

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). A path towards the beyond has come and gone. Thus replacing the path from beyond closes with another path opening to reveal the path of glory and honor. This path opens to a world of superpowered individuals following their paths of heroes, vigilantes, or villains. Danger is constant always filled with those in power doing as they please. Changes he once thought canon was reality now take a curve differently than the intended path. How will the blank soul named Ren Yuki handle this new world with no personal memories of his other life other than general knowledge handle this his new world being this world GAMER filled with people with superpowers? "Time to go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!"

Jovami6729 · Komik
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34 Chs

Chapter 33: Prelude to UA’s Sports Festival (2)

Chapter 33: Prelude to UA's Sports Festival (2)

~Third POV~

[UA High School, Lunch Rush, Japan]

Fourth Period Moden Literature was over as the sounds from the bell were heard by the school speakers. It was time for lunch as the boys grouped with Kirishima, Tokoyami, Sero, and Shinso.

Kirishima being the most motivated rose ready for lunch and spoke in an upbeat tone, "This has got me so freaking pumped!!"

Shinso muttered stoically, sighing a breath of relief at their encounter with villains, "Even after what we just went through…"

Sero smirked as he spoke confidently, thinking big for the future, "If we show our stuff here, that's one big step towards going pro!"

Ren, observing everyone, raised an eyebrow, yawning in a bored tone, seemingly tired, "Ah… everyone's so excited…"

Ida looked over to Ren at his nonchalant attitude being tense and said in a stoic tone, "And you aren't? This is our chance to add our names to the ranks of heroes. Of course, we're in high spirits!!"

Tsuyu, walking with Mina holding her bento box, muttered as they walked past Ida bluntly, "You got a funny way of showing it, Ida. Weird, ribbit."

Ren merely rubbed the back of his head as Ochaco spoke to both with a severe expression on her face, "Ren. Ida… At this sports festival… let's do our best!"

Ida looked stunned at her expression Ren asked with a sly grin on his face, responding in a determined tone, "Sure thing. We all gotta aim for the top."

Toga, walking with Itsuka and Kinko, commented with a raised eyebrow and spoke in a curious tone, "What the…? She's not looking very Uraraka, Uraraka."

Raising her fist in the air, she hyped herself up in a determined tone, "Everyone!! I'm gonna crush this!"

Sero and Kirishima followed her enthusiasm, with Kirishima muttering of the sudden personality change in a surprised tone, "Yeahhhhh, but talk about inconsistent characterization!"

With that, everyone began to exit the classroom, with Ren's group consisting of Ida, Ochaco, and Toga walking down the halls. He soon asked Ochaco in a curious tone, "So, Ochaco, why did you want to be a hero?"

Hearing that question, she blushed, looking away embarrassed as she responded in a sheepish tone, "… for the money…"

Ida and Toga looked a bit surprised hearing that response. Toga asked in a surprised tone gasping lightly, "You wanna be a hero for the money? Not what I expected, Ochaco-chan?"

Ochaco sheepishly rubbed the back of her head as she looked flustered explaining herself in an embarrassed tone, "Ahhh….! Sorry, I know it seems base… and embarrassing, considering Ida's noble motivations and all."


Cupping her face together, her face flushes with Ida comforting her goals with weird hand gestures in a stoic tone, "But why?! There's really nothing wrong with seeking a more comfortable lifestyle!"

Ren nods his head in understanding Ochaco's backstory as she explains the practical means of being a hero to support her family, causing him to smile lightly, responding in a supporting tone, "That sounds like an honorable goal to me. Doing it for a friend, family, or loved one's supporting them. That sounds like a reasonable reason for becoming a Hero. I hope you succeed in your goals."

Giving a genuine smile, Ochaco's face flushes at his smile, looking away. Toga and Ida nodded at his words but were soon interrupted when All Might appeared, startling them as he held onto his bento lunch box "Aha! Ohh!! Yuki, kid. Found you!! Wanna… eat lunch with me?"

Toga and Ochaco both couldn't help but exclaim in a stunned tone, "Like a schoolgirl!"

Ren, rubbing the back of his head, soon agreed, apologizing to his group and taking his leave in an embarrassed tone, "Sure. Sorry, guys, but I'll hang with All Might for a bit. But there's something I actually need to discuss with him."

Taking his leave before they could speak, both soon left. Ida, Ochaco, and Toga shrugged as they began to discuss with each other.

Toga soon asked in a curious tone as they finally arrived at the Lunch Rush cafeteria, "I wonder what he wants with Ren-san?"

Ida nodded his head as he exclaimed the possibility of entering into the line for lunch in a stoic tone, "I heard Ren was sent to the principal to help with the investigation. Or perhaps it's related to his Copy Quirk of All Might? Maybe provide some pointers?"

Ochaco slams her hand into the other palm of her wrist in realization in an excited tone, "And as Asui mentioned, perhaps they have similar strength. Maybe All Might took a liking to him and is teaching him how to use his Quirk! I wouldn't be surprised! S'gotta be it!"

As they began talking to each other, they were unaware of being eavesdropped on by Shoto Todoroki overhearing with a slight interest in the topic…


[UA High School, Break Room, Japan]

Entering the breakroom, All Might began to explain to Ren about the time limit in his form as he exclaimed with a raised eyebrow, "You have about 1 Hour and 30 minutes in your form. Is your limit decreasing?"

All Might nodded his head as he explained himself in a neutral tone, preparing some tea for them, "Yes. My time limit is getting shorter by the day. I can barely maintain my muscle form for an hour and a few minutes."

Ren looked a bit conflicted. All Might, noticing this, assures him of his worries in a confident tone, smiling, "Don't look so bad. We're so alike, you and me. I want to talk about the Sports Festival. So how was the process of [One for All]?"

