is a skin thighs costume with metal armor and a mask, it's made to be as resilient as possible without restrictinn my movement for maximum efficiency in fight.


When we exited the changing rooms we all got to battle ground Beta and we all heard All Might saying "They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be fully aware, from now on you are heroes !"

He looked at our costumes and smiled "That's great, everyone ! You all look cool ! Now, shall we begin you zygotes ?"

Then Ida asked "Sir, this is the battle center from the entrance exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again ?"

All Might responded "No, we're going to move two steps ahead ! Most of the time, fighting Villains take place outside, but if you look at the number, Villains appear indoor at a highter rate. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals,.....In this society filled with Heroes, truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows ! For this class, you'll be split into 2 groups, Villains and Heroes and fight 2 on 2 indoor battles."

Then the girl with the froglike Quirk i think her name is Tsuyu asked "Without basic training ?"

"All Might responded "This is a real battle to understand those basics ! However, the difference this time is that there's no robot you can just beat up."

Then everyone had question but All Might opened a script and read it out loud "Now listen, the situation is that the Villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout, the Heroes need to catch the Villains or get the nuclear weapon in a limited time.

The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or catch the heroes ! Teams and opponents will be determined by drowing lots !"

And the team where composed, i was paired with Kirishima as team J.

The first battle was team A VS team D (Midoriya and Uraraka VS Bakugo and Ida)

Since it was not our turn the other teams and i followed All Might into a dark room with 5 screen where we could saw the place the fight will be at.

I analyzed the movement of Midorya and Bakugo the most, and saw Team A enter the building and they began advancing further into it.

Then Bakugo appeared before them and attacked Midoriya but he dodged with Uraraka.

In the control room some students were unhappy with Bakugo's surprise attack.

"Bakugo, that's cheating ! A surprise attack isn't manly at all !" Kirishima complained.

But All Might explained that a surprise attack is also a strategy since they are in a real battle.

Buko charged Midoriya but he gripped his arm and turned sideways and launched Bakugo above his shoulders making Bakugo hit the ground on his back and they started fighting while Uraraka went upstair to try to get the nuclear weapon.

Suddenly Midoriya started running which made Bakugo even more angry but he went and searched for him.

Uraraka arrived at the room with the nuclear weapon that Ida was trying to protect.

The fight anded with the win of team A but the building was almost completely destroyed because of the Quirk of Bakugo and an attack of Midorya who's arms were completely broken and he passed out from it and he was transported to the infirmary.

The other match were without surprise apart from Team B VS Team I that was done in less than 3 minutes because of Todoroki ice ability he used to froze all the building and his opponent.

'i should pay attention to this guy in the future !'

It was now our turn and we were against Team H composed of a guy with a bird head and Tsuyu.

We were assigned as the Villains.

"Kirishima help me destroy the ceiling !" I asked Kirishima while starting to break the pillar around us.

"Huh ? Why ?" Kirishima asked.

"Because i think the bird head guy doesn't like light so if he get exposed to light he will either become weaker or it will disturb him enough for me to knock him out !" I explained then he started destroying the ceiling but i made sur we didn't destroy the part that would fall on us if destroyed first.

When Tsuyu and the bird guy came, the bird guy didn't enter the room because of the lack of shadow in it so i asked Kirishima to fight Tsuyu while i knocked the bird guy out.

When it was done i saw Kirishima being strangled by the huh ? Tongue ? Of Tsuyu ? And she was dodging his every move and when she had the chance she restrained him with the tape All Might gave us to capture the Villains or Heroes.

Since Kirishima is out of the game, It's my turn !

I started launching different attacks at Tsuyu but she dodged them with her agility or blocked some with her tongue.

After a few shot i new her patern and finally catched her.

"Team J won !!!" We heard All Might voice.

And with that the class ended and we all gathered before the exit of the battle ground were All Might praised us for our good job and we got back to continue our daily classes.

Before the end of classes Bakugo shouted and barged out of classes.

The class was confused as to why he would do that but i explained them "That's because he lost to Midoriya who is supposed to be a "Quirkless bastard" like he say so himself ! Leave him alone, it will get back to before tomorrow." And they sighed then Midoriya came to class and some were exited and talked to him and we all introduced ourselves before he asked what happened to Bakugo and then runned after him.

After class i got home with Mina and Kirishima who was sad he lost so easily but me and Mina reassured him and we parted way to our respective home.