At this, Ren began to spin his tale, meeting the other users of [One for All] and revising his version of events occurring, explaining himself becoming the final [OFA] user. This stuns All Might's development, having no choice but to believe in trusting his successor without question when he mentions the description of Nana, having not discussed this with him yet, leading to the only conclusion he did meet the vestiges.

His eyes shined, seeing how strong Ren was getting used to using [OFA] as he spoke in a proud tone, "I see… in any case, that's progress. Your Quirk, [All in One], and [GAMER'S PATH] seemed specifically capable of handling ANY Quirks, which made you the best host for [One for All]. However, the life span issue… I'll need to investigate the previous user's cases and inform Principal Nezu about this. Best to have you medically checked on the side caution."

Ren nodded, glad to see All Might believe him full-heartedly, making him lightly guilty of eliminating the vestiges, but he knew it needed to be done. But soon, All Might spoke in a serious tone, gaining his attention, "In all honesty, the time I've got left as the symbol of peace… is quickly running out. And among those with villainous intent… some started to realize that."

Leaning back he spoke in a proud tone getting Ren's attention as he tried to encourage his heroic spirit, "I granted you my power so that you could succeed me! This sports festival… it's an event that whole country I'll be watching! And that means just one thing for us!! You. The next All Might… the fledgling symbol… I need you to tell the world I am here!"

Hearing his words, Ren paused, seeing the pressure placed on his shoulders. Then he smiled, clenching his fist renewed, "If that's what you need, then I'll be sure your choice isn't wrong, All Might. I'll be sure to tell the world in the Sports Festival for All Right is here…"

Saying the last part out loud, he cringed lightly with All Might smirking at the hero name his student chosen himself in a humorous tone, "All Right? It's not a bad hero name if you choose to follow my example. 'Everything is going to be All Right?' Has a nice catchy name if you think about it."

Ren cupped his hands together, hiding his face, muttering out loud in an embarrassed tone, "Aw man… that name was so cringe…."

All Might merely chuckle at his successor before notifying him of the news, gaining his immediate attention in a neutral tone, "Hahaha… oh right. I almost forgot to say this, young Ren. Aizawa mentioned it's the responsibility of the Class Rep and Vice Rep to submit a copy of everyone's training itineraries and ensure the necessary forms are submitted before utilizing the training facilities. Can you and Momo handle that?"

Ren sighed, nodding his head and agreeing with All Might, giving him the paper forms in files, speaking in a tired tone, "Sigh… yeah, I'll be sure. Could've said this sooner, though, that sleepless jerk. But how do I do that?"

All Might soon explained to Ren that during the Sports Festival, the members of the support course, business course, general studies, and hero course are all thrown together. They're grouped by grade level, and we compete in a series of preliminary competitions the winners of those move on to the main event, like a round-robin tournament for each grade level.

All Might nods his head as he finishes explaining, saying in a neutral tone what his successor needs to do, "Exactly!!! It's your chance to gain mass appeal for yourself."

Ren nods his head, understanding with his arm crossed, speaking in a determined tone, fist clenched, "I can see that All Might-Sensei. But while we have the chance, what's the staff handle on Yuga Aoyama? The traitor in our class."

Returning to serious topics, All Might speak in a serious tone with his arms crossed, taking a sip of his tea, "With your info-based skill [Observe] learning his Quirk is actually one given to him from All for One Nezu, and I did some research on the matter. Especially when one would notice the villains were looking for a signal in the breach of the USJ."

Ren nodded his head as he gave his thoughts to Nezu and All Might at the time, learning about the discoveries of Tomura and Kurogiri. He made sure to throw Yuga under the bus from his [Observe] skill, giving All Might and Nezu time to investigate him.

All Might continued speaking in a serious tone about the matter of Yuga Aoyama with a grim expression on his face, "The Aoyama Family makes properly investigating him or gaining evidence difficult to claim. Despite your [Observe] skill to gain information without evidence, it's hard to prove your words, young Yuki. But it does seem like the Aoyama Family is indeed hiding something with how defensive they are on the subject and third parties interfering. You can leave this to us."

Ren nodded his head as he sighed out loud in a defeated tone, learning of the news of Tomura and Kurogiri escaping the news reaching his ears, "Yeah… but it's hard to believe that those two escaped the custody of the police, though. You think your nemesis had a hand in their escapes?"

All Might grimly nodded his head as he agreed with Ren's words, with his head hung low in a defeated tone, "… I believe that might be the case. The police are assuming it's a [Warping] Quirk of some kind. But no visible leads, I'm afraid."

Sighing out loud and taking a sandwich from his [Sub-Space] on his home cooking, Ren spoke in a calm tone, changing subjects, "Sigh… what a drag. I'll leave that issue to you, heroes, then. But moving on to a different topic, I heard Nezu got me a Quirk to copy immediately when I texted him having a free slot…?"

All Might smirked as he explained, pulling out a small single strand of white hair in a proud tone, "Yeah, he did. He said to get you this one as soon as possible for your slots."

Ren soon grabbed hold of the Quirk that Nezu requested. The Quirk that Nezu asked him to immediately copy it.


[The host found the Quirk [High Spec]. Would you like to copy it?]

[Skill: [High Spec] copied!]


<High Spec> (Active/Passive) Lv.-

Description: [High Specs] grants the user unparalleled intelligence, perception, and comprehension that far surpasses that of any human. Due to the user's unfathomable intelligence, the user is capable of instantly formulating incredibly intricate strategies. This same intellect also grants the user flawless leadership skills.

- [Toggle [On]/Off]


Ren's eyes widened at this grand opportunity given to him. He felt his mental comprehension expanded as he thought in a stunned tone, 'You got to love that fucking rat… Thank you, sugar daddy Nezu.